Obama vs Romney

Poll after poll says you are neither right nor wrong.

The issue is still the economy. It is awful. I'm not saying its his fault but unemployment being over 8 percent is not good for him. His results are not inspiring. People vote based on results. if Obama were a CEO of any company he would not keep his job due to bad results....this things would have been worse argument he makes does not inspire confidence.

We need another Truman...where the buck stops somewhere.

And I say this as a center right voter who occasionally votes for a blue dog democrat at times and as a guy who was always a BIG supporter of President Clinton .

To quote Carville, it's the economy stupid...

Let's get Obama back to defending his RESULTS With the economy...you know, the topic he would rather not talk about.

Wasn't two summers ago Bidens summer of recovery ? Cough....

You are correct, however, this economy is completely tied to the uncertainty this socialist president has created. The passage of Obamacare and the approval of The Supreme Court will further be a drag on this economy and contribute to higher job losses. So this is really not an either/or debate, it is both. Clearly, Obama's socialism is bad for individual freedom and it is bad for the economy.

Well lets talk about healthcare. Fact: The US spends more money per capita than any other developed country. Question: compared to every other developed country is life expectancy a) going up; b) about the same or c) falling dramatically. Answer: well need we say more?

It'll be painful but in the end all for the better.

The US spends more in healthcare because individuals make choices to spend money on healthcare. Until now, we didn't have an oppressive government dictating which medicines we can have and which we could not or which procedures were allowable. Life-Expectancy is about the worst, most unreliable measure for healthcare quality. But if that is your yardstick, then consider most countries which have Obamacare-Style healthcare, have about the same life-expectancy as the US. However, in those countries, many of those people wish they were dead waiting for procedures and being denied medicines that the government deems not cost-effective. Name ONE thing the government runs where it can be shown to have lowered costs. Medicare and Medicaid are BANKRUPT, but now you think it is a good idea that they run ALL of our healthcare??? Medicare and Medicade have a higher denial rate than private insurance. In the end, we will spend more, get less and will have lost our individual freedom. Thanks Moron.

Well lets talk about healthcare. Fact: The US spends more money per capita than any other developed country. Question: compared to every other developed country is life expectancy a) going up; b) about the same or c) falling dramatically. Answer: well need we say more?

It'll be painful but in the end all for the better.

Clearly, life expectancy in the US continues to go up. The increase has been the trend for at least the past 50 years. WTF are you talking about???


The US spends more in healthcare because individuals make choices to spend money on healthcare. Until now, we didn't have an oppressive government dictating which medicines we can have and which we could not or which procedures were allowable. Life-Expectancy is about the worst, most unreliable measure for healthcare quality. But if that is your yardstick, then consider most countries which have Obamacare-Style healthcare, have about the same life-expectancy as the US. However, in those countries, many of those people wish they were dead waiting for procedures and being denied medicines that the government deems not cost-effective. Name ONE thing the government runs where it can be shown to have lowered costs. Medicare and Medicaid are BANKRUPT, but now you think it is a good idea that they run ALL of our healthcare??? Medicare and Medicade have a higher denial rate than private insurance. In the end, we will spend more, get less and will have lost our individual freedom. Thanks Moron.

Bit thick this fella.......

The US is worse off on pretty much every measure. Not worth arguing about that as its just fact. You don't choose which procedures you have the clinicians do. The write up garbage because the financial incentives exist to do so - it is all activity based remuneration. This is why the US has some of the finest clinicians in the world and the some of the worst possible outcomes. We pay the highest prices for drugs and procedures in the world. $500 for an MRI verses $75 they pay in Japan. This is why the system is bankrupt.

Bit thick this fella.......

The US is worse off on pretty much every measure. Not worth arguing about that as its just fact. You don't choose which procedures you have the clinicians do. The write up garbage because the financial incentives exist to do so - it is all activity based remuneration. This is why the US has some of the finest clinicians in the world and the some of the worst possible outcomes. We pay the highest prices for drugs and procedures in the world. $500 for an MRI verses $75 they pay in Japan. This is why the system is bankrupt.

Show me "pretty much every measure".... prove it. Here is a measure for you... lookup wait times and denial rates for hip replacement around the socialized-medicine world. Lookup where the world comes when they need first-rate, cutting-edge treatment options. If Japan supposedly pays $75 for an MRI, do you REALLY believe that is the actual cost? Of course not, you moron.... Japan obviously has made the choice to subsidize the cost with taxes. Essentially they steal money from everybody who can pay, in the form of taxes, and then morons like you say "Wow, look how cheap healthcare is in Japan"

Show me "pretty much every measure".... prove it. Here is a measure for you... lookup wait times and denial rates for hip replacement around the socialized-medicine world. Lookup where the world comes when they need first-rate, cutting-edge treatment options. If Japan supposedly pays $75 for an MRI, do you REALLY believe that is the actual cost? Of course not, you moron.... Japan obviously has made the choice to subsidize the cost with taxes. Essentially they steal money from everybody who can pay, in the form of taxes, and then morons like you say "Wow, look how cheap healthcare is in Japan"

It is essentially a private system with price negotiations

"Medical services are offered through a universal health care insurance system that provides relative equality of access, with fees set by a government committee. People without insurance through employers can participate in a national health insurance programme administered by local governments. Patients are free to select physicians or facilities of their choice and cannot be denied coverage"

Bit like ours but much more efficient and more effective.

You should try it homeboy. Put away the porn and read some books

Show me a stat that demonstrates ALL these wonderful developed, socialized countries that have a significant advantage over the US in terms of life expectancy.

This is hard data. Compared to all other developed countries, life expectancy in the US is falling in relative terms. Life expectancy in the US is 72 and at full quality of life 70. In recent years mortality rates have plateaued somewhat and in some states declined slightly. In other nations life expectancy continues to increase. Ergo it's falling relatively. Despite increasing expenditure.

There are numerous sources of these data available and published widely in peer reviewed publications like The Lancet. Look at the WHO report which considers both adult and infant mortality data as well as several other quality indicators. The US is 37th.

Dealing with folks like you is like dealing with a alcoholic or a drug addict.

This is hard data. Compared to all other developed countries, life expectancy in the US is falling in relative terms. Life expectancy in the US is 72 and at full quality of life 70. In recent years mortality rates have plateaued somewhat and in some states declined slightly. In other nations life expectancy continues to increase. Ergo it's falling relatively. Despite increasing expenditure.

There are numerous sources of these data available and published widely in peer reviewed publications like The Lancet. Look at the WHO report which considers both adult and infant mortality data as well as several other quality indicators. The US is 37th.

Dealing with folks like you is like dealing with a alcoholic or a drug addict.

Dude.... your sources are COMPLETELY WHACK. The U.S. life expectancy is 78 and it has increased steadily for the past 50 years. There is NO ARGUMENT. Give me a link to ONE credible source that shows otherwise. Try the U.S. census MORON.... this fact is EASILY proven. Japan is 1st. for life expectancy at 82.... really NOT that BIG of a DEAL. Most of the differences can NOT be explained by health care systems. It is the FACT that Japanese people take care of themselves better thru diet and exercise. The U.S. is the ONLY developed country where the biggest issue facing our poor is OBESITY. Go figure??? Obama and ALL his FoodStamps have contributed to obesity. Dealing with folks like you is like dealing with a child.... ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS!!!

It is essentially a private system with price negotiations

"Medical services are offered through a universal health care insurance system that provides relative equality of access, with fees set by a government committee. People without insurance through employers can participate in a national health insurance programme administered by local governments. Patients are free to select physicians or facilities of their choice and cannot be denied coverage"

Bit like ours but much more efficient and more effective.

You should try it homeboy. Put away the porn and read some books

We already have something like that, it's called Medicare and Medicaid.... how's that working-out homeboy??? Your government-run utopia can't exist, it does not respond to market realities. Price controls.... really!?!?!?!? You think that's the answer. Perhaps it is YOU who should read a BASIC book on economics. You are pathetic and not really very well thought out.

Dude.... your sources are COMPLETELY WHACK. The U.S. life expectancy is 78 and it has increased steadily for the past 50 years. There is NO ARGUMENT. Give me a link to ONE credible source that shows otherwise. Try the U.S. census MORON.... this fact is EASILY proven. Japan is 1st. for life expectancy at 82.... really NOT that BIG of a DEAL. Most of the differences can NOT be explained by health care systems. It is the FACT that Japanese people take care of themselves better thru diet and exercise. The U.S. is the ONLY developed country where the biggest issue facing our poor is OBESITY. Go figure??? Obama and ALL his FoodStamps have contributed to obesity. Dealing with folks like you is like dealing with a child.... ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS!!!

Quite wrong. If you were armed you could be dangerous. Plot the data - use a pipe cleaner if you struggle with the technology. You could stand your coffee cup on the last 10 years. You are just gonna have to suck it up. "The only developed country where the biggest issue facing our poor is obesity"

I'm lovin' it!

We already have something like that, it's called Medicare and Medicaid.... how's that working-out homeboy??? Your government-run utopia can't exist, it does not respond to market realities. Price controls.... really!?!?!?!? You think that's the answer. Perhaps it is YOU who should read a BASIC book on economics. You are pathetic and not really very well thought out.

Pointless arguing - it's done.

Quite wrong. If you were armed you could be dangerous. Plot the data - use a pipe cleaner if you struggle with the technology. You could stand your coffee cup on the last 10 years. You are just gonna have to suck it up. "The only developed country where the biggest issue facing our poor is obesity"

I'm lovin' it!

So I guess, by your logic (using the term logic LOOSELY), the other so-called developed countries have a steeper growth in life expectancy because for all those years previous they were SO FAR BEHIND. The bottome-line is that you can show me NOTHING that disputes the life expectancy in the US as anything other than 78 vs. Japan at 82. Big FUCKING DEAL!?!?!? Furthermore you can show me NOTHING that proves that is has anything to do with their healthcare system vs. ours. Put up or shut the fuck up..... because you have nothing but DRONE talking points. Give me a link, show me some facts. You have NOTHING but a dream for government-run healthcare utopia. Lets look at obesity rates for the so-called poor in the US vs the world (poor or otherwise) Our government over-feeds these lazy bums, they die early, they bring down the US life-expectancy rate and then socialist ass-holes want to blame our healthcare system. Wakeup IDIOT.

So I guess, by your logic (using the term logic LOOSELY), the other so-called developed countries have a steeper growth in life expectancy because for all those years previous they were SO FAR BEHIND. The bottome-line is that you can show me NOTHING that disputes the life expectancy in the US as anything other than 78 vs. Japan at 82. Big FUCKING DEAL!?!?!? Furthermore you can show me NOTHING that proves that is has anything to do with their healthcare system vs. ours. Put up or shut the fuck up..... because you have nothing but DRONE talking points. Give me a link, show me some facts. You have NOTHING but a dream for government-run healthcare utopia. Lets look at obesity rates for the so-called poor in the US vs the world (poor or otherwise) Our government over-feeds these lazy bums, they die early, they bring down the US life-expectancy rate and then socialist ass-holes want to blame our healthcare system. Wakeup IDIOT.

Read your own post. Read it out load to yourself. Then read it to your family and friends. They will all look at you with eyes like saucers and utter the those three little words........"he needs help"

Read your own post. Read it out load to yourself. Then read it to your family and friends. They will all look at you with eyes like saucers and utter the those three little words........"he needs help"

Still no facts, huh? You have all these liberal drone talking points but absolutely no evidence. It is amazing that you are not the least bit interested in the facts.... You just accept whatever shit that comes out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi and others. History has a name for people like you... "Useful Idiot"

Still no facts, huh? You have all these liberal drone talking points but absolutely no evidence. It is amazing that you are not the least bit interested in the facts.... You just accept whatever shit that comes out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi and others. History has a name for people like you... "Useful Idiot"

On the spectrum or what.

Unemployment at 8.2 percent today...

Another crappy job number.

Who cares about the healthcare law. That can wait for now.

It's the economy stupid. That's all this election will be.

Unemployment at 8.2 percent today...

Another crappy job number.

Who cares about the healthcare law. That can wait for now.

It's the economy stupid. That's all this election will be.

Agreed, but we can walk and chew gum at the same time, right? It is the economy, but don't you think Obamacare and the biggest tax-hike in history which it will trigger might have a little something to do with this horrible economic mess?