Older reps


Please respond if you are currently are a rep or were a former rep for Ventiv. There are a population of ex reps that have retired or have been packaged out that would like to work contract. These reps are usually in their late 50's or early 60's. Have you ever seen Ventiv hire this type of rep? Thanks

depends on recruiter and contract...new contract- my recruiter says I have too much experience ie could mean I am too old....how can you have too much experience/ if you would do the best job, you should be selected

When they say you have to much experience,they are worried that you will probably be trying to get back to a non contract Rx company. For those that are retired,packaged out and are older,we are not interested in doing that. We have had enough working in that world.

One of the contract recruiters told we that there are concerns for the big salary,laid off ones. The contract companies realize that this is just a short stop over until another non contract job is offered. Thy shy away.

We are perfect candidates for the contract companies. We call in sick less and are more dependable. We can be used as resources for those that are newbies or have minimal experience. But,our age is working against us.

Help me understand this. So you are telling me that not everyone who is working a contract is still not looking for that permanent position? It does not make sense to me. Unless you are in really great shape financially and can be unemployed for months and months at a time why would you not continue to look for a permanent position? Really confussed here.

some of us make contracts a career-that can be as stable as being a manufacturer rep-they are laying off right and left in this Industry....you can collect unemployment in between contracts....

I went to work with Ventiv in 1993 and never had any desire to go elsewhere. They always kept me working until two years ago. I think someone thinks I am too old now.

Long ago (10+ yrs), ok I'm over 37 yrs old , younger than 50.. contract loved hiring these old retired reps, it was old retired big pharma dms hiring their buddies and having fun for a year or two, paying for that last kid in school or saving a few more bucks for retirement..

they could walk in ask the doc , tell the doc "listen I can see you every week for a year or just sign a stack of these call cards and I stop in 6 months from now and see if you've forgotten anything about this 10 yr old drug I'm supposed to be selling"

Years ago as a young DM I hired a former Endo DM and a former Forest rep with 30 years of service....for three years in a row they were the top reps in my district and they mentored my new graduate reps, so in years 4-6 we were the top district in the region (and once in the nation. Veteran reps and DMs bring knowledge and "been there done that" to the job.

After all, if you were having surgery would you prefer to be operated on my a doc who had done the procedure 500 times or one who has done it 10 times ....nuff said...

Years ago as a young DM I hired a former Endo DM and a former Forest rep with 30 years of service....for three years in a row they were the top reps in my district and they mentored my new graduate reps, so in years 4-6 we were the top district in the region (and once in the nation. Veteran reps and DMs bring knowledge and "been there done that" to the job.

After all, if you were having surgery would you prefer to be operated on my a doc who had done the procedure 500 times or one who has done it 10 times ....nuff said...

Exactly how much "experience" does one need to ask front office workers to send back a slip of paper for a signature, and then retrieve said samples from your truck, for a few hours a day? You know that you DMs are only promoted because of your innate ability to believe whatever bullshit lie about this job that is required, don't you?

Besides, I thought all "older" reps at Inventiv were fabulously wealthy from all the years that they spent working for some big McDrugs, Inc; and that they are only shlepping boxes of pills for a CSO because they just got "bored" and needed to "do something?"

Years ago as a young DM I hired a former Endo DM and a former Forest rep with 30 years of service....for three years in a row they were the top reps in my district and they mentored my new graduate reps, so in years 4-6 we were the top district in the region (and once in the nation. Veteran reps and DMs bring knowledge and "been there done that" to the job.

After all, if you were having surgery would you prefer to be operated on my a doc who had done the procedure 500 times or one who has done it 10 times ....nuff said...

Same with managers who wont rely on older, experienced reps. Instead they make them look like idiots who cant do anything. Most of the older reps are more experienced than these smart ass managers.

I am not an older rep. I respond to their job postings and I never even get a response back from anyone. There is a glut of pharm reps now, no matter where you look. Novartis is getting ready to dump a bunch of reps in April 2012. We all need to move on and do something else! PDI is a clown organization as well. Don't take it personally older reps, the industry is in a decline.