OCO on its last leg !!!!!


  • This company is a disaster, going under fast, laid off 10 people, fired the manager Dr. Dick after he did some major under handed money shifting. Owner 80 + has the kiddies running the business which they are out to line their pockets. The folks left are looking for new gigs and working two jobs to stay afloat

Even worse now- Fired his daughter who he brought in and destroyed the company after it had its best years in its 40 year history first with Chris Sanchez and then Dr. Schlesinger. Took 2.5 years for it to fall apart. Closed the Austin branch, ABQ office is now a ghost town and he brought in his brother, who BTW is awaiting trial in Illinois for practicing without a license and prescribing drugs without a valid DEA license. How long till that tenure ends....? Ara Nazarian is out as head of education- I am so glad I am not stuck repping for this company. It was good while it lasted...