Oncology National Call Thoughts?


So where do we start. The fact that no rep asked a question is telling. Kiss ass PA had to fill in. Clearly 100% to goal is not good enough for this company. The changes in IC are meaningless because the goals can't be met q4 will be worst % to goal achievement yet. They expect us to make up the shortfall. Hey we're in a hole please make it deeper.


Cry me a river
Every company I have been with has asked me to sell more. So a good plan is to pay you more money for mediocre results?!?! It's called sales bitch!
Leave loser.
I'm gonna crush it and make them pay me big time!

Cry me a river
Every company I have been with has asked me to sell more. So a good plan is to pay you more money for mediocre results?!?! It's called sales bitch!
Leave loser.
I'm gonna crush it and make them pay me big time!

Whomever wrote this has no idea what they are talking about. When you attain 100% of an already overly-aggressive goal - you need to be compensated, and compensated well. You can easily sell over a million dollars worth of Xofigo in a quarter and get paid $5k in bonus. Not right, not fair, not acceptable.

The fact that no one spoke up on the call is indeed telling. The worst thing for an organization is when your people become silent. That is a sign of apathy - not a good thing.

Xofigo will never sell itself, like Nexavar does. Bayer needs an energized and educated sales force to come even remotely close to hitting their goals. They are in serious danger of screwing this up.

I personally have a ridiculously aggressive goal - like everyone else. I'm going to go after it hard right now but the minute that I feel my goals becomes unattainable my motivation level decreases significantly.

Good luck to you all.

I am so disgusted with Bayer and the management here. I am not asking to make a ton of money but if I go out and work hard everyday, I should be able to hit my targets and my bonus. Not even close.

Just start interviewing! I've had 3 interviews this week and I'm amazed at what other companies are offering. Most start with my experience of 5 weeks vacation, STOCK OPTIONS, 750 car allowances, week between Christmas and New Years off, studies done in the US that support their pipeline, and the most important they want to treat me like an adult. I don't have to stay in my lane or use a 4 Champion model to sell.

Unattainable goals and lack of ability to make bonus along with the mindless micromanagement is why I'm done with this company. Jobs are easy to find with experience.

More coming soon including managers. Hard to find someone inside home office our outside that is happy. Totally unrealistic ungrateful company. Too bad. There were great people here. No Culture.....,,,someone explain to Jeff what culture means.

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