OBU fall meeting


we need a fall meeting...with all the crap going on and movement...morale so low and MC I think we need a good morale boosting meeting...maybe actually some FUN a team builder..... Now that KK is gone maybe it could actually be realistic and productive instead of bullshit and stupid fucking certifications with no new material.

we need a fall meeting...with all the crap going on and movement...morale so low and MC I think we need a good morale boosting meeting...maybe actually some FUN a team builder..... Now that KK is gone maybe it could actually be realistic and productive instead of bullshit and stupid fucking certifications with no new material.

No, we don't. We need to be in the field. If you need a boost, take a personal vacation, but leave us out of it.

No, we don't. We need to be in the field. If you need a boost, take a personal vacation, but leave us out of it.
No we don't, with us, the NBU reps, the niinjas, and managers doctors are sick and tired of seeing Shire reps. We need a reset... Being in the same offices ALL the time with the same tired initiatives is taking a toll (hello numbers flat). So how's that working out for you?
Morale is extremely low, people are looking and many are and will be leaving.

No we don't, with us, the NBU reps, the niinjas, and managers doctors are sick and tired of seeing Shire reps. We need a reset... Being in the same offices ALL the time with the same tired initiatives is taking a toll (hello numbers flat). So how's that working out for you?
Morale is extremely low, people are looking and many are and will be leaving.

If someone thinks a meeting that is driven by legal, regulatory and marketing is the magic bullet to turn this sales force around, they are part of the problem.

If someone thinks a meeting that is driven by legal, regulatory and marketing is the magic bullet to turn this sales force around, they are part of the problem.

I don't think a meeting is the answer, but some common sense leadership that doesn't want 2 or 3 Shire peeps in the same doctors offices every week would definitely turn this place around. We need some serious help with morale!!!

I don't think a meeting is the answer, but some common sense leadership that doesn't want 2 or 3 Shire peeps in the same doctors offices every week would definitely turn this place around. We need some serious help with morale!!!

I don't disagree. But those decisions are not made at national meetings. Meetings are for execution of strategy, not to discuss what that strategy is. This company's ideas of how to grow sales is right out of 2001. Just like it did then for other companies, it will fail now. Next step once they realize the failure is to cut jobs.
Ever wonder how small biotec companies became successful to the point companies like Shire wanted to buy them? By doing things totally opposite of Shire. This is what Shire can't and won't understand

I don't disagree. But those decisions are not made at national meetings. Meetings are for execution of strategy, not to discuss what that strategy is. This company's ideas of how to grow sales is right out of 2001. Just like it did then for other companies, it will fail now. Next step once they realize the failure is to cut jobs.
Ever wonder how small biotec companies became successful to the point companies like Shire wanted to buy them? By doing things totally opposite of Shire. This is what Shire can't and won't understand

Very well said, you are spot on.

All I know is I need a refresh. Docs are sick and tired of the same shit. The new coupon isn't new, and splitting it into two coupons was COMPLETELY IDIOTIC! They should have kept it simple, do we NEED a meeting? No.... but I'll gladly take the break from calls, I'm so checked out right now.

I'll be long gone before then. 2 other eye care companies will be expanding this fall in preparation for a possible glaucoma launch. Watch the exodus happen. Don't think so? Remember we are the same people who jumped ship for this pipe dream. We're not exactly loyal to any one company. #nomadpharmareps

All I know is I need a refresh. Docs are sick and tired of the same shit. The new coupon isn't new, and splitting it into two coupons was COMPLETELY IDIOTIC! They should have kept it simple, do we NEED a meeting? No.... but I'll gladly take the break from calls, I'm so checked out right now.
Suck it up snowflake! I enjoy the competition and striving to be in P Club! If y'all can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen! #nothingstopsme

I'll be long gone before then. 2 other eye care companies will be expanding this fall in preparation for a possible glaucoma launch. Watch the exodus happen. Don't think so? Remember we are the same people who jumped ship for this pipe dream. We're not exactly loyal to any one company. #nomadpharmareps
But glaucoma? Unless it's something completely revolutionary and different that's one hell of a crowded market.

Whats wrong with a quick few days in Vegas? Get everyone together, motivate the hell out of us, keep the fun level high, actually have REAL conversations on how to overcome PA issues, tell us how our comp plan is being fixed for the positive, and send us back out to kick some allergan ass. Remember how motivated we all were after Miami? That's where our heads need to be at again. With KK gone and our ZDs being given more control to do what's right for their parts of the county, we're headed in the right direction.

I don't think a meeting is the answer, but some common sense leadership that doesn't want 2 or 3 Shire peeps in the same doctors offices every week would definitely turn this place around. We need some serious help with morale!!!

Allergan has 3 or 4 reps in the same docs offices, so in any given month, docs may see 7 reps from Shire & Allergan...I guess the idea is to beat the docs into submission with the same F'ing message from multiple reps from each company...

Whats wrong with a quick few days in Vegas? Get everyone together, motivate the hell out of us, keep the fun level high, actually have REAL conversations on how to overcome PA issues, tell us how our comp plan is being fixed for the positive, and send us back out to kick some allergan ass. Remember how motivated we all were after Miami? That's where our heads need to be at again. With KK gone and our ZDs being given more control to do what's right for their parts of the county, we're headed in the right direction.
1. We will NEVER have a meeting in Vegas bc Perry won't allow it
2. I agree with your train of thought...it would be nice to do that keeping it light and fun and addressing all those issues. However it will never be in Vegas Perry only knows FL, AZ, and TX. VEGAS is forbidden he thinks we can't handle ourselves bc one time at BL THE vision care team got out of control in Vegas.

Whats wrong with a quick few days in Vegas? Get everyone together, motivate the hell out of us, keep the fun level high, actually have REAL conversations on how to overcome PA issues, tell us how our comp plan is being fixed for the positive, and send us back out to kick some allergan ass. Remember how motivated we all were after Miami? That's where our heads need to be at again. With KK gone and our ZDs being given more control to do what's right for their parts of the county, we're headed in the right direction.

Actually one of the few positive posts that weren't totally Shire messaging drivel about P club and "if you don't like it leave". Good job. I like it.

Is the idea of a fall OBU meets legit?

I'm still working on my strategy to roll out the yellow and white cards to ECP's without a total cluster....

Good times, stay thirsty

1. We will NEVER have a meeting in Vegas bc Perry won't allow it
2. I agree with your train of thought...it would be nice to do that keeping it light and fun and addressing all those issues. However it will never be in Vegas Perry only knows FL, AZ, and TX. VEGAS is forbidden he thinks we can't handle ourselves bc one time at BL THE vision care team got out of control in Vegas.

From what I understand Shire has never had a meeting in Vegas, so it isn't just Perry. And we shouldn't complain about AZ and Miami because this company is stuck on Orlando and Texas. Unless you're HAE.

Their issue with Vegas certainly isn't the price. My old company always had meetings in LV because they got great deals on hotels and the flights are relatively cheap and easy for most people. We also went to Anaheim a lot and now I regret bitching about it after these Dallas and Orlando repeats. Anaheim at least had nice hotels and we could extend our trip to other CA cities.