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Online sample request will eliminate the rep job

They have the belief that a face to face interaction with a sales rep generates more business (it actually is if the rep is worth a shit). This scenario only plays out if you suck at your job. If the company transitions to fewer reps and more sampling via online requests, then the company is essentially saying reps are no better than electronic marketing. If you just bring lunch and sample drop you are the problem, and are proving the prediction true.

Retired DM here. I spent many years in the field and as a DM. I've seen many changes in this industry and our company. Not many of these changes were positive. At one time sales reps with our company were educated to have DISCUSSIONS with health care providers. We were educated not only on our products but competitive products and the disease state of the product. I would say to my reps..."when the doctor is talking you have all the time in the world." It was not unusual for reps to have half hour discussions with providers. This for the rep (and me) was very fulfilling! Also we did NOT provide lunches to doctors in fact we had zero budget. Then came the time when companies provided lunches to doctors, trips for doctors, "dash and dine" for doctors...all this hurt our professional reputation. The rep was looked on as caterer. Also the companies and reps were chastised for trips and meals for doctors. Medical schools and residency programs taught docs in training NOT to trust and see reps. Over time, more and more offices closed. AZ and other companies decided that MESSAGING was the answer ... 20 second commercial. Also companies had multiple reps calling on the doc with the same message. How many times can a doctor hear a message from multiple reps and then decide these reps are worthless and not adding any value. So here we are today....you all know the score online sampling and messaging. It will replace many reps. Overall over time the doctors do not perceive value in what reps bring except samples and maybe lunch. You think a rep brings value to the doctor and the company by flashing a screen message or surfing for signatures? Hardly.

They have the belief that a face to face interaction with a sales rep generates more business (it actually is if the rep is worth a shit). This scenario only plays out if you suck at your job. If the company transitions to fewer reps and more sampling via online requests, then the company is essentially saying reps are no better than electronic marketing. If you just bring lunch and sample drop you are the problem, and are proving the prediction true.

You are not very bright sparky!
As a matter of fact, u are part of the problem. I’m sure ur idea of a successful provider engagement is to show them ur iPad efficacy message and challenge them to prescribe.
Idiotic and precisely why we r toast.

Retired DM here. I spent many years in the field and as a DM. I've seen many changes in this industry and our company. Not many of these changes were positive. At one time sales reps with our company were educated to have DISCUSSIONS with health care providers. We were educated not only on our products but competitive products and the disease state of the product. I would say to my reps..."when the doctor is talking you have all the time in the world." It was not unusual for reps to have half hour discussions with providers. This for the rep (and me) was very fulfilling! Also we did NOT provide lunches to doctors in fact we had zero budget. Then came the time when companies provided lunches to doctors, trips for doctors, "dash and dine" for doctors...all this hurt our professional reputation. The rep was looked on as caterer. Also the companies and reps were chastised for trips and meals for doctors. Medical schools and residency programs taught docs in training NOT to trust and see reps. Over time, more and more offices closed. AZ and other companies decided that MESSAGING was the answer ... 20 second commercial. Also companies had multiple reps calling on the doc with the same message. How many times can a doctor hear a message from multiple reps and then decide these reps are worthless and not adding any value. So here we are today....you all know the score online sampling and messaging. It will replace many reps. Overall over time the doctors do not perceive value in what reps bring except samples and maybe lunch. You think a rep brings value to the doctor and the company by flashing a screen message or surfing for signatures? Hardly.
As a 30 year veteran in this industry with other companies I could not have said it better. The sad part is that our industry is a) run by clueless people and b) we have done it to ourselves. The times when we sold from a proof source binder and brought value are long gone. Multiple reps killed our value. Pfizer and Glaxo were the worst. Can’t blame doctors. If I were a doctor, even in private individual practice, I would NOT see drug reps today. Thank you for this great post. I wish I could have worked for you, we see eye to eye.

Retired DM here. I spent many years in the field and as a DM. I've seen many changes in this industry and our company. Not many of these changes were positive. At one time sales reps with our company were educated to have DISCUSSIONS with health care providers. We were educated not only on our products but competitive products and the disease state of the product. I would say to my reps..."when the doctor is talking you have all the time in the world." It was not unusual for reps to have half hour discussions with providers. This for the rep (and me) was very fulfilling! Also we did NOT provide lunches to doctors in fact we had zero budget. Then came the time when companies provided lunches to doctors, trips for doctors, "dash and dine" for doctors...all this hurt our professional reputation. The rep was looked on as caterer. Also the companies and reps were chastised for trips and meals for doctors. Medical schools and residency programs taught docs in training NOT to trust and see reps. Over time, more and more offices closed. AZ and other companies decided that MESSAGING was the answer ... 20 second commercial. Also companies had multiple reps calling on the doc with the same message. How many times can a doctor hear a message from multiple reps and then decide these reps are worthless and not adding any value. So here we are today....you all know the score online sampling and messaging. It will replace many reps. Overall over time the doctors do not perceive value in what reps bring except samples and maybe lunch. You think a rep brings value to the doctor and the company by flashing a screen message or surfing for signatures? Hardly.

Retired DM here. I spent many years in the field and as a DM. I've seen many changes in this industry and our company. Not many of these changes were positive. At one time sales reps with our company were educated to have DISCUSSIONS with health care providers. We were educated not only on our products but competitive products and the disease state of the product. I would say to my reps..."when the doctor is talking you have all the time in the world." It was not unusual for reps to have half hour discussions with providers. This for the rep (and me) was very fulfilling! Also we did NOT provide lunches to doctors in fact we had zero budget. Then came the time when companies provided lunches to doctors, trips for doctors, "dash and dine" for doctors...all this hurt our professional reputation. The rep was looked on as caterer. Also the companies and reps were chastised for trips and meals for doctors. Medical schools and residency programs taught docs in training NOT to trust and see reps. Over time, more and more offices closed. AZ and other companies decided that MESSAGING was the answer ... 20 second commercial. Also companies had multiple reps calling on the doc with the same message. How many times can a doctor hear a message from multiple reps and then decide these reps are worthless and not adding any value. So here we are today....you all know the score online sampling and messaging. It will replace many reps. Overall over time the doctors do not perceive value in what reps bring except samples and maybe lunch. You think a rep brings value to the doctor and the company by flashing a screen message or surfing for signatures? Hardly.

So many valid points by this retired DM. There are many factors why pharmaceutical sales reps are a thing of the past. Certainly managed care and formularies rule. Doctors use what is on formulary. They don't need the hassle of prior auths. One reason that I see for this is the lack of professionalism in our industry. Hell at one time Lilly ONLY hired pharmacists as their representatives. The industry had to train non-pharmacists on products and disease states so they can also be respected by docs. Today we, as reps are laughed at by health care providers. I love how some companies think a two week training course on a product allows the rep the "challenge" a doctor on their therapy. Are you shitting me? I've seen reps dress in costume for Halloween. I've seen reps talk to the front desk nurse for a half hour not allowing her to do her job. We cater food you think that brings us respect in the eyes of a doc? Hardly. If this industry can return to it's former greatness (which I seriously doubt) companies need to drastically change how reps act. First professionalism above all else....second great product knowledge and disease state knowledge....third NO MORE lunches, coffee or meals of any type...no more than one rep calling on a doctor for a product., There are many many more things companies need to do you know what they are. If the drug industry does not return to professional reps this job is doomed.

So many valid points by this retired DM. There are many factors why pharmaceutical sales reps are a thing of the past. Certainly managed care and formularies rule. Doctors use what is on formulary. They don't need the hassle of prior auths. One reason that I see for this is the lack of professionalism in our industry. Hell at one time Lilly ONLY hired pharmacists as their representatives. The industry had to train non-pharmacists on products and disease states so they can also be respected by docs. Today we, as reps are laughed at by health care providers. I love how some companies think a two week training course on a product allows the rep the "challenge" a doctor on their therapy. Are you shitting me? I've seen reps dress in costume for Halloween. I've seen reps talk to the front desk nurse for a half hour not allowing her to do her job. We cater food you think that brings us respect in the eyes of a doc? Hardly. If this industry can return to it's former greatness (which I seriously doubt) companies need to drastically change how reps act. First professionalism above all else....second great product knowledge and disease state knowledge....third NO MORE lunches, coffee or meals of any type...no more than one rep calling on a doctor for a product., There are many many more things companies need to do you know what they are. If the drug industry does not return to professional reps this job is doomed.
All of your points are correct. But the industry will never go back to its old days. Add to that the group practice model limiting reps access. Trouble is most pharma companies are run by people that are clueless about what we face every day. I am so glad I am out of this and retired.

I agree the poster's comments are very valid. I believe he posted his views how the industry could increase it's reputation and professionalism as wishful thinking. You are right. The industry will never return to its former glory days because of terrible inbred senior leadership who focus only on quarterly profits and the stock market value instead of long term goals. Sadly it is the pharmaceutical sales rep who will go away as the buggy whip salesman did years ago. It's sad but the way it is.

I agree the poster's comments are very valid. I believe he posted his views how the industry could increase it's reputation and professionalism as wishful thinking. You are right. The industry will never return to its former glory days because of terrible inbred senior leadership who focus only on quarterly profits and the stock market value instead of long term goals. Sadly it is the pharmaceutical sales rep who will go away as the buggy whip salesman did years ago. It's sad but the way it is.


Retired DM here. I spent many years in the field and as a DM. I've seen many changes in this industry and our company. Not many of these changes were positive. At one time sales reps with our company were educated to have DISCUSSIONS with health care providers. We were educated not only on our products but competitive products and the disease state of the product. I would say to my reps..."when the doctor is talking you have all the time in the world." It was not unusual for reps to have half hour discussions with providers. This for the rep (and me) was very fulfilling! Also we did NOT provide lunches to doctors in fact we had zero budget. Then came the time when companies provided lunches to doctors, trips for doctors, "dash and dine" for doctors...all this hurt our professional reputation. The rep was looked on as caterer. Also the companies and reps were chastised for trips and meals for doctors. Medical schools and residency programs taught docs in training NOT to trust and see reps. Over time, more and more offices closed. AZ and other companies decided that MESSAGING was the answer ... 20 second commercial. Also companies had multiple reps calling on the doc with the same message. How many times can a doctor hear a message from multiple reps and then decide these reps are worthless and not adding any value. So here we are today....you all know the score online sampling and messaging. It will replace many reps. Overall over time the doctors do not perceive value in what reps bring except samples and maybe lunch. You think a rep brings value to the doctor and the company by flashing a screen message or surfing for signatures? Hardly.
Fair point but a live rep in the field with samples/lunches etc is going to kill a telerep. One thing i have learned during this fiasco is that trying to communicate over the phone is extremely difficult. Our only "value" is wedging ourselves between the sample closet and scale and blurting out a message. If we can't get in the offices for that quick blurb then I agree it is over.

Fair point but a live rep in the field with samples/lunches etc is going to kill a telerep. One thing i have learned during this fiasco is that trying to communicate over the phone is extremely difficult. Our only "value" is wedging ourselves between the sample closet and scale and blurting out a message. If we can't get in the offices for that quick blurb then I agree it is over.
The quick blurb for me is becoming more and more difficult. Seems like each month there’s another office saying no lunches, no samples

That is happening in all territories across America. Fact is: The last thing an office wants to see is a drug rep...especially those that go from one office to the next like all of us do and have the potential to spread the virus each and every hour.

That is happening in all territories across America. Fact is: The last thing an office wants to see is a drug rep...especially those that go from one office to the next like all of us do and have the potential to spread the virus each and every hour.

Or the office claims your nicely thought out and presented gluten free (2), vegan (1), no dairy (1) for 40 (actually 25) etc lunch gave them food poisoning...anyone?

So here is what will happen. Pharma will try to restructure under a revised Tele framework. They will push it until several of the companies come on board with the idea. You are starting to see it now with these stupid "virtual" lunches. This will take some time, probably at least 2 years, maybe a little longer. After it becomes painfully clear that the model won't work, one of the big guys (Pfizer or Merck) will break ranks and start hiring reps back. Remember several years ago when Roy Vagelos, President at Merck, wanted to do away with all field sales reps and move to "non-personal promotion"? He ended up getting fired by the board for pushing the idea too far. This will be different. There will be massive layoffs of field reps to move to the tele-rep concept (which is nothing more than a modified form of non-personal promotion). It will ultimately fail but a lot of people will get hurt in the mean time.

So here is what will happen. Pharma will try to restructure under a revised Tele framework. They will push it until several of the companies come on board with the idea. You are starting to see it now with these stupid "virtual" lunches. This will take some time, probably at least 2 years, maybe a little longer. After it becomes painfully clear that the model won't work, one of the big guys (Pfizer or Merck) will break ranks and start hiring reps back. Remember several years ago when Roy Vagelos, President at Merck, wanted to do away with all field sales reps and move to "non-personal promotion"? He ended up getting fired by the board for pushing the idea too far. This will be different. There will be massive layoffs of field reps to move to the tele-rep concept (which is nothing more than a modified form of non-personal promotion). It will ultimately fail but a lot of people will get hurt in the mean time.
The difference today vs back then (and I remember Merck pushing their virtual agenda) the market is flooded with viable generics across the fruited PCP platform. The branded items do NOT need the plethora of reps promoting their meds in the ever shrinking, available HCP arena. There was a time when you had one rep in a territory marketing the complete portfolio to physicians. We could go back to that.

That is happening in all territories across America. Fact is: The last thing an office wants to see is a drug rep...especially those that go from one office to the next like all of us do and have the potential to spread the virus each and every hour.

Well they’re already seeing reps in our territory so......