Oncology Franchise??? Really???


Haven't you read, Ibrutinib is far superior across all tumor types in NHL!

Half your salesforce has no oncology experience.... that's real smart! Don't know where to go and don't know what to say even if you did- hilarious!!

I can see the training modules now.... The definition of a tumor is.... a hematologist specializes in ....

Just my 2 cents, I interviewed this week in Chicago and if you are looking for sharp biotech management and reps, this is not the place. Half of these people have no idea about oncology and are a bunch of primary care tools with puffed up chests. You will be in a sales team with several folks brought over from Gilead and possibly a mgr that has never sold in Oncology. I buried these guys and they have no clue. I was actually embarrassed for them. This launch will be embarrassing and reminded me of big pharma all over again. The CLL drug needs to be taken with an IV, so patients will have to take an oral 2x a day and and IV vs. the competition oral once a day with better data. If you need a job, take it, if you are anywhere happy where you are at and are looking for the next great biotech, hold on for a little bit. Good luck out there, this place is doomed.

I worked for years in oncology and I have to say all of you people with oncology experience are freaking elitist aholes. I saw it 7 years ago when I first got in and I've seen it ever since, even here. You think too much of yourselves. The one thing that Gilead will do RIGHT is hold their reps accountable. NO rep, I mean NO rep works less than an onc rep. Lazy POS that sit around and judge others. You're the joke of the industry yet you think you're the elite. LMAO

Well.....No way in hell I am going to this clown show with a bunch of neophyte managers that basically talked the whole time about how great this 2nd rate drug is.

Neat compound but second rate. Gilead bought it on the cheap cheap. Zero chatter among my docs for this "awesome new drug".

Well.....No way in hell I am going to this clown show with a bunch of neophyte managers that basically talked the whole time about how great this 2nd rate drug is.

Neat compound but second rate. Gilead bought it on the cheap cheap. Zero chatter among my docs for this "awesome new drug".

Very true…my docs are excited about ibrutinib and Gazyva….haven't heard a lot of excitement about idelalisib. Look like it will be a lot of Seattle Genetics reps and managers because of their subpar and unhappy culture. Better price it real cheap if you want usage.

I interviewed too, no MSL team in place...sales team will be built out before MSLs, no trials at the academic centers in territory I'm looking at in a geography with very little community potential...think the commercial oncology folks they've recruited from outside are competent but going into a first time oncology launch without a medical affairs team with working relationships with academic/thought leaders? Who's idea was that?

Thats hilarious. Guess you haven't got a clue of how well-off half of the Gilead sales force is.

How has your <insert lame company here>stock done the last 5 years you moron.

hey, you cocky Gilead rep. Your company has done well on the backs of Ip that you just lost in a patent battle. What ya gunna say now golden boy?

Well.....No way in hell I am going to this clown show with a bunch of neophyte managers that basically talked the whole time about how great this 2nd rate drug is.

Neat compound but second rate. Gilead bought it on the cheap cheap. Zero chatter among my docs for this "awesome new drug".

Let me see, so your saying Gilaed is not a good company, and CLL & iNHL is curable and these guys have no idea what they are doing.....Right. You're the idiot.