Olympus ENT

I interviewed for the position with with the Cleveland Manager. He asked me back for a second interview and what a joke he is. There is no way you could pay me enough to work for a guy like that. The position has been open forever and it doesn't sound like it'll make more than 100k.
ENT can't get a product built and out the door. More product is scrapped than produced. Bad, bad, management on the inside equals bad, bad performing products in your territory. Beware.
ENT is a joke. When will they stop releasing half baked products? Diego Elite is a reject product and that's all that's new or in the pipeline. Forget about making $$$$ it's impossible
ENT is a joke. When will they stop releasing half baked products? Diego Elite is a reject product and that's all that's new or in the pipeline. Forget about making $$$$ it's impossible

Impossible to make any money in ENT. No one will invest in Diego. Medtronic continues to dominate the shaver market.....
What is the latest with this division? Where does it stand against the competition? Who are the other players other than MDT?

Coming from an entirely different specialty.
DO NOT GO TO WORK FOR ANY DIVISION IN THIS COMPANY!!! Ent is a notch above energy, this is an entry-level service job, correct service. OLY does not compensate well, based on market share and difficulty of getting products used