Old reps with the demeanor of a 7 year old


Why do so many old reps have the personality and demeanor of a child and are pretentious and phony on a daily basis and have no shame for it? And they call themselves 'professionals'. That's the biggest joke going.


Funny, that's how the old timers describe you young folks. One the other hand, if you've survived for so long at AZ you would expect someone to be a bit of a bullshitter.

Why do so many old reps have the personality and demeanor of a child and are pretentious and phony on a daily basis and have no shame for it? And they call themselves 'professionals'. That's the biggest joke going.

Because deep down inside they are like 7 year olds. Some hide it better than others.

Don't pay attention to them. And the way to beat them is to be the best you can be, and exceed your customer and your manager expectations ONLY.

Don't worry about pleasing them, because they will throw you under the bus at the first opportunity, and you can never trust them anyway.

Some of these old time reps stopped maturing emotionally and professionally after they entered into this career so their childish antics are products of their stunted emotional growth as people.