Poll after poll says you are neither right nor wrong.
The issue is still the economy. It is awful. I'm not saying its his fault but unemployment being over 8 percent is not good for him. His results are not inspiring. People vote based on results. if Obama were a CEO of any company he would not keep his job due to bad results....this things would have been worse argument he makes does not inspire confidence.
We need another Truman...where the buck stops somewhere.
And I say this as a center right voter who occasionally votes for a blue dog democrat at times and as a guy who was always a BIG supporter of President Clinton .
To quote Carville, it's the economy stupid...
Let's get Obama back to defending his RESULTS With the know, the topic he would rather not talk about.
Wasn't two summers ago Bidens summer of recovery ? Cough....
You are correct, however, this economy is completely tied to the uncertainty this socialist president has created. The passage of Obamacare and the approval of The Supreme Court will further be a drag on this economy and contribute to higher job losses. So this is really not an either/or debate, it is both. Clearly, Obama's socialism is bad for individual freedom and it is bad for the economy.