Olympus Urology


Hello -

I've read quite a few threads here, and spoken with a couple reps. I have the opportunity to get in on the urology side with Olympus. What is realistic pay these days?

Thank you for the reply.

I've heard some reps are making quite a bit more than that - including some of the reps in the PNW. Is $400k realistic for someone who has it dialed in, and been around for 10 years or so?

Lol, you guys crack me up with these attacks on "third party electrodes." PSS Urology has shipped thousands of bipolar electrodes all over the country without a single FDA Maude report while Olympus has hundreds. Don't buy into the BS that PSS electrodes are burning up generators, etc. It's the only thing OCA management can say while PSS is out there kicking ass.

I’m hearing a lot of reps are leaving for Dornier. Apparently they’re rolling out their own stone disposable portfolio including competition for Lithovue. Thoughts ?

I’m hearing a lot of reps are leaving for Dornier. Apparently they’re rolling out their own stone disposable portfolio including competition for Lithovue. Thoughts ?

Yes - a fair number have. Dornier's laser options are superior to the Olympus (Quanta) laser. They are jumping in on the endourology side (crowded already). They've launched the Axis Single Use Scope already - and it is getting solid traction.

Lol, you guys crack me up with these attacks on "third party electrodes." PSS Urology has shipped thousands of bipolar electrodes all over the country without a single FDA Maude report while Olympus has hundreds. Don't buy into the BS that PSS electrodes are burning up generators, etc. It's the only thing OCA management can say while PSS is out there kicking ass.

I second this post. Olympus relies heavily on lying and warranty bullshit to keep their business.... Fuck Olympus.

I don't understand why Olympus has not moved on a disposable ureteroscope. There are some top notch scopes in development by 3rd party Companies under the leadership of an experienced disposable team.