Good to know I'm not the only in this situation - Q2 goal nearly double my Q1 TRx.
I can't see how this is going to work out if a third or even half of us don't hit goal, will they put us all on PIP? Maybe this is how they eliminate reps and expand territories without layoffs or severance?

Maybe this is why the Vice-President of Human Resources quit a few months about?

Seriously? She's lucky she found people stupid enough to employ her incompetent ass, she's not pushing back on anyone. Plus, she's not smart enough to figure this out as evidenced by her lack of insight around Florida (BTW, where was the dumbass ZD from there in all of this?)

She will simply take her number and beat people to try and acheive it. Wash-rinse-repeat!
Vynase is the problem and that is why they jacked our 2Q sales goals! The blame game is on NBU. OBU will do its best but we can't make up the loss sales from V. We are stuck in the middle of a tug of war!

Vynase is the problem and that is why they jacked our 2Q sales goals! The blame game is on NBU. OBU will do its best but we can't make up the loss sales from V. We are stuck in the middle of a tug of war!

Loss for Vyvanse? What are you smoking? You realize Vyvanse hit 2 billion last year right? Want to know what the national goal attainment was when we hit that stretch goal? 98%. Want to know what we got for reaching this stretch goal? Nothing. They increased our goals to an unattainable amount as soon as Xiidra launched so they wouldn't have to pay out as much to the NBU so they could use it for salary and bonus for OBU. Don't blame your high Q2 goals on a 2 billion dollar 10 year old medication. They thought Xiidra would have done better than this by now. The fault is on them and their forecasting. Maybe know a little about the NBU and Vyvanse (like how to spell it) before you say something so asinine.

Loss for Vyvanse? What are you smoking? You realize Vyvanse hit 2 billion last year right? Want to know what the national goal attainment was when we hit that stretch goal? 98%. Want to know what we got for reaching this stretch goal? Nothing. They increased our goals to an unattainable amount as soon as Xiidra launched so they wouldn't have to pay out as much to the NBU so they could use it for salary and bonus for OBU. Don't blame your high Q2 goals on a 2 billion dollar 10 year old medication. They thought Xiidra would have done better than this by now. The fault is on them and their forecasting. Maybe know a little about the NBU and Vyvanse (like how to spell it) before you say something so asinine.

I have to admit this is correct. This isn't on Vyvanse. This is about poor forecasting. And when we don't make our goals then they don't have to pay the NBU reps for all this bullshit.

I just hope when my NBU reps realize I won't be hitting my ridiculous goal - so they won't be getting paid - that they'll stay out of my offices.

I have to admit this is correct. This isn't on Vyvanse. This is about poor forecasting. And when we don't make our goals then they don't have to pay the NBU reps for all this bullshit.

I just hope when my NBU reps realize I won't be hitting my ridiculous goal - so they won't be getting paid - that they'll stay out of my offices.

The sad truth is, all the ZDs, RDs and reps in NBU know we won't hit all the metrics required to get anything over the set $200. However the direction from ZDs and RDs is that we still have to go in the OBU offices. It doesn't logically make sense, we all know this. We're set up to fail from the start. However, either we continue to go in or risk being written up. All this BS for a measly $200...

The sad truth is, all the ZDs, RDs and reps in NBU know we won't hit all the metrics required to get anything over the set $200. However the direction from ZDs and RDs is that we still have to go in the OBU offices. It doesn't logically make sense, we all know this. We're set up to fail from the start. However, either we continue to go in or risk being written up. All this BS for a measly $200...
Thats it baby! Minimal effort but keep cashing those pay checks. Now I get my gym workout, shopping and other errands done during my "field time"

Loss for Vyvanse? What are you smoking? You realize Vyvanse hit 2 billion last year right? Want to know what the national goal attainment was when we hit that stretch goal? 98%. Want to know what we got for reaching this stretch goal? Nothing. They increased our goals to an unattainable amount as soon as Xiidra launched so they wouldn't have to pay out as much to the NBU so they could use it for salary and bonus for OBU. Don't blame your high Q2 goals on a 2 billion dollar 10 year old medication. They thought Xiidra would have done better than this by now. The fault is on them and their forecasting. Maybe know a little about the NBU and Vyvanse (like how to spell it) before you say something so asinine.
Let's be frank, 10 year old drug does not a sales force! Waste of our resources.

Sounds like a lot of buyers remorse?? Good thing you were offered a pay increase to join Shire, definitely makes up for all of the bonus money you'll never make under KK and PS!!