Obvious discrimination by Abbvie


White privilige is the key at Abbvie. Hire one token black person to meet quota, sleep with your higher ups and promote your friends. It’s the Abbvie way… sleep around and fuck around to promotions. Doesn’t work for colored people though. They are terrorized till they leave

It’s the Abbvie way. White privilege and let them work remote from wherever they want and ask all the colored people to move to Chicago and come to HQ 3-5 days a week. Double standard, double discrimination based on both age and color. They are playing a dangerous game.

I was asked during an interview how old I was. I pushed back because that’s obviously illegal and inappropriate. Did not get the job, obviously. Apparently, as I learned later, the hiring manager liked little girls.

Blatant discrimination based upon protected classes. Shame on so so many managers at many levels that do it and allow others to do it as well.
I am a white male but next time I dont get my 5% raise or promotion you can bet I will identify as a lesbian black muslim women to claim discrimination. Love the world ya'll gave us!

Blatant discrimination based upon protected classes. Shame on so so many managers at many levels that do it and allow others to do it as well.
Yes and it will continue for as long as they get away with it. Will blame it on anything but the truth. Latest line of crap to blame is inflation reduction act.

I am a white male but next time I dont get my 5% raise or promotion you can bet I will identify as a lesbian black muslim women to claim discrimination. Love the world ya'll gave us!
Oh grow up, clearly you don’t know Abbvie. If you were a lesbian black Muslim woman you either would 1. not be hired 2. be actively managed out to make room for more white males or 3. be lucky to get 1% raise.

I was asked during an interview how old I was. I pushed back because that’s obviously illegal and inappropriate. Did not get the job, obviously. Apparently, as I learned later, the hiring manager liked little girls.
Abbvie is on a massive purge of employees over 40. It is illegal as is what you went through in the interview. They will keep getting away with it until industry is held accountable with class action suits.

Oh grow up, clearly you don’t know Abbvie. If you were a lesbian black Muslim woman you either would 1. not be hired 2. be actively managed out to make room for more white males or 3. be lucky to get 1% raise.
If I dont get the raise then I go back to being a white male. You people made the game but seem to hate playing it

Abbvie is shady to put it nicely. The "Good Ole Abbott Boys club" is the culture. If you aren't in that club, just eat your daily shit sandwich that Abbvie graciously gives you and be grateful.

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