Is there any truth that after Oct 31 earnings report there will be a complete revisit of all sites to determine if another 20% can be taken out?
Rochester is immune to anymore layoffs.
Dream on buddy. Rochester isn't even necessary.
Rochester is the nerve center of the entire operation. Without Rochester B+L is finished. That is why it is immune to layoffs. Valeant sent out a message to everyone emphasizing that Rochester and D&R is safe from anymore layoffs.
eat poo
You're living in a dream world man. Even before the Valeant buyout, Rochester had become nothing but the bottleneck preventing anything from getting done. If you spent more time at the actual sites of value added productivity throughout the planet, you'd know this. The local senior management at all of the distribution, customer service and manufacturing sites despised the out of touch leadership in Rochester. B&L has just become a lumbering, slobbering, drooling beast incapable of responding to customer demands and market conditions due to the excessive layers of brain dead management in Rochester. Good riddance to those over-paid, under-worked buffoons. Only can hope they get rid of the rest of them.
Go Valeant go !!!!!!!!
McKinsley was just in Rochester Oct 10 thru the 16th to do their little evaluation so why in the world would anyone think Rochester is immune to layoffs. If anything they are the target.
Chuck Schumer has received quarantines from Valeant management that their will be no more layoffs in Rochester.
Therefore, McKensley was likely just asking the people in Rochester who to layoff at the other facilities. If you have a job in Rochester your future is as good as gold as the Feds are protecting your jobs. My guess is that either Greenville or Tampa will be closed down and all of those jobs will be headed for Rochester.
Are you being sarcastic? I can never tell on these boards lol
Chuck Schumer has received quarantines from Valeant management that their will be no more layoffs in Rochester.
Therefore, McKensley was likely just asking the people in Rochester who to layoff at the other facilities. If you have a job in Rochester your future is as good as gold as the Feds are protecting your jobs. My guess is that either Greenville or Tampa will be closed down and all of those jobs will be headed for Rochester.
The remaining people in Rochester are the crème de la crème of the organization and will not be touched. You should have read the news stories from Chuck Schumer's office. The job protection is real.
Why deny this. Why would Valeant go against their word to Chuck Schumer? B+L was born in Rochester and if everything is consolidated there it may die there too. Seems fitting since Rochester has given so much to B+L that B+L will now give back to the community with more jobs.