Off label sales at Ikaria

Ikaria compliance should be looked into. Off-label sales, discussions of preemies and BPD and use in cardiovascular surgery. International business seems suspect...Check out Mexico and Canada...

What a crap company.

CEO - Chief EGO officer - huge ego
Commercial Head - Fence Sitter, passive aggressive loser
CFO - non-existant
General Counsel - scavenger and greedy

what a mess

What a crap company.

CEO - Chief EGO officer - huge ego
Commercial Head - Fence Sitter, passive aggressive loser
CFO - non-existant
General Counsel - scavenger and greedy

what a mess

Thanks for the perspective. I was approached for a sales leadership position here. Seems like I should stay away!!

They recently went to an MBO payout instead of commissions so they can hide from the FDA on the off label promotion of Inomax. Joke of a company that the new regime is running into the ground. They have recently fired employees and an RBD for off label promoting. Hopefully showing the FDA "please don't come after us we are handling it." Crazy stuff.

they are racist too. Who will fly someone in to NJ and then not give an offer. Fuck you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the last minute decide to fly someone else in to compete for the position.

Always pulling the racist card when you don't get what you want or should I say what you feel entitled to?! Face the facts!!! You apparently were not a top choice, there was someone better qualified than you!!! It's not about you fucking color it's about who's the best candidate!!! So take your poor me racist card and look outside this industry!! We don't need any of this shit here!

Dude you need to come up with something better than screaming out the racist card because you didn't get the job! Is that what they teach you in school today... Forget grades boy and girls," all you have to do is scream racist and you'll get any Job you ever dreamed of!"