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% of sales force lay-off


Does anyone know or has anyone heard what the % of layoffs will be for the sales force of combined companies?

Not sure the percentage, but I believe the original announcement was 3000 total US based jobs including home office and sales. If you do the math it could mean upwards of 50% reduction in sales jobs. Blood bath coming.

I heard cuts will be heavily weighted to be from Takeda. I have to laugh when we are told to remember that we are buying Shire and it's not the other way around because everyone knows that in Japan they viewed us as getting ourselves into this mess and want Shire leadership to take over. We have no pipeline and their's is robust. We dropped the ball and they are solid. Believe me, most cuts will come from our side not shire.

With the move to Boston, Deerfield will be hit the hardest. If you're not offered or refuse to move, you're out. My guess is about 80%.
Field based will probably see about 30% cut, with the older, more expensive reps most vulnerable.
Remember it's not all about duplicate positions or "synergies" as there is a major cost burden that leadership has to deal with.
While scary, remember that there is a lot of opportunity out there.
Good luck!

I heard cuts will be heavily weighted to be from Takeda. I have to laugh when we are told to remember that we are buying Shire and it's not the other way around because everyone knows that in Japan they viewed us as getting ourselves into this mess and want Shire leadership to take over. We have no pipeline and their's is robust. We dropped the ball and they are solid. Believe me, most cuts will come from our side not shire.

Really? Have you been on the SHIRE WEBPAGE and read about their management team? They would have never been up for sale if those plucky individuals knew how to navigate that financial sinking ship.

With the move to Boston, Deerfield will be hit the hardest. If you're not offered or refuse to move, you're out. My guess is about 80%.
Field based will probably see about 30% cut, with the older, more expensive reps most vulnerable.
Remember it's not all about duplicate positions or "synergies" as there is a major cost burden that leadership has to deal with.
While scary, remember that there is a lot of opportunity out there.
Good luck!

Since last year there have been @60 territories dissolved in field base. Will those positions (obviously not being back filled) a part of the so called 30% cut?

Really? Have you been on the SHIRE WEBPAGE and read about their management team? They would have never been up for sale if those plucky individuals knew how to navigate that financial sinking ship.

There wasn’t a giant “for sale” sign on Shire you idiot. You don’t know shit about publicly traded companies.

Since last year there have been @60 territories dissolved in field base. Will those positions (obviously not being back filled) a part of the so called 30% cut?

I noticed that on the latest MIC report. They have been dissolving positions... of course in a transparent manner... lol. I hope they take that into account when they start chopping heads... but seeing the degree of debt they are in I doubt it

I’ve posted before. It’s going to be right around 20% sales cuts.

Unfortunately the sales force never has any idea what goes into the decision making.

Anyone on plan/warning letter gone
Bad 9 box placement gone
Takeda NSS good
Takeda GI good
Shire rare disease good

The big question is shire vs Takeda PC reps.

Anyone can sell a NSS drug. There’s not much actual “specialty” to it. It’s going to be filled primarily by good standing Takeda reps and then shire reps will be sprinkled in as needed.

Filling and restructure and management alignment is going to be interesting.

I’ve posted before. It’s going to be right around 20% sales cuts.

Unfortunately the sales force never has any idea what goes into the decision making.

Anyone on plan/warning letter gone
Bad 9 box placement gone
Takeda NSS good
Takeda GI good
Shire rare disease good

The big question is shire vs Takeda PC reps.

Anyone can sell a NSS drug. There’s not much actual “specialty” to it. It’s going to be filled primarily by good standing Takeda reps and then shire reps will be sprinkled in as needed.

Filling and restructure and management alignment is going to be interesting.

Clarification - Takeda Entyvio reps good. Takeda GI is heading to the morgue.

I’ve posted before. It’s going to be right around 20% sales cuts.

Unfortunately the sales force never has any idea what goes into the decision making.

Anyone on plan/warning letter gone
Bad 9 box placement gone
Takeda NSS good
Takeda GI good
Shire rare disease good

The big question is shire vs Takeda PC reps.

Anyone can sell a NSS drug. There’s not much actual “specialty” to it. It’s going to be filled primarily by good standing Takeda reps and then shire reps will be sprinkled in as needed.

Filling and restructure and management alignment is going to be interesting.

20% is way off. Will be bigger and you’re dreaming if you think all NSS reps are safe.

Grabbing my popcorn and enjoying this thread of what if’s ...

U could at least incorporate the new business model and what it looks like when throwing out speculation !!

Come on !

Neuro division - depression adhd
Opth - Opth
General med - all other gout , dexilant etc

All are to be operated as separate divisions ?

Speculate away ..... grabbing some butter for my popcorn now

I’m just hoping everyone is off when doing this speculating , or probably not even employees because you should out there for our patients, unless on vacation like myself