One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company stock!

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

She's now a CEO, leaving pfizer, has to divest to avoid conflict of interest- that simple

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

Pretty good rant, but you made a glaring mistake. LONG term capital gains (for investments held longer than 1 yr) are taxed at 15%. Short term CG's are taxed at ordinary income rates.

Her tax burden will be determined by how long she held the option after it was issued:

If you make what's called a "disqualifying disposition" by selling less than two years after the grant date or less than one year after the exercise date, some or all of your gain will now be taxed as ordinary income rather than at the lower capital-gains rate. The tax rate on the spread from the exercise price to the price at which you sell the stock will depend on your holding period (which begins on the day after the exercise date).

So before you make fun of other posters, learn the material.

You just don't get it. Do you really think that AS would not have held onto those options long enough to not pay ordinary income tax. Think about it. You have no idea when she was granted those options. She is exercising them before capital gains tax goes possibly up to 25%. On 100,000 shares that would be a sizable chunk of change. Bottom line, if a poster wants to talk about the current capital gains tax, then you would think they should know the percent. Most people, and certainly executives do not exercise shares before one year or before they would see a greater tax burden over 15%. Thats why they are in those positions after all. Pretending that AS is too stupid to exercise before her best tax option doesn't say much about your strategic thinking. I know the material.

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

The truly sad part of this thread is the people ranting that forcing the rich to pay their fair share is such a terrible and un-American thing to do are the people who will see a 50% cut in salary and benefits over the next 1 to 2 years. The rich could do that and make even more money so they did!!!!!!!

Surely this message board is a classic example of natural selection.......

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

You just don't get it. Do you really think that AS would not have held onto those options long enough to not pay ordinary income tax. Think about it. You have no idea when she was granted those options. She is exercising them before capital gains tax goes possibly up to 25%. On 100,000 shares that would be a sizable chunk of change. Bottom line, if a poster wants to talk about the current capital gains tax, then you would think they should know the percent. Most people, and certainly executives do not exercise shares before one year or before they would see a greater tax burden over 15%. Thats why they are in those positions after all. Pretending that AS is too stupid to exercise before her best tax option doesn't say much about your strategic thinking. I know the material.

Since you can't remember where your ignorance presented it's ugly self, I'll cut and paste your post:

Just goes to show how little people know about capital gains tax. Its 15% dumb___. Your libtard democrat friends want to increase it to between 20-25%. Its exactly why AS exercised her shares in 2012. She may be a liberal democrat, but she's like the rest of us in not wanting to pay more in taxes than needed. The only problem with this is you would think a total liberal like AS surely would want to pay the same kind of tax rate her lowlife party wants to tax the rest of hardworking americans. Always a double standard with the liberals. Good for everyone else, not good for them.

You clearly state the capital gains tax is 15%. I proved you wrong. The capital gains tax is not automatically 15%. If security held less than 1 year or in the case of option must be held 2 years or capital gains tax is at current tax rate.

Before you rip others, KNOW THE MATERIAL

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

The truly sad part of this thread is the people ranting that forcing the rich to pay their fair share is such a terrible and un-American thing to do are the people who will see a 50% cut in salary and benefits over the next 1 to 2 years. The rich could do that and make even more money so they did!!!!!!!

Surely this message board is a classic example of natural selection.......

Lets not try to push an agenda that only the rich buy stocks and other investments that would expose them to a capital gains tax. It will affect everyone, even those in the 98%. Its why should should never trust a liberal....they are not capable of telling the truth.

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

Since you can't remember where your ignorance presented it's ugly self, I'll cut and paste your post:

Just goes to show how little people know about capital gains tax. Its 15% dumb___. Your libtard democrat friends want to increase it to between 20-25%. Its exactly why AS exercised her shares in 2012. She may be a liberal democrat, but she's like the rest of us in not wanting to pay more in taxes than needed. The only problem with this is you would think a total liberal like AS surely would want to pay the same kind of tax rate her lowlife party wants to tax the rest of hardworking americans. Always a double standard with the liberals. Good for everyone else, not good for them.

You clearly state the capital gains tax is 15%. I proved you wrong. The capital gains tax is not automatically 15%. If security held less than 1 year or in the case of option must be held 2 years or capital gains tax is at current tax rate.

Before you rip others, KNOW THE MATERIAL

Maybe you need to learn how to read. There was nothing in the post that stated the capital gains tax was automatically 15%. You liberals just can't stand it when someone has commen sense. Right back at you dick.

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

Maybe you need to learn how to read. There was nothing in the post that stated the capital gains tax was automatically 15%. You liberals just can't stand it when someone has commen sense. Right back at you dick.

Just goes to show how little people know about capital gains tax. Its 15% dumb___.

Can't you read your own post? Your next sentence goes on to call someone a libtard. You clearly state the CT rate is 15%. What more do I need to say.

I am not a dem, liberal or progressive! I'm a conservative through and through. Just embarased that dumb fucking want to be bullies like you align with my party.

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

Just goes to show how little people know about capital gains tax. Its 15% dumb___.

Can't you read your own post? Your next sentence goes on to call someone a libtard. You clearly state the CT rate is 15%. What more do I need to say.

I am not a dem, liberal or progressive! I'm a conservative through and through. Just embarased that dumb fucking want to be bullies like you align with my party.

I'm dying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's "embarrassed"....which you should be.
I'm different responder...some of you imbeciles slay me with your attempts to use edycated wurds.

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

Just goes to show how little people know about capital gains tax. Its 15% dumb___.

Can't you read your own post? Your next sentence goes on to call someone a libtard. You clearly state the CT rate is 15%. What more do I need to say.

I am not a dem, liberal or progressive! I'm a conservative through and through. Just embarased that dumb fucking want to be bullies like you align with my party.

your spelling is embarrassing to us all

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

Just goes to show how little people know about capital gains tax. Its 15% dumb___.

Can't you read your own post? Your next sentence goes on to call someone a libtard. You clearly state the CT rate is 15%. What more do I need to say.

I am not a dem, liberal or progressive! I'm a conservative through and through. Just embarased that dumb fucking want to be bullies like you align with my party.

Funny, but when your the bully its ok. Get off the liberal rant. Nobody wants to listen.

Re: One of our Executive Vice Presidents just sole $2.6 Million shares of company sto

Can we do another post about the typo? Just want to say thanks for pointing that out. Had my financial advisor sell my shares today. Market had an up day and Pfizer was down...thanks for the advice. Minus the typo.