Ohio positions

I interviewed with her, I thought she was ok. Heard she is effective, but she dies it the wrong way. By fear and intimidation. Heard she was an amazing rep but not made for a leadership role. I could see that when I interviewed with her. She is uninspiring. She probably dies rule by fear and intimidation which is effective short term

She does a great job! She’s smart, attractive and effective. Beyond that, she is a steal for Zoll with what they are paying her. The company should be thankful she’s here!

How do you know? How do you know? She talks a lot and has no idea what a buffoon she sounds like. She tells candidates that she fired the last rep. She can’t keep her mouth or her legs closed.

Let’s call this manager HEN. HEN, stop posting things about yourself. I am protected you brag. How many times you brag about that. When Bernie and Matt Tyler find out about how you brag about how you have them wrapped around your finger, do you think you stay protected. maybe , your boss find out what you say about her. HEN, start looking for new job. Everyone know it no matter how many times you post good things about yourself.

HEN fired me from her team. She fires a lot of people in Ohio. Must be nice that her cuz is a rep on her team and tells her what everyone says about her. She takes out the people who get caught in her cross hairs, she finds reasons. Can’t trust her or her cuz.