Oh I hate the thought of Monday coming

BS. Perfect example of lack of pride and not caring at all is the recent Multaq fiasco. NOT ONE REP worked the week between Christmas and New Years to bring doctors up to date. Would you do business with these jokers? I know I never will again. Ever. Never. You come in my office and act like you care and you beg me to use your "great medical option". Then you find out it kills patients. That can wait, you say, U FN worthless self entitled loser. Your company should have demanded you work and fired your ass if you said no, not given you the option. Guess my New Year resolution.

Careful doc (as if physicians really go on this site), don't fall off your high horse...

I had 4 reps come off of vacation the week before Christmas. As a district we hit every physician in our district who had written an Aliskiren product. We will now follow up with all targets and make a second call on the writers. There are some of us out here with a good sense of ethics. We care about our physicians and their patients.

YOu have got to be kidding me . I would never give up my vacation for a problem that Novartis created. They say you can roll it over.....out of those 4 probably 2 of them won't be there to enjoy that vacation. Good sense of ethics, but it could have waited till this week my friend

I had 4 reps come off of vacation the week before Christmas. As a district we hit every physician in our district who had written an Aliskiren product. We will now follow up with all targets and make a second call on the writers. There are some of us out here with a good sense of ethics. We care about our physicians and their patients.

Bwahahahahahahaha ! You are a funny small bus passenger :)

What kind of business? Just out of curiosity about how much time were you giving to that business when you were being paid by Novartis? Not trying to be ugly. It's your deal, just curious.

Not disclosing type of business because some NVS employees know I have it. I have been with NVS 8 years and for the last 6 years have been working for NVS 25 hours a week and and probably 35 hours in my business. Just work 25 hours diligently and make ever minute count and no one questions me. I saw the day of layoffs coming years and years ago, so I made this choice for my family. Some of you might disagree with the 25 hours but the day NVS tells me to hit the road I will be prepared. I feel no guilt and would not getting laid off tomorrow.

Not disclosing type of business because some NVS employees know I have it. I have been with NVS 8 years and for the last 6 years have been working for NVS 25 hours a week and and probably 35 hours in my business. Just work 25 hours diligently and make ever minute count and no one questions me. I saw the day of layoffs coming years and years ago, so I made this choice for my family. Some of you might disagree with the 25 hours but the day NVS tells me to hit the road I will be prepared. I feel no guilt and would not getting laid off tomorrow.

Thanks for being honest.