Oct 1 will ther be a sales force reduction?

How is the pipeline?

Several different indicators for Provenge up to phase 2

Neuvenge appears to have not changed its clinical status at least since 2011

D-3263 ( basically a 'wintergreen' molecule derivative) was dropped from certain solid tumor indicators so its back in pre-clinical

Many pre-clinical studies ( ie toxicology/'animal' studies)

Neuvenge for bladder cancer just around the corner. A second drug to detail. Looking forward to it.

Around the corner?? Lapuleucel ( known colloquially as ' Neuvenge') is currently *IN* phase 2 trials which will take time to complete. This doesn't even include phase 3 trials and the whole
BLA approval/type 2 variation process for the FDA/EMEA. Neuvenge, if everything goes well, is several years away from approval. However if it is approved, this could actually be a blockbuster for Dendreon as there are 6 potential indicators ( involving the Her-2 receptor) for Lapuleucel-T.

The technology is truly long term but not Dendreon. That is the future and not knee jerk. This management team is not cutting it. I don't completely blame them as they only know what they know and that is limited.

How could the title of the thread not be correct? The 620M convert is what is around the corner. How the F are they going to address that?

The stock was grossly overinflated. I don't pin that on the current mgmt team. The learning curve for a unique product like this is a long one. As was said earlier in the thread, the product works. NCCN gives it a category 1 rating. Patients survive longer, if you know how to read the studies and understand the science. Bottom line, patients need and deserve to have the chance to go on Provenge. Future cancer patients will benefit from the long learning curve that Dendreon is going through right now. It's a long term scenario, not for the faint of heart.

Stay concerned for the patients and everything else will fall into place! Those with the narrow minded focus on the stock price will get it over time. The science will play a major role in the treatment of several cancers and the stock price will eventually rise. The former is far more important to those on this message board compared to the latter.

LOL, the J&J crew have been here almost two years. They own it.

Sooo back to the original question- Sales force reduction 10/1? ABMs gone? Uro Kams gone? Change is SCG? Thoughts from Dendreon people.

Also back to question posed in post 27. Seems like that guy who said "refinance like anyone else" did not answer the question posed to him.

I would think he understands "like anyone else" is deceptive as the company's finances and balance sheet is not "like anyone else."

As for Oct 1, maybe just the date is not exact. As for large layoffs, how can there not be a large amount of layoffs considering the state of the company?

Well considering that there are still open territories and there have been reductions to the field sales team earlier this year (collapsing territories and positions), the question becomes can we afford to function smaller. If anything the need lies with expanding, and doing it significantly. The money is there and we need to push sales really hard in light of the news in Europe, and the opportunity to capture lost sales.

Refinance it like anyone else.

I agree - companies do it all the time. Plus we currently have well over $200 million in cash and likely will bring in a significant additional cash infusion from a EU partner soon. Plus the company can also bring in more cash at any time with a secondary offering. Companies without even an approved product and without any revenues and just burn cash routiney do secondary stock offerings to finance operations.

Curious as to the field sales positions that have been open for a long time now. Is this a hiring freeze? Speculation here, but thinking a EU or USA partnership announcement is what the company is looking for before filling those positions.

From the outside, it just goes away from conventional wisdom to cut the revenue generating part of the company. Clearly, costs need to be cut, but there does not appear to be much, if any overlap or repetitive costs exist in the salesforce.

Any thoughts?

Hopefully, ABM/UroKAM positions will be eliminated. Maybe, if we're unlucky, they will be offered open ISS slots. They were supposed to be upward mobility positions but were filled with cronies. Another JD lie. There is a hiring freeze. Suspect Seattle will be trimmed, again. To bad the board can't grow a set of testicles and get someone who knows something about Biotech to run the organization. Current management is running the company to bankruptcy. The board hired the the ultimate liar and he refused to move to the west coast (where Biotech's live). More debt incurred by moving to NJ and still maintaining Seattle. We need someone who want something other than a golden parachute.

Hopefully, ABM/UroKAM positions will be eliminated. Maybe, if we're unlucky, they will be offered open ISS slots. They were supposed to be upward mobility positions but were filled with cronies. Another JD lie. There is a hiring freeze. Suspect Seattle will be trimmed, again. To bad the board can't grow a set of testicles and get someone who knows something about Biotech to run the organization. Current management is running the company to bankruptcy. The board hired the the ultimate liar and he refused to move to the west coast (where Biotech's live). More debt incurred by moving to NJ and still maintaining Seattle. We need someone who want something other than a golden parachute.

Hate to inform you that NJ is the pharma/biotech capital of the world. Seattle is nowhere land. Smart move moving HQ to NJ. The NJ office space costs the company much less than the space we gave up in Seattle. No debt was incurred to move. Lease expense was reduced. And all these silly buzzwords from someone who has never actually met anyone that works at Dendreon. Johnson has over 30 years of top notch experience at all levels of biotech whether it be marketing, sales, product development, drug development, corporate and strategic strategy, etc. We are lucky he heads our company.