On-line application was enough to say stop


Never, ever have I seen anything like this question..."Have you ever been involved in a romantic relationship with anyone who works at this company?" on a application... is that even allowed to ask something like that? Holy Lord... I stopped right there...I would not even waste my time commenting on CP but HR needs to take a look at that- would a manager actually ASK that on an interview? I'm thinking lawsuit waiting to happen...

I thought I was seeing things on the application or that someone was playing a joke on me. I actually had to close out of it and re start my computer and refresh the page before I realized it was legit.
Holy Moley, I would like to have an interview here just to see what kind of person interviews me and what kind of interview questions are given.
Why would a company ask something so strange?

This was a first for me in over 12 years of pharma sales.
???????? WTF??????

If it's weird then move along. You're obviously not happy where you are or you wouldn't be looking. Who cares about the question really. If you want to be considered just answer and shut up. It's so weird I had restart my computer now that's weird

I thought I was seeing things on the application or that someone was playing a joke on me. I actually had to close out of it and re start my computer and refresh the page before I realized it was legit.
Holy Moley, I would like to have an interview here just to see what kind of person interviews me and what kind of interview questions are given.
Why would a company ask something so strange?

This was a first for me in over 12 years of pharma sales.
???????? WTF??????

Same here. I have bee in in this indutry since 1997 in many different positions, sales, sales mgt, mkting, training and never come close to seeing questions like those. I had to cal my wife over to look at the screen. We just laughed. Ridiculous.

The funny thing about the application is that my manager used to be my fuck buddie at a previous company. I didn't mention it on the app. but laughed when I saw that. I wouldnt call it romance-just fucking and sucking.

The funny thing about the application is that my manager used to be my fuck buddie at a previous company. I didn't mention it on the app. but laughed when I saw that. I wouldnt call it romance-just fucking and sucking.

That is great to hear. Hope you get to continue the f&s with her. It is hard to find a job with this type of benefits.

No. See positions posted since January, recruiter said they interviewed many and have not made decision. Strange.

talked to recruiter as well. she was a trip. they put candidates through 2 rounds of interiews and the positions are still opened because of change in directions. internal source said because of low cash flow. just becareful.