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Amen. These "boys" have no idea what a "man" my husband (and most likely yours) is to me and family! These kids here are just that......kids. They should go back to kiddie land.

Very well put! A "real man" knows how to make a woman feel special an looks out for others. No doubt some of us lucky women have that and I pitty these kiddies here with their high school mentality.

I've told you at least 2 times that I'm happy that you have a good marriage. It sounds like BL is facing a lot of turmoil. I think some posters are just venting. Try to be more compassionate to that fact. Yes, some of it is immature. Someone yelled at me that my "husband" was having an affair with her because I was a frosty person (something to that effect). I don't even have a husband so I had a chuckle over that.

I've told you at least 2 times that I'm happy that you have a good marriage. It sounds like BL is facing a lot of turmoil. I think some posters are just venting. Try to be more compassionate to that fact. Yes, some of it is immature. Someone yelled at me that my "husband" was having an affair with her because I was a frosty person (something to that effect). I don't even have a husband so I had a chuckle over that.

F.Y.I. You're not fooling anyone for a minute.....(you're a man)! and yes, I have a great marriage with a great guy.

F.Y.I. You're not fooling anyone for a minute.....(you're a man)! and yes, I have a great marriage with a great guy.

I think my BF would beg to defer, I have both physical and inner beauty. Just b/c I'm obviously more educated than you doesn't mean that I'm a man. I doubt your marriage is great - F.Y.I. your not fooling anyone!

You're exactly right. I love it when my man makes a fuss over me! This childish stuff here is just that...."childish". My man and I laugh and joke around all the time, but when it really matters, he makes me feel like I'm the only woman in the world. That's something these immature or low self esteem idiots here will NEVER get.

Now THAT'S a great relationship!

Cupcake - now who really can't get laid? How the F would you know anything about me? Go back to your housewife duties. Your probably some fat lady who is depressed. Impression that you are jealous of me. You should be I'm a hottie.

Cupcake - now who really can't get laid? How the F would you know anything about me? Go back to your housewife duties. Your probably some fat lady who is depressed. Impression that you are jealous of me. You should be I'm a hottie.

Nope. I know you can't get laid because you're on CP talking this crap because you can't get the slightest bit of attention in real life! You are textbook psychology 101 and.....unemployed and probobly living in your mother's basement!! Lmao!!!!!

Cupcake ~ you need some prozac because this is just CP. We all joke around. You post here all the time and take this crap serious. We've been at the pool all day having fun. Sorry your such a killjoy. My Friend with a PhD is Psychology thinks your need to see a therapist.

Cupcake ~ you need some prozac because this is just CP. We all joke around. You post here all the time and take this crap serious. We've been at the pool all day having fun. Sorry your such a killjoy. My Friend with a PhD is Psychology thinks your need to see a therapist.

You're an asshole with too much time on your hands....get a job.

This guy will never get it, that's why he's unemployed and spends all his time here. As a previous poster correctly put it... "real" women want a man that makes them feel like they are the only woman in the world and would do anything for us. A man like that (my husband) is a keeper!

Excuse me bitch.You probadly never got laid in your life.Until you grow some balls which you don't have will never have you might want to keep your mouth shut.This is for dating we don't need your stupid comments on here so shut the hell up.

We don't need YOU on this site asshole bitch boy! You're the ONLY one that thinks this is a dating site you fucking r*****. Get a life you pathetic idiot asshole moron. Better yet.....keep talking to yourself loser.

We don't need YOU on this site asshole bitch boy! You're the ONLY one that thinks this is a dating site you fucking r*****. Get a life you pathetic idiot asshole moron. Better yet.....keep talking to yourself loser.

We know this guy won't get laid.I'm a woman and I don't like his attitude.Guy that talks.like that usally has a small penis and there called a tool.