obese staff

Last night I was with an “office cow” following left over pizza, Olive Garden salad, bred sticks and chocolate chip cookies in the basement of her mother’s house.

She mentioned she does not work in a medical office but a clinic and that she is highly trained as a medical assistant, which is a course taken at the local community college.

Question: Would that higher education experience classify this one as a “clinic cow?"""""""""""""""""” she’s quite obese and has an acne problem, but she’s only 19 1/2 years old and extremely "active Also, she needs to tidy up things, particularly shave her armpits and other areas. I don’t think she’s ever done that in her life!

thank you for the favor of your consideration

CEO: Anonymous
CFO: Anonymous
This Executive: Anonymous
That Executive: Anonymous

Low-flying aircraft.

1. XY = male.
2. XX = female.
3. Survival, or selection, of the fittest.

Don't jump into a pool with women if you are, in fact, a man.

Can a clinic double as an office and vice versa? No. These areas are the clinic, and those areas are the office.

Some people need to learn the hard way. I'll end up throwing the diploma into the garbage while you are giving yourselves awards.
In the office where the office cows roam,
A dashing drug rep made it known,
With a smile and a wink, he laid out a feast,
"Come one, come all, to the greatest free lunch beast!"

The office cows sauntered from their desks with glee,
For a spread of delights as far as the eye could see,
Sandwiches, salads, and desserts so rich,
All thanks to the rep, they'd found their niche.

They gathered 'round the table, a hungry herd,
Munching and crunching, not a word,
For the food was too good, the moment too sweet,
An office prairie of treats to eat.

The dashing drug rep watched with pride,
His free lunch had turned the tide,
The office cows, with appetites sated,
Left the rep in high spirits, elated.

So here's to the lunches, free and fun,
To the office cows and reps, when the day is done,
May the feasts be many, the company grand,
In the office pastures of the corporate land.
i was a rep from 1982-2016.....we did not start until around 1987....not many, then at least 2 per week. I hardly ever ate any of the food.....but many of the office staff were related to Porky Pig...wow...
i was a rep from 1982-2016.....we did not start until around 1987....not many, then at least 2 per week. I hardly ever ate any of the food.....but many of the office staff were related to Porky Pig...wow...
God gave us the ability to provide these carb lunches for the staff-they will graze-lord they graze so lovely...
Lunch today in Clarksville going to be epic-staff is very pleased:
Pizza, Pasta, Soda, Chips, Cookies, Cake, Candy Strips, Cookies, Mouth Waters, Soap Clips, Chips and Pies