Oncology Division, How is it divided, # of reps


There is a Oncology position open in my area and I was hoping to get some info from current reps. How is the Oncology sales team set up? It is my understanding there are two sales forces, Hematology and Oncology, is this correct? What products does each team sell? How many sales reps are on a local team? Thanks for your help.


Novartis Oncology order of battle:

They have settled on a mega-pod approach with about 600 people nationwide.

3 Hematology reps sell gleevec, tasigna and exjade

2 oncology reps sell femara, and zometa

2 other oncology reps sell affinitor and sandostatin

In addition there are some MSLs and business relations types (CAM) that call on customers.

Your customers could easily have 10 Novartis people calling on them.

1 sales manager per 10-12 reps.

Expect lots of meaningless coaching, micromanagement and plenty of spreadsheets.
I'm sure they will be glad to see you!

Significant parts of the portfolio are coming under generic pressure so expect lots of reimbursement based selling.

What an oxymoron- You think Novartis and oncology rep can be said in the same sentence together?.....without laughing? It is a primary care position with specialty call points.

The avg rep at Novartis oncology make between $94k and 109K with about 6-7 yrs experience ... 85% of the reps will make between $24k-31k in bonus. Outside of this range are reps that will be higher, but rare.

Novartis Oncology order of battle:

They have settled on a mega-pod approach with about 600 people nationwide.

3 Hematology reps sell gleevec, tasigna and exjade

2 oncology reps sell femara, and zometa

2 other oncology reps sell affinitor and sandostatin

In addition there are some MSLs and business relations types (CAM) that call on customers.

Your customers could easily have 10 Novartis people calling on them.

1 sales manager per 10-12 reps.

Expect lots of meaningless coaching, micromanagement and plenty of spreadsheets.
I'm sure they will be glad to see you!

Significant parts of the portfolio are coming under generic pressure so expect lots of reimbursement based selling.

Are you sure about this? I thought there were six forces called Onc 1-6 with a mixed back of Zometa, Femara, Gleevec, Tasigna, Sandostatin LAR and Afinitor as product priorities

My info is correct, after all I have been at NVS oncology for a few years.

4 Oncology reps, 3 Hematology.

By the way there will also be Key account Managers and MSLs calling on the Docs.

Enough for both sides of a basketball game if you include the MD.

Are you sure about this? I thought there were six forces called Onc 1-6 with a mixed back of Zometa, Femara, Gleevec, Tasigna, Sandostatin LAR and Afinitor as product priorities

Usually these boards are filled with nonsense, but this is absolutely true. Also, the re-allignment that happened last week changed geographies to over 70% travel and laid off 18 quality people. Working in a pod sucks, but that's what you'll be doing, even if they don't call it that. As for whoever keeps saying that they will take it based on pay, that only dazzles you for a while and then you realize that your life is miserable. Oh, that's assuming you still have a life and don't like to see your family, EVER.

Usually these boards are filled with nonsense, but this is absolutely true. Also, the re-allignment that happened last week changed geographies to over 70% travel and laid off 18 quality people. Working in a pod sucks, but that's what you'll be doing, even if they don't call it that. As for whoever keeps saying that they will take it based on pay, that only dazzles you for a while and then you realize that your life is miserable. Oh, that's assuming you still have a life and don't like to see your family, EVER.

Yeah it only took the einstains in leadership 5 years to figure out 90% of us look for something to do all day and there are too many of us. 18 should have been just the start. I am shocked they didnt cut more.

Need to get off here now I have a personal trainining appt at the gym at 2:30-3:30. I don't have a lunch or appt today in any office. This is a late day for me when no appts or lunches. I know it's the same way for the majoirty of you too so save your negative comments.

Way too many reps as MD's don't need to see 6 reps from one company selling Hem?Onc products. They like you they will see you but most are booking lunches with other members of your POD and consider this a lunch for Novartis so you can be locked out because the offices want to make it fair for other companies to get there share of face time.

Its crazy to have 6 stumbling over each other and really can piss off MD's espically when 2 reps show up.

Novrtis thinks 20+ yrs ago when this was the way to sell. Blitz them offices with more reps and we will sell more.

This division is a piss poor example of mismanagement, weak DM's who act like robots, really bad RD's (Mike Kincaid) and marketing that still feels a glossy is a way to do their canned sales presentation.

Money is good but you pay for it in BS and always knowing these backstabbing, cut throat mgmt will fire your ass anytime they want.


Way too many reps as MD's don't need to see 6 reps from one company selling Hem?Onc products. They like you they will see you but most are booking lunches with other members of your POD and consider this a lunch for Novartis so you can be locked out because the offices want to make it fair for other companies to get there share of face time.

Its crazy to have 6 stumbling over each other and really can piss off MD's espically when 2 reps show up.

Novrtis thinks 20+ yrs ago when this was the way to sell. Blitz them offices with more reps and we will sell more.

This division is a piss poor example of mismanagement, weak DM's who act like robots, really bad RD's (Mike Kincaid) and marketing that still feels a glossy is a way to do their canned sales presentation.

Money is good but you pay for it in BS and always knowing these backstabbing, cut throat mgmt will fire your ass anytime they want.


I couldn't agree with this post more. I have been here a long time and seen things just go south. It is so unfortunate. Those that have been here long enough to retire are doing so cause they can't take it anymore! I can't either but not old enogh yet! I am just holding on and hoping for the best!

Whole states - 1 or 2 offices in each major city - 3-5 calls per day, a couple of overnights (reward points from hotels paid for my lodging on vacation last year - perk) every month, few other company reps crowding offices, you are 10X more marketable, and you think that's a worse situation...oh and after a couple of years it's closer to $140..and we've never had roomates at meetings and we haven't had to pay for some of the upgrades on cars. In the las few years reps fron Novartis oncology have left novartis and picked up starting salaries over $130 base and made over $180+, yep, it's a good step.........please stay in GM.

So after the realignment, how many reps are selling Tasigna? I am afraid to accept the offer and get laid off few months later. I have been contacted by others companies to sell the competitor!!! Serious replies.....please

So after the realignment, how many reps are selling Tasigna? I am afraid to accept the offer and get laid off few months later. I have been contacted by others companies to sell the competitor!!! Serious replies.....please

3 people selling Tasigna. Goto BMS. There are bond to be realignments sometime this year or next.

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