Oncology: So, what's the deal.........

too bad they didn't take the money they are spending on these new reps and use it to incentivize the ones that are still here.
Nah, that would actually make sense. I like your idea, plus let's let go of the three RSDs and replace them with only two from another oncology company with an actual track record of positive achievement.

Oh joy. Mirrored reps. That always works out perfectly. What once office with limited access already wouldn't want to see 2 Eisai reps instead of just one.
The clowns running Eisai oncology don't have one original thought between them..

Why is everyone surprised?? You have a "leader" who cannot spell oncology and knows only primary care. So, quite natually, you are going turn into a primary care salesforce. Very soon you will be having to do unnecessary and time consuming reports on your own time. Your bonus payout will be changed to "forced ranking" which his favorite way of manipulating the numbers to reward his favorites and punish others. The mirrored territories is just the beginning. Oh and DO NOT believe a word he says.

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