Offered a managers job should I take it


I am reading some horrible posts regarding Zoll Lifevest. I am considering a mangers position with this organization. Can someone give me some honest insightful information on this position. What is the average compensation for managers.

I see many sales reps are not happy

My honest opinion is for you to look elsewhere. Not many reps are happy unless they are new. The comp plan is ridiculous and not achievable once you have had a couple good years here. The territories are too small and can't accommodate the aggressive growth structure. Upper management isn't honest with new managers being interviewed. It is not a way to get into device as most people think. Most reps are only here because they can't find new jobs. Unfortunately, most of what you are reading has some validity to it. The sad part is that it is actually a good product. There is no way this company can sustain the current growth and will eventually be laying reps off. Unless you are desperate, I wouldn't take it. Most of the managers I know aren't making plan currently. Ask to see current numbers for the area.

Yes. Also ask what the turnover rate is for managers and TMs, and also for that area specifically. Ask how many "zero revenue" patients are in the territory. For me personally, I get paid on less than 50% of my sales. Ever heard of a company doing that? How can anyone make their goal when they don't get credit for over half their sales? Ask if new TMs leave the company (turnover, medical/maternity leave, vacation), are YOU (not them) still responsible for their goal and for *growing* that area while they are gone ... you're gonna be shocked if they are honest. This is a tragic time to be at Zoll. It is a good product and while most of us love our customers, this company makes working here a nightmare. They literally invent difficult ways to do easy things. And their greatest strength is finding ways not to pay for our sales. Most reps get 1-2 years of a reachable goal before (a) the goal is raised and (b) all the reversals from erroneous bookings kick in and the goal is even higher to make up the reversals.

"Love our customers"?? You are using them for business you disingenuous seed! Being a manager at Zoll is like being a warlord in Africa. You get all of the spoils. Take the job, squash some underperforming reps and inherit the kingdom of Zoll!!

Yes. Also ask what the turnover rate is for managers and TMs, and also for that area specifically. Ask how many "zero revenue" patients are in the territory. For me personally, I get paid on less than 50% of my sales. Ever heard of a company doing that? How can anyone make their goal when they don't get credit for over half their sales? Ask if new TMs leave the company (turnover, medical/maternity leave, vacation), are YOU (not them) still responsible for their goal and for *growing* that area while they are gone ... you're gonna be shocked if they are honest. This is a tragic time to be at Zoll. It is a good product and while most of us love our customers, this company makes working here a nightmare. They literally invent difficult ways to do easy things. And their greatest strength is finding ways not to pay for our sales. Most reps get 1-2 years of a reachable goal before (a) the goal is raised and (b) all the reversals from erroneous bookings kick in and the goal is even higher to make up the reversals.

exactly. great questions to ask.

Yes. Also ask what the turnover rate is for managers and TMs, and also for that area specifically. Ask how many "zero revenue" patients are in the territory. For me personally, I get paid on less than 50% of my sales. Ever heard of a company doing that? How can anyone make their goal when they don't get credit for over half their sales? Ask if new TMs leave the company (turnover, medical/maternity leave, vacation), are YOU (not them) still responsible for their goal and for *growing* that area while they are gone ... you're gonna be shocked if they are honest. This is a tragic time to be at Zoll. It is a good product and while most of us love our customers, this company makes working here a nightmare. They literally invent difficult ways to do easy things. And their greatest strength is finding ways not to pay for our sales. Most reps get 1-2 years of a reachable goal before (a) the goal is raised and (b) all the reversals from erroneous bookings kick in and the goal is even higher to make up the reversals.

Thank you for the feedback. If you work at Zoll they obviously hire some intelligent people. These are all good questions that I will pursue. Good luck at Zoll or wherever you bring your talents

Run as far away from Zoll as you can! Most unethical company I have ever worked for. Loved the product, the company is horrendous and the upper management is from Mars!

Yes. Also ask what the turnover rate is for managers and TMs, and also for that area specifically. Ask how many "zero revenue" patients are in the territory. For me personally, I get paid on less than 50% of my sales. Ever heard of a company doing that? How can anyone make their goal when they don't get credit for over half their sales? Ask if new TMs leave the company (turnover, medical/maternity leave, vacation), are YOU (not them) still responsible for their goal and for *growing* that area while they are gone ... you're gonna be shocked if they are honest. This is a tragic time to be at Zoll. It is a good product and while most of us love our customers, this company makes working here a nightmare. They literally invent difficult ways to do easy things. And their greatest strength is finding ways not to pay for our sales. Most reps get 1-2 years of a reachable goal before (a) the goal is raised and (b) all the reversals from erroneous bookings kick in and the goal is even higher to make up the reversals.

i used this when interviewing and it was quite eyeopening. thanks for this very helpful.

I am reading some horrible posts regarding Zoll Lifevest. I am considering a mangers position with this organization. Can someone give me some honest insightful information on this position. What is the average compensation for managers.

I see many sales reps are not happy

The fact that you are even considering this company tells me you lack intelligence…or are desperate for a job.

In their defense, no one in their right mind could possibly conceive of this level of dysfunction. It is beyond comprehension. I wouldn't believe it either if I didn't see it everyday. Hell, I work here and I'm still shocked every segment at the new ways they keep us from making our commission.

I work 3 days a week and make a shit load of $ in the meantime I get rid of my reps that don't sell. I have no problem putting a loser TM that can't sell on a PIP

Says manager that has been here 7 months. Let's wait two years and see how it's working for you once the goal increases every two weeks catch up to you and your district quota is right where it was when the last manager left. Oh, and bye the way, they will raise your base goal for the new year at year two and then start the increase every two weeks again. I made a lot of money my first year also, but when the jacked up my baseline goal in year two and then the ever increasing quotas were applied on top to that well, you'll have your resume dusted off very quickly. In the mean time all those reps that you have put on plans, well they are gone so you're hiring again and guess what they will be on plans too in a few months. It makes me sick how the antics here effect so many people's lives.

Says manager that has been here 7 months. Let's wait two years and see how it's working for you once the goal increases every two weeks catch up to you and your district quota is right where it was when the last manager left. Oh, and bye the way, they will raise your base goal for the new year at year two and then start the increase every two weeks again. I made a lot of money my first year also, but when the jacked up my baseline goal in year two and then the ever increasing quotas were applied on top to that well, you'll have your resume dusted off very quickly. In the mean time all those reps that you have put on plans, well they are gone so you're hiring again and guess what they will be on plans too in a few months. It makes me sick how the antics here effect so many people's lives.

YES. It is sickening. The thing that blows my mind is that Zoll doesn't realize how EXPENSIVE this is to the organization. A PIPed employee is not working anymore, they are looking for another job. A rep with a super hiked goal is also looking for another job. It costs a lot to recruit, hire, train, and there is a long learning curve. All these activities that keep sales people working on getting another job, the learning curve of new folks, and all the vacancies ... this is to time-intensive and pricey.

Would be so much smarter and cheaper to just keep goals realistic, keep the reps we have, stop antagonizing everyone, and let the reps focus on SELLING.