These are new lows for even JBI. Back are the days of expiring patents and failed launches leading to the need to buy another company and gut it...again. The talent has been systematically removed so the dredges can manage by default. The hardest part is that every recruiter knows how bad JnJ is and they don't want to touch any of the sales people knowing that the organization as a whole is awful.

There is a solid 2-3 year track record with a revolving door in this district since hiring this manager from outside JnJ. Direct correlation for when he was hired and when the reps began departing. I am sure the manager tries to validate these reps leaving as having nothing to do with him. However, these are QUALITY reps that JnJ is losing due to the manager.

WARNING to any applicants that want to work for this manager!!

How much longer will Sr. Leadership tolerate his excuses and start looking at him as the cause of this turnover? There will be more turnover on this team unless a change is made with the manager ASAP.

I heard that he lost another tenured rep. What is going on here? Is there anyone left in this district?

What is going on? What is going on?? We work for the only Biologic company that regressed back into the slithers of Pharmaville. You now work in Pharmaville for Pharma central. The President of Pharmaville is any idiot manager of your choice. Now the good news is we have other companies with pensions to jump to. Sell your stock now because it is going south my compadres. I can't wait to compete with crappy drugs with crappy reps selling them. Yummy

Unfortunately, downsizing is done through a third party vendor and people like this usually skip through the cracks in the system. Since he is in management he is too familiar with the HR tactics used to get people out of the organization, and will do the minimum to get by and deflect blame to his reps. Can't play the blame game when 90% of his tenured team has quit since they hired this guy. He might not rank at the top in sales but ranks #1 for employee turnover and dis-satisfaction.

I wish this manager wold just find another job. It will be a long demoralizing meeting to attend with him there... Deflecting all the blame to someone else is his specialty.

Warning to any new hires considering working for this clown. RUN far from him! He has driven away some great talent, but has an "excuse" for everything. However, he does not tolerate excuses to him from his reps.