on-boarding confirmation

Both of you are right. Some inVentiv positions were contingent on Xartemis XR approval because they were "expansion territories" and those positions have been put on hold until the approval of the drug. Other territories were the "standard territories" that the company needed to continue the sales of Pennsaid and Exalgo. The reps for those areas will begin on 12/30.

Both of them may be right but you're wrong. I talked to my new DM and ALL territories are expansion territories and the majority of them were filled and we will start on the 30th. There will be a small number of reps hired in February to finish filling all of the expansions. My DM said he was doing interviews last week.

I will also confirm that the start date is on the 30th. Everything also cleared with background and as far as I know fleet vehicles are still undecided but everything should come together on the 30th as far as resources (ipad, iphone, vehicle).

I talked to a Recruiter today and she said that everything is on hold. The Recruiter also said that it looks good for the product getting approved but it looks more like Feb for the start date. The still have to give offers to people that were in the second wave of Interviews.

I was told the same thing. February

This concept is really not that difficult. There are two separate groups. The ones that are ready are being brought on 12/30. All the territories are not filled yet. Another group will come aboard later.

Talked to my ERM and Mallinckrodt mgr. There are in fact 2 start dates. Those of us who were on the conference call earlier in December and received the letter from Tom Bonk telling us we start 12/30 will start as planned. People like my friend who interviewed after all of us are not going to start until Feb 2014. I didn't get an exact date sorry.They are kind of in a "holding pattern" which they are quite aware will make that group of folks nervous and many may find other opportunities as they don't even have an offer letter yet. I know this is confusing and probably disheartening to the second group.

I really don't think you know what you are talking about they will not have two waves of training. Mallinckrodt and Ventiv will not go forward with this project until they have final approval from the FDA. I believe that everybody will have the Feb start date and that your ERM and DM are just blowing smoke up your ass so that you won't go looking for another job. From all of the people that I have talked to at Ventiv and Mallinckrodt this project right now in a holding pattern. Everybody needs to hold tight and hope that the can get the issues with the FDA corrected very quickly.

You go ahead and believe what you want to believe. I'll be on the 12/30 Inventiv conference call going over all the HR stuff associated with day 1 of employment with Inventiv. Then, on 01/02, I'll be on the call with my Mallinckrodt team. Happy Holidays!

This is getting pretty funny and I enjoy reading all of these posts. We are all in similar boats here. And nobody wants to deal with the truth. As we all hope 12/30 is the start date, it will not be. The drug is not approved and we should all know not to trust contract companies. We will always be the last to know details. For those of you who actually think you are starting on the 30th, keep thinking that. For the rest of us, keep interviewing and hope another job comes along before Feb. If not, I guess we can cross that road in Feb. I have experience with contract sales and can't tell you how many times I have been told the wrong info. They don't have to be held accountable and clearly do not care about us. Take it for what it is worth and good luck other interviews.

I'm seeing a start date and conf. call for 12/30! How or why would that be possible when inventiv shuts down for the holidays starting at EOB on 12/20 until 1/2? Just curious??

What are the Reps who were hired on the 30th doing. Are they staying home and getting paid to do nothing. I know that the product is not approved yet so you really can't send out any Training materials until you have an approval.