If you want to apply for a job with this company, do it. Just take this advice. Ask them during the interview exactly what the managed care coverage is in your state? What chain pharmacies currently have the products stocked? What is the cash price? Then after the interview, check to see for yourself if they told you the truth. There answers will sound good, but doubtful they are the truth. The products have minimal, if any, managed care coverage. The only pharmacies the products are in were sold in by the reps without any forced shipments from the company. Long story short, if you've ever been in this business, you know if you launch a product that is not stocked in the pharmacies and is not covered by insurance and your competitors are cheap, stocked and covered - you don't have a chance of success in most cases. This is the case at MNK. They launched a product for post-op pain that was not stocked in pharmacies and minimal insurance coverage. Patients can't wait for their pain med to be ordered by the pharmacy!!! The new product they will be launching will have the same challenges. Upper management must change, or be changed, before this company is a enjoyable workplace again.