Oncology Culture = Babysitting primary care style

What mediocre teachers college did you graduate? Are your meds on schedule? Have you had your DNA identified? Were both of your procreators human? Have you had your STDs treated?
On and on!

Bet your “ companion” whoever/whatever he/she might be didn’t pass this questionnaire, and neithe did you, you loser pos.

i know of very few truly independent divisions within pharma or biotech where the managers aren’t doing worthless ride alongs and making offices feel very uncomfortable. It’s the way it is and another reason access is going to become even worse in the future and this career will pretty much go the way of the dinosaur.

i know of very few truly independent divisions within pharma or biotech where the managers aren’t doing worthless ride alongs and making offices feel very uncomfortable. It’s the way it is and another reason access is going to become even worse in the future and this career will pretty much go the way of the dinosaur.
The age of the dinosaurs/ you/ ends in October. Enjoy your demise. Way over due!

The lowly spawn has disappeared into the depths of primordial ooze!
Sitting on the Intercoastal at the beginning of a bright and enterprising day. Continuing my RNR preparing to accept my year end awards/rewards. Sawgrass is on the agenda in morning tee off with close business friends. When you are the greatest life is very distinctive!

Sitting on the Intercoastal at the beginning of a bright and enterprising day. Continuing my RNR preparing to accept my year end awards/rewards. Sawgrass is on the agenda in morning tee off with close business friends. When you are the greatest life is very distinctive!
Weekend plans for South Beach and a lively Latin escapade. Libations, women, and frivolity. Life is grand when time is on your side. Rewards, awards and accolades!!