Official Announcement from M. Pearson

Catlin is the best thing to happen to our marketing organization in a long time. If he (or anyone else) can spin this dogshit non-funded disaster into anything positive, then he is worth every penny they pay him.

Catlin is the best thing to happen to our marketing organization in a long time. If he (or anyone else) can spin this dogshit non-funded disaster into anything positive, then he is worth every penny they pay him.

Thanks Rob. Very motivating to know there's nothing behind our products to support sales. We're all still looking for the "anything positive" you mention.

Speaker Programs? Rebates ? Dream on, sure and Santa Claus exists you moron. Maybe at Allergan or Merz but not here. These guys don't pay he electric cable or interent, why would they pay for those? Seriously are you California Dreamin?

What about the speaker programs? Do u think we will still have them.

Most of the people left at HQ are losing their jobs and you are worried about speaker programs? Where is your compassion for those being laid off, supporting families and will have no income in the coming months.

Honestly, this is the type of selfish attitude that is common with the "me first" sales group. Not surprising, back in December the sales and marketing groups were complaining about support on a newly launched application while those employees helping them are being handed black folders and told they are terminated right before the holidays. You guys should be ashamed.

Most of the people left at HQ are losing their jobs and you are worried about speaker programs? Where is your compassion for those being laid off, supporting families and will have no income in the coming months.

Honestly, this is the type of selfish attitude that is common with the "me first" sales group. Not surprising, back in December the sales and marketing groups were complaining about support on a newly launched application while those employees helping them are being handed black folders and told they are terminated right before the holidays. You guys should be ashamed.

December was 7 months ago. The writing has been on the wall at Scottsdale for nearly a year. Saw this move coming since December. Surprised Valeant kept it open this long. You had 7 months to nearly a year to find a new job.

Most of the people left at HQ are losing their jobs and you are worried about speaker programs? Where is your compassion for those being laid off, supporting families and will have no income in the coming months.

Honestly, this is the type of selfish attitude that is common with the "me first" sales group. Not surprising, back in December the sales and marketing groups were complaining about support on a newly launched application while those employees helping them are being handed black folders and told they are terminated right before the holidays. You guys should be ashamed.

The sales group has a "hit the number" attitude. We have to. Sorry for the unlucky but our responsibilities haven't changed because of the decisions made.
A high sense of urgency can be mistaken for complaining when you work in a role that doesn't require one.
Enough with the dramatics, people lose their jobs everyday. Get the f over it already.
Do you light a candle every time a rep gets fired because they didn't hit their number?

The sales group has a "hit the number" attitude. We have to. Sorry for the unlucky but our responsibilities haven't changed because of the decisions made.
A high sense of urgency can be mistaken for complaining when you work in a role that doesn't require one.
Enough with the dramatics, people lose their jobs everyday. Get the f over it already.
Do you light a candle every time a rep gets fired because they didn't hit their number?

Soooo true! Sales people have #'s to hit regardless of what is going on at the corporate level. Corporate employees could care less about sales reps hitting their quarterly goals-AND the constant stress that comes with it. To the previous poster, the stress that corporate people have felt since the acquisition about their 'job security' is what sales reps deal with daily...not just because of an acquisition! Enough corporate drama-(YAWN)-without sales reps, no one would have a job for long. When companies are acquired, the first people to go are those that don't add to the bottom dollar at the end of the day.

Soooo true! Sales people have #'s to hit regardless of what is going on at the corporate level. Corporate employees could care less about sales reps hitting their quarterly goals-AND the constant stress that comes with it. To the previous poster, the stress that corporate people have felt since the acquisition about their 'job security' is what sales reps deal with daily...not just because of an acquisition! Enough corporate drama-(YAWN)-without sales reps, no one would have a job for long. When companies are acquired, the first people to go are those that don't add to the bottom dollar at the end of the day.

Oh cry me a river salesbot. Yes, i'd imagine that it can be stressful doing knobjobs and rimjobs all day. BooHoo, poor salesbot. An organ grinder with a f'n monkey can sell shit, just like you. Takes talent, knowledge, dedication, and hard work to *make* pharmaceuticals. Walk out there with an empty bag and tell me how much you contribute to the bottom dollar at the end of the day. You peddlers always put the cart before the horse, thinking sales is the driver - yeah right, you have to *have* stuff to sell or you're nothing but a useless ornament. $hit sandwiches don't sell no matter how much a$$ you kiss, and quality sells itself.

Look at the hundred of thousands of products, across all industries, including pharma, that sell as "non-promoted" products. they sell well, and contribute to the "bottom dollar" without a$$munchers like you hawking them. When they give you the monkey to train for your job, you'll realize your true value.

Oh cry me a river salesbot. Yes, i'd imagine that it can be stressful doing knobjobs and rimjobs all day. BooHoo, poor salesbot. An organ grinder with a f'n monkey can sell shit, just like you. Takes talent, knowledge, dedication, and hard work to *make* pharmaceuticals. Walk out there with an empty bag and tell me how much you contribute to the bottom dollar at the end of the day. You peddlers always put the cart before the horse, thinking sales is the driver - yeah right, you have to *have* stuff to sell or you're nothing but a useless ornament. $hit sandwiches don't sell no matter how much a$$ you kiss, and quality sells itself.

Look at the hundred of thousands of products, across all industries, including pharma, that sell as "non-promoted" products. they sell well, and contribute to the "bottom dollar" without a$$munchers like you hawking them. When they give you the monkey to train for your job, you'll realize your true value.

This is a well thought, well written argument. You must be worth every penny of the 62k per year you earn. As a monkey, I haven't earned less than 225k for as far back as I can remember. You should try it a provide your family with a better lifestyle.

Oh cry me a river salesbot. Yes, i'd imagine that it can be stressful doing knobjobs and rimjobs all day. BooHoo, poor salesbot. An organ grinder with a f'n monkey can sell shit, just like you. Takes talent, knowledge, dedication, and hard work to *make* pharmaceuticals. Walk out there with an empty bag and tell me how much you contribute to the bottom dollar at the end of the day. You peddlers always put the cart before the horse, thinking sales is the driver - yeah right, you have to *have* stuff to sell or you're nothing but a useless ornament. $hit sandwiches don't sell no matter how much a$$ you kiss, and quality sells itself.

Look at the hundred of thousands of products, across all industries, including pharma, that sell as "non-promoted" products. they sell well, and contribute to the "bottom dollar" without a$$munchers like you hawking them. When they give you the monkey to train for your job, you'll realize your true value.

This was a very well thought out response to the above post...stupid in content, but well thought out. Now, run your fat, ugly ass back to the snack machine and get the last Twinkie before Pearson beats you to it. And by the way, there are also many 'pharmbot monkeys' trained and willing to do your job for less than the peanuts that you make so maybe you ought to jump off that high horse before it slips on your black folder. And just an FYI, not all sales reps are successful reps. Like a previous successful sales reps responded earlier, I haven't made less than 250k a year since I can remember either..which puts me pretty close to the top in the 'sales ranking system' which is something you're obviously not familiar with.

This was a very well thought out response to the above post...stupid in content, but well thought out. Now, run your fat, ugly ass back to the snack machine and get the last Twinkie before Pearson beats you to it. And by the way, there are also many 'pharmbot monkeys' trained and willing to do your job for less than the peanuts that you make so maybe you ought to jump off that high horse before it slips on your black folder. And just an FYI, not all sales reps are successful reps. Like a previous successful sales reps responded earlier, I haven't made less than 250k a year since I can remember either..which puts me pretty close to the top in the 'sales ranking system' which is something you're obviously not familiar with.

Using salary to judge worth is not only incredibly facile, but really rather stupid. Think; Mike Pearson. Now, if you feel that you're not 1/10,000th the quality of person that Mike Pearson is, well, that's up to you to judge.

Using salary to judge worth is not only incredibly facile, but really rather stupid. Think; Mike Pearson. Now, if you feel that you're not 1/10,000th the quality of person that Mike Pearson is, well, that's up to you to judge.

Apparently you misunderstood...I wasn't basing the #'s above on 'salary' but rather on ' salary + earned bonus'... Most of the 250k mentioned previously was bonus based on sales performance. So, apparently 'someone' thinks individuals PRODUCING those kind of #'s are highly valuable to the organization