Offer rescinded!

Thank you for your help. When exactly does EP and Fanapt run out of protection?

EP lower strengths are basically out of protection this year. The 13.3 runs out next year but it is failing miserably right now. Fanapt technically is okay until 2016 BUT, it is an absolute disaster. It only does like 70 MM per year of which 1/3 goes to Vanda. So like 48 MM remain at Novartis at best. That is revenue not profit. So once EP goes believe me, Fanapt will go. No profit for Novartis.

There is talk that they may give the specialty title back since Primary Care doesn't really fit what we do. I can promise you that on my resume it says neuropsych and I will use the job description that they still post to back it up. The only way it is primary care is that it now falls under that business umbrella because there really aren't enough reps to have a separate division anymore. There really isn't much calling on primary care though. It is neuro and psych.
I'm not totally in agreement that we are gone after EP and Fanapt lose protection. There is the possibility of getting laid off but there is also a new cv drug that may be assigned to us but who knows. I probably wouldn't leave something great to take this but if you aren't working, go for it.

The heart failure drug is not doing stellar trial wise and, even if it comes to market, which by the way will be AFTER Exelon Patch runs out of protection, will most likely not be going to Primary Care. Not in the format that it is in right now. It will go under a new BU, or, if it stays in Established Meds BU it will go to a new team formed with CV experience and CV relationships. Don't believe me? Ask around how many internals they just hired for Derm roles.

Get your head out of the sand, you will not be "assigned" any new drug. Any new drug that will be launched will go to external candidates. Both EP and Fanapt will be long gone before the new cv drug comes to market anyway.

Anyone who actually knows the future of any of our BUs is too busy to be wasting their time on this site. We can guess and predict all day but I don't anticipate being laid off. There will be some kind of rabbit pulled out of the hat.

Anyone who actually knows the future of any of our BUs is too busy to be wasting their time on this site. We can guess and predict all day but I don't anticipate being laid off. There will be some kind of rabbit pulled out of the hat.

The pipeline is the pipeline is the pipeline doofus. Only rabbit pulled out of the hat will be my c*ck up your wife's ass

Anyone who actually knows the future of any of our BUs is too busy to be wasting their time on this site. We can guess and predict all day but I don't anticipate being laid off. There will be some kind of rabbit pulled out of the hat.

The only rabbit pulled out is your soon to be delivered severance package.