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Oncology salary

The OP is the ideal employee for Azi and here are some reasons why -- feel free to add others of your own:

1) lacks basic communication effectiveness skills,
2) wastes valuable time and resources 'socializing' every fucking decision to everyone and their mother,
3) has NO balls to directly ask the right questions to the right people, getting to the root of an issue and allowing one to formulate an intelligent strategic decision,
4) as a result of 1 to 3 above, will make a perfect 'yes-man' this company embraces.

5) and this stupid $#it thinks he is worth the max salary? IDIOT!

#6, has some anger issues. The person is not only stupid enough to ask Max salary on Cafepharma, but also fight with comments.

lol! again, a perfect employee for Azi.

7) EGO so enormous that they are incapable of seeing/hearing and analyzing the rational, well-substantiated suggestions/ideas of their subordinates or peers. You see, only HE knows what is right. And, even if he's wrong, he will NEVER admit it. NEVER. On the other hand, he will throw anyone under the bus that gets in the way or tries to divulge his error, hell bent on only one goal: to continue to protect and serve his own HUGE (and empty) ego.

Sign this guy up already Azi!

lol! again, a perfect employee for Azi.

7) EGO so enormous that they are incapable of seeing/hearing and analyzing the rational, well-substantiated suggestions/ideas of their subordinates or peers. You see, only HE knows what is right. And, even if he's wrong, he will NEVER admit it. NEVER. On the other hand, he will throw anyone under the bus that gets in the way or tries to divulge his error, hell bent on only one goal: to continue to protect and serve his own HUGE (and empty) ego.

Sign this guy up already Azi!

<YAWN> The angry one plays psychiatrist. He clearly needs to take an Ativan. The angry one is always the negative downer at any meeting or party. The one with the small penis and the big mouth.

Now go away. I repeat, I asked questions, decent people answered them favorably. If you don't like the questions, then why on earth would you even answer???

Such a fool who displays himself as the horses-ass malcontent; a hothead on a tirade. aka Total Dickhead lol. <Watch him post more tirades, then frantically answer his own tirades 1 minute later>. Dude take a pill and buy a Penis Pump, it'll be alright.

<YAWN> The angry one plays psychiatrist. He clearly needs to take an Ativan. The angry one is always the negative downer at any meeting or party. The one with the small penis and the big mouth.

Now go away. I repeat, I asked questions, decent people answered them favorably. If you don't like the questions, then why on earth would you even answer???

Such a fool who displays himself as the horses-ass malcontent; a hothead on a tirade. aka Total Dickhead lol. <Watch him post more tirades, then frantically answer his own tirades 1 minute later>. Dude take a pill and buy a Penis Pump, it'll be alright.

You brought the beat down on yourself dude by posting such a dumbass question on CP. Anger is all you're gonna get from fed up employees at this company. You asked for it, they delivered :)

"tenured oncology rep"... If you actually were 'tenured' you would not be considering Eisai nor would you ask such rookie questions on CP...

That's so true. Novartis has over $9 Billion sales from oncology. Other good oncology companies are out there....Why consider Eisai? Incompetent meet incompetent, the match made in heaven.

That's so true. Novartis has over $9 Billion sales from oncology. Other good oncology companies are out there....Why consider Eisai? Incompetent meet incompetent, the match made in heaven.

Think this is a troll just pulling your chain by pretending to be a motivated cool-aide drinking rep. Recruiters can give you all the information you need, there are websites that get you salary ranges, etc. It's someone wanting the get the Onc reps let loose and give it to Eisai by pretending to find something desirable at Eisai.

Think this is a troll just pulling your chain by pretending to be a motivated cool-aide drinking rep. Recruiters can give you all the information you need, there are websites that get you salary ranges, etc. It's someone wanting the get the Onc reps let loose and give it to Eisai by pretending to find something desirable at Eisai.

Roger that!

Kool-aid....... it's spelled with a K. What happened to your childhood? I had kool-aid stands before they were illegal. I bet I made more there than with Eisai bonuses. :)

Ooops! my bad. What happened to my childhood? Not much, but mom did not let me drink Kool-Aid because of artificial colors. It is a good idea to stay away from the corporate Kool-Aid too.

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