Just informed by manager that we are having a meeting in January. The last one was a nightmare. We stayed in a dump in the middle of a ghetto. Our "group dinner" was at the penthouse of a real nice hotel only they got the number of AM's wrong and had dinner for 12 when there was 26 of us. So they cut up the food for 12 into tiny servings and spread it around. What a cluster fuck this trip was. Decided to go to McDonald's afterward to get some food. Groups of guys hanging out on every corner, people sleeping in doorways and in McDonald's at least three bums came up to me and asked for money. When I walked out to my car again a few guys approached me asking for money. YAH!! Real nice. Who plans these things? Whoever does should try to get the head count right for a dinner or let us go eat on our own. And what happened to staying in a nice hotel in a safe neighborhood. I guess it could be worse. They could put us at an airport hotel right on the landing pattern. Oh wait they have done that!! Let's see what dump they put us in this time. Going to the same city.