One Year Later....


....So, it's been one year since the fall of Durata. Where did everyone go? I know that of the 55 or so reps that were retained by Actavis/Allergan/Pfizer only 5-10 still remain. That says a lot. Hope everyone is doing well and happy new year.

Who cares what happened to the rest? They're all either Paul, Cory or John's cronies. They'll do well since they take care of them. The only two still riding high are A Thorrens and J Gorman. They are the only golden assets for Forest/Actavis along with dalbavancin. They tried to keep the rest but they couldn't hack it and went chasing for another Durata. Good luck to all.

Nice blast from the past checking this out! Paul, Cory, John! Ha. Seriously the worst management team in the industry. No wonder Durata went nowhere. Okay they made their money tenfold but destroyed others. Luckily I left early.

Good for Thorrens and Gorman. Allergan saw they were the only talented ones in this whole company. They should go far. The others are amateurs. Remember that battle ax michelle? Crazee broad!

Nice blast from the past checking this out! Paul, Cory, John! Ha. Seriously the worst management team in the industry. No wonder Durata went nowhere. Okay they made their money tenfold but destroyed others. Luckily I left early.

Good for Thorrens and Gorman. Allergan saw they were the only talented ones in this whole company. They should go far. The others are amateurs. Remember that battle ax michelle? Crazee broad!

Yep good for them they can hack that corporate culture. I came to startup to avoid all that nonsense. I had a lot of hopes for this company and the drug. I've moved on like the rest of us. Fun times to reminisce about and she was batsh*t crazy!

Two years ago today I joined this company with lots of promise as a rep. Most of thos promises never lived up to the hype. My regional had just been fired, they brought on a good guy but with no hospital experience. I never received options since they never took those to the board. We were acquired not too long after. I struggled for six months and maybe sold two dozen vials. It was a rough time making it a go and I'm glad to have left since I'm in a better spot today than two years ago. And maybe I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for the failed promises of this company.

Outside of the sales and senior leadership there were some really talented people here. I met Joe Gorman at the launch and can see why they've kept him. Very solid and knowledgeable. Michele Priefer was smart as a whip, she may act crazy but what a dynamo. Andrew Thorrens was the brains behind dalbavancin. He gave the best presentation I've ever seen by anyone at the launch meeting. The guy is brilliant at reimbursement. I have customers today who know about him and ask how he's doing. Crazy. So yeah they deserve all the best.

I never looked at this board while I worked here so it's funny and bittersweet to check it out today. Happy anniversary to me. Best wishes to everyone else.

Make it two years later! Can't believe it was 2 years ago this co launched dalba. The best move it made was selling it. Dalba is a great drug that deserved the attention and resources of a large pharma like allergan and the drug is in the right place. I didn't know or really care for most of the people at Durata. I interviewed with Andrew and Michelle and he knocked my socks off. Michelle was very professional and funny but I've never seen someone so passionate about reimbursement and health policy as this guy. He's still at it and has great people like my high energy gal Lisa W. Also Jay man is going strong. Great group.

Im lucky to be doing well and one of the few at allergan today. Everybody in sales who left acted so privileged like they deserved better than they got. Hope they're all happy.

Two years! Where's everyone else now?

Make it two years later! Can't believe it was 2 years ago this co launched dalba. The best move it made was selling it. Dalba is a great drug that deserved the attention and resources of a large pharma like allergan and the drug is in the right place. I didn't know or really care for most of the people at Durata. I interviewed with Andrew and Michelle and he knocked my socks off. Michelle was very professional and funny but I've never seen someone so passionate about reimbursement and health policy as this guy. He's still at it and has great people like my high energy gal Lisa W. Also Jay man is going strong. Great group.

Im lucky to be doing well and one of the few at allergan today. Everybody in sales who left acted so privileged like they deserved better than they got. Hope they're all happy.

Two years! Where's everyone else now?
Dalba is dead, and you are a joke!