Offered a managers job should I take it

YES. It is sickening. The thing that blows my mind is that Zoll doesn't realize how EXPENSIVE this is to the organization. A PIPed employee is not working anymore, they are looking for another job. A rep with a super hiked goal is also looking for another job. It costs a lot to recruit, hire, train, and there is a long learning curve. All these activities that keep sales people working on getting another job, the learning curve of new folks, and all the vacancies ... this is to time-intensive and pricey.

Would be so much smarter and cheaper to just keep goals realistic, keep the reps we have, stop antagonizing everyone, and let the reps focus on SELLING.

Selling What?!?
This thing had been out for over a decade and every cardiologist from here to the moon has seen it and heard about it.
What's the sell? Annoying a non-prescriber to death until he gives you an uninsured train wreck that they won't implant?

YES. It is sickening. The thing that blows my mind is that Zoll doesn't realize how EXPENSIVE this is to the organization. A PIPed employee is not working anymore, they are looking for another job. A rep with a super hiked goal is also looking for another job. It costs a lot to recruit, hire, train, and there is a long learning curve. All these activities that keep sales people working on getting another job, the learning curve of new folks, and all the vacancies ... this is to time-intensive and pricey.

Would be so much smarter and cheaper to just keep goals realistic, keep the reps we have, stop antagonizing everyone, and let the reps focus on SELLING.

Trust me Zoll realizes this. The thing you don't realize is that it doesn't matter to them because Zoll saves money on the other end. For example when Zoll doesn't pay you on your sales because of reimbursement or negative revenue adjustments, Zoll is making the money. Many of the sales that you do not get credit for never show up until you quit and leave or are PIPed out. New rep comes in and the revenue magically appears but guess what the new rep didn't sell those orders so they don't get sales credit or commissions for it either. The way Zoll has things set up they do not have to pay commissions on the majority of orders due to turn over. You say it's cheaper to keep a stable sales force and not have constant 70% turn-over, well Zoll's experience is different, they are saving more money having you and everyone else turn over. The sooner you realize this the easier it will be for you to realize you made a mistake and get serious about leaving.

Thanks for the useful?? insight.

I did not accept the position. As I worked my up the interview chain the incompetence was very apparent. There was no VP of sales and I was told he left because he did not want to live in Pittsburgh. That might have been something discussed prior to him taking the job. I checked on linked in most of the managers/directors at Zoll are flunkies from other companies. Some I kew personally and can't believe they were capable of securing any job.

Trust me Zoll realizes this. The thing you don't realize is that it doesn't matter to them because Zoll saves money on the other end. For example when Zoll doesn't pay you on your sales because of reimbursement or negative revenue adjustments, Zoll is making the money. Many of the sales that you do not get credit for never show up until you quit and leave or are PIPed out. New rep comes in and the revenue magically appears but guess what the new rep didn't sell those orders so they don't get sales credit or commissions for it either. The way Zoll has things set up they do not have to pay commissions on the majority of orders due to turn over. You say it's cheaper to keep a stable sales force and not have constant 70% turn-over, well Zoll's experience is different, they are saving more money having you and everyone else turn over. The sooner you realize this the easier it will be for you to realize you made a mistake and get serious about leaving.

Every manager except the top 10 are looking for another job. The RM plan sucks, does not reward those who produce, and if you are underwater long enough, they will lower your fellow RM's quota and tell you to stop complaining. Truly a no win situation, and only a few are rewarded for a short time. The tables turn fast, so if you are not promoted, you have no future here at Zoll.

Every manager except the top 10 are looking for another job. The RM plan sucks, does not reward those who produce, and if you are underwater long enough, they will lower your fellow RM's quota and tell you to stop complaining. Truly a no win situation, and only a few are rewarded for a short time. The tables turn fast, so if you are not promoted, you have no future here at Zoll.

So sorry I ignored these warnings. My income dropped well below my 10 year personal income growth trend. What a financial hit I took this year. Geez!

Every manager except the top 10 are looking for another job. The RM plan sucks, does not reward those who produce, and if you are underwater long enough, they will lower your fellow RM's quota and tell you to stop complaining. Truly a no win situation, and only a few are rewarded for a short time. The tables turn fast, so if you are not promoted, you have no future here at Zoll.

How can anyone be successful when the business is poorly mananged at the top and the resources are not utilized to address the managed care challenges, re-authorization process, and growing number of plans not covering the LV? Throw in the constant revolving door of TMs and you have no chance to impact the bottom line.

Trust me Zoll realizes this. The thing you don't realize is that it doesn't matter to them because Zoll saves money on the other end. For example when Zoll doesn't pay you on your sales because of reimbursement or negative revenue adjustments, Zoll is making the money. Many of the sales that you do not get credit for never show up until you quit and leave or are PIPed out. New rep comes in and the revenue magically appears but guess what the new rep didn't sell those orders so they don't get sales credit or commissions for it either. The way Zoll has things set up they do not have to pay commissions on the majority of orders due to turn over. You say it's cheaper to keep a stable sales force and not have constant 70% turn-over, well Zoll's experience is different, they are saving more money having you and everyone else turn over. The sooner you realize this the easier it will be for you to realize you made a mistake and get serious about leaving.

Spot on! This is why they don't care if people leave.