So I'm guessing MC himself wrote that last comment about how awesome he thinks he is. What was the give-away? "March is a big month, I hope my RX keeps growing"... I know his objective is to blow our Rc numbers out, but I've never felt SO appreciated for meeting my B&B goal! If you don't sell the way HE wants you to, then you may as well not sell at all! I have never in ANY job come in OVER goal in general and been reprimanded. I GUARANTEE that when the anyone doesn't hit B&B, but blows out Rx they are applauded! Why the double standard?

It was being sarcastic about feeling appreciated. And yes, traditionally the sales force has been recognized based on their overall goal. I met my 2011 Total Annual Goal by 105% and I'm trending well for 2012, currently at goal for March, however it is mainly from B&B. Territories push Rx and are applauded when their Rx sales can cover what they've lost in B&B, but if a territory is growing B&B and covering the lag in Rx, they are reprimanded for not doing their job. I just think is a double standard and it comes across as, If you can't be successful by doing it MC's way, then it's not ACTUAL "success"

I am glad that you were congratulated and you deserve it! I can say that I also missed my RX goal, but have consistently met my overall goal. Unfortunately, I was also reprimanded for NOT meeting RX.

I am in the west. Never heard of a MC way of doing things. I have talked to him many times and he has never told
Me I am not successful because of my rx. Maybe you should talk to your manager. I have never been reprimanded for hitting or missing goals. I have had conversation about improving what I do in the field but never made to feel unappreciated. You sound jealous and are probably not happy that the company is finally doing good. The west has fallen behind the east for years and I doubt we can catch up to the east in a few months. Btw- the east is successful because they have so much rx.

I'm also in the West. I don't mind MC. Maybe cause I'm still under 2 years but he seems to be a glorified AM. I would agree that we have at least 4 RM's here in the WBU that carry themselves in a more positive, effective way.

This is petty BS and sounds like a lot of sour grapes. MC maybe you should recognize a few more people. Let's hear the juicy stuff that happened at the meeting. Any drunken stories.

You've posted twice looking for gossip about this meeting. Sorry to disappoint you but it wasn't that kind of meeting... and this isn't High School or an episode of Jersey Shore!

Any juicy Orlando stories?

I'm guessing you weren't at the same meeting, or you'd know that there wasn't time or opportunity for anything "juicy" to happen. It's not MCs job to recognize people, there are great RMs who can do this for him. Thanks for your concern, however I think you're more concerned about things that aren't related to business..

Not looking for you to recognize me ok, MC? I'm also not looking for you to continue to walk on by me as you greet me like if you're in a big rush. You've been playing that game for a year now. Little full of ourself, aren't we?

I haven't been here very long and I was at the meeting. It surprises me that someone is saying any of this. I heard only positive things about MC, the WBU, and the direction of the company. Any one I know and they includes my region thing positively of MC and the RM's. This all seems almost to be a joke.

This is prob from one washed up WBU AM who hasn't hit a # and is lashing out at anyone to feel good about his/her self. Don't know the guy well enough to say he's a tool. A little "stuck on himself" like referred to above? Yes! A poor BUD? Too soon to tell but def kinda douchey!

It's a bummer to see so many people so unhappy. I was also at the meeting and thought the management team did a good job! I thought the WBU presentations were motivating (for the most part) except for a few presentations where it looked like people were just going through the motions. I've been here for a while and I am frustrated with the goals and some of the systems that are in place but I truly think we are headed in the right direction. Stay positive and try to have some fun with your job. Life is too short to be so pissed off.

I am sure this message will get shit on but I don't give a crap.

Apparently no one likes mc. We get it. This seems to be the site where everyone bashes him but I have yet to meet one person that has something bad to say about him. His email this week showed that we are crushing our goals. I agree with the other posts. Stop being so pissed. i'm more pissed that it takes 4hours to finish a expense report. Or should i blame that on mc? wait, he hired me so i guess the answers is yes.

Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!, I love the people who complain that the meetings are too long and takes them away from their business and family. Then when corporate finally listens and cuts a national sales meeting to basically 2 1/2 days and doesn't make you travel on Sunday you bitch because of lack of free time? Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I personally loved getting home on Thursday night. Sorry you didn't have extra time on Thursday to go to the jacuzzi and boil some of the fat off your body. Sorry you couldn't expense room service at midnight and slobber your nachos and ice cream down in privacy of your hotel room. Waaahhhhh "my lunch was terrible, the bread was too dry and the soup was too hot". I would have loved to talked to the sad housekeeper that had to clean the sweat stains out of your sheets from all the cured meats you ate.