
Okay- definitely signing now with this new retention bonus Ron got us. $15,000 up front plus double bonus payouts all 2020?!!!! Even if I stay toward the bottom and my payout is $12,000/semester that would be $24,000/semester, hell yeah! Anyone know if we are still getting that focus bonus too?

The comp plan is worse than the one we had with contests added in. Now if you do bad for the semester you get double penalized. At least before you could have a crappy semester but a decent quarterly contest payout.

The comp plan is worse than the one we had with contests added in. Now if you do bad for the semester you get double penalized. At least before you could have a crappy semester but a decent quarterly contest payout.

man, some people will complain about ANYTHING! Stop being a shitty rep and being at the bottom of the rankings. And if you are at the bottom and get paid $3000 and then doubled to $6000, that’s more than you’re lazy and horrible excuse of a rep is worth.

The comp plan is worse than the one we had with contests added in. Now if you do bad for the semester you get double penalized. At least before you could have a crappy semester but a decent quarterly contest payout.

This is the kind of rep that sucks at any company. This is the kind of rep that is negative all year long and a poison to the rest of us. This is the kind of rep that looks for the worst in everything.

Take a look at yourself. You go to bed angry at the world, probably after watching Fox. You wake up angry at the world. You believe conspiracy theories. You make the world a worse place every day.

You are probably also very dense. If you look at who makes money on the contest, it's the same as who made money on IC. Dumb ass.

Go ahead, keep up your negativity. I really don't mind because I get to be ranked against you. Next time you are in the territory, keep a list of all the offices that smile when they see you. That's right, at the end of the week when you realize it was zero, maybe you will realize that YOU are the problem, not the size of your territory or the unique payer mix that keeps you down. No, it's actually you who suck. You and only you are responsible for your sucky performance. You are well below average and you are a negative loser. Get used to more, "crapy semesters" because you suck.

Go watch some more Fox, listen to Rush on your drive and send your in-bread kids to home school or parochial school where they can grow up to be like you. A loser.

This is the kind of rep that sucks at any company. This is the kind of rep that is negative all year long and a poison to the rest of us. This is the kind of rep that looks for the worst in everything.

Take a look at yourself. You go to bed angry at the world, probably after watching Fox. You wake up angry at the world. You believe conspiracy theories. You make the world a worse place every day.

You are probably also very dense. If you look at who makes money on the contest, it's the same as who made money on IC. Dumb ass.

Go ahead, keep up your negativity. I really don't mind because I get to be ranked against you. Next time you are in the territory, keep a list of all the offices that smile when they see you. That's right, at the end of the week when you realize it was zero, maybe you will realize that YOU are the problem, not the size of your territory or the unique payer mix that keeps you down. No, it's actually you who suck. You and only you are responsible for your sucky performance. You are well below average and you are a negative loser. Get used to more, "crapy semesters" because you suck.

Go watch some more Fox, listen to Rush on your drive and send your in-bread kids to home school or parochial school where they can grow up to be like you. A loser.
Wow Mr/Ms Perfect! You’ve offended a lot of people in your nasty opinionated reply while trying to single out one person. Sadly you’re clearly the one with issues.

Wow Mr/Ms Perfect! You’ve offended a lot of people in your nasty opinionated reply while trying to single out one person. Sadly you’re clearly the one with issues.

quick - was the first thing you did this morning watch Fox? Check your twitter for InfoWars? Were you pissed because you woke up and remembered that libruls are ruining your life? Do you hate public education and look down upon teachers?

that's right, you suck almost as much as your rankings. Get this through your thick skull, no matter what the IC plan, no matter what the company, no matter what the opportunity you will look at it as if you have been offended and you will be negative. It's in your nature. you suck. so will your rankings no matter where you go. loser.

It’s actually you liberals who love the free handouts! But good try

Whether that's right or wrong is in question. What's not in question is that you are a negative nellie. Monday, look around and see if anyone likes you. Or does every office worker turn the other way when they see you? Even before that, this weekend when you go out for dinner, watch how you treat the waitress. Are you mad as hell even before you sit down? Do you think someone is out to get you? Did you watch Fox and get engaged as they told you to? Do you ignore that our POUTUS is a corruption, fornicating lier?

Would you says your friends, if you have any, would describe you are a happy person.

Go ahead, try a distraction. How bout,

"but, but her emails!"

It’s actually you liberals who love the free handouts! But good try

why do you believe this? Because Faux News told you so? Because Rush said so?\

the biggest recipient of handouts are the ultra rich who pay zero taxes. zero. nothing.

only the middle class pays. punks like you.

Go read a book and open your eyes you stupid sheep.

why do you believe this? Because Faux News told you so? Because Rush said so?\

the biggest recipient of handouts are the ultra rich who pay zero taxes. zero. nothing.

only the middle class pays. punks like you.

Go read a book and open your eyes you stupid sheep.

Agree both ways. Trump's tax code wasn't as great as they touted.

On the flip side I don't see many Democrats that don't support at least a little socialism. So...

Wish we could just get a happy medium.

Wow you really are stupid. Read a book? I live life and see it with my own eyes. Free education, free healthcare, free obama phones, it’s liberal BS. Please tell me the last time your boy Bernie picked up a check in his life. asshole

Just look at yourself. Why so angry? Why do offices hate you? Why does your ranking always suck? Why are you on edge all the time? Why don't you every smile?

Why didn't you serve in the military? Why do you support the NRA more than your local church? Why do you believe Faux News?

Guess what, I bet you had to be talking into signing your offer, right?

You suck and your ranking will always suck.

Go join a compound.