Ok "legacy Santarus", how are you liking Salix?

I enjoyed Salix so much, I quit! Found a job making the same pay and I have a fantastic manager...the exact opposite of what you find at Salix. It's ashame that Salix broke up such a strong"family" at Santarus. I loved my coworkers. They are good, honest, hardworking people that deserve better than Salix. Good luck guys! Hey Gerry, if you do start another company, I'll guarantee that all of the old Santarus folks will jump on in a heartbeat!! Dreaming...

Oh man!!!!! I'm only waiting for a buy out. My only reason for being here. Santarus was the best.

40% is a good start. Let's see if you can make it closer to 100%. If the Santarus legacy reps at Salix spent half as much time making sales calls as they do on the phone complaining about how mean and unreasonable Salix is, they'd be way up in the rankings. So tired if hearing about how wonderful Gerry and Santarus was and how hard it is to work at Salix.

40% is a good start. Let's see if you can make it closer to 100%. If the Santarus legacy reps at Salix spent half as much time making sales calls as they do on the phone complaining about how mean and unreasonable Salix is, they'd be way up in the rankings. So tired if hearing about how wonderful Gerry and Santarus was and how hard it is to work at Salix.

And you spend your time trolling on the Santarus board.....pathetic little man.
We were a company with morals and class. Completely unlike classless Salix. The people that left and I know nearly all of them...left because they weren't willing to be disrespected by their immature managers. So they got better jobs.

So your same old story that people couldn't cut it at Salix is so easy to see through.

The upper management at Salix is now u der full investigation by the Feds. Good luck. Most will find themselves behind bars. Ya....great company.