Obama Puts Politics Ahead Of Genocide

So now you are suddenly asking me different questions, since you now admit that I never called you either an anti-semite or a nazi.

Now you want me to explain what I was thinking? OK, here is what I was thinking:

1."Wow that first lady sure has a fat ass."

2. "I wonder what fly the fish are biting on".

I sure hope that helps. I am just wondering why you have not apologized for calling me a liar now that you admit that I never called you either a nazi or an anti-semite and you were stating a false accusation?


I too am still waiting for U to come clean B/B.

I too am still waiting for U to come clean B/B.

This has nothing to do with you, unless you are admitting that you are RAB. RAB confessed that he falsely accused me of calling him/her an anti-semite or a nazi. As soon as he/she apologizes we can continue.

Meanwhile, I have been looking for the post you asked me to look at but I can't find it because there is no posting date. I can't comment if I can't see the post in the context of the thread. Can you give me a posting date?

This has nothing to do with you, unless you are admitting that you are RAB. RAB confessed that he falsely accused me of calling him/her an anti-semite or a nazi. As soon as he/she apologizes we can continue.

Meanwhile, I have been looking for the post you asked me to look at but I can't find it because there is no posting date. I can't comment if I can't see the post in the context of the thread. Can you give me a posting date?

Why wouldnt he reply to your pathetic attempt to LIE even more? Everyone on these boards saw what you wrote accusing posters, specifically me, as being a "nazi" and an "anti-semite" and then LIE about it.

Now, answer the questions I ASKED and not questions, like fly fishing and the first lady's dress size, that had nothing to do with this topic of you smearing posters with ugly slurs.

I'll ask again, who were you referring to as "nazi" and "anti-semite" when responding to the posts I made on this thread and others?

You can find one of the comments can be found on THIS thread posted on 3/8 at 10:13pm. The other was on the "Joe the Dumber" thread posted on 3/9 at 10:01 am. Now, come up with a NEW excuse this time.

I promise, this will dog you on EVERY thread as long as I'm around here until you address it like a man and not some sniveling little manipulative punk hiding behind a computer. Your call.

What? You've put away your playbook THIS TIME of calling anyone a "nazi" who doesn't hold the same point of view as you, or having the gall to post the definition of a word in the dictionary?

If you call yourself a "conservative", or a "constitutionalist", tell us where in that founding document does it says we owe ANY country billions of dollars a year in aid and weapons?

Perhaps you can get assistance in finding that from your lawyer as you guys review that case you threatened me with regarding me attributing Breitbart's written words to Breitbart.

It doesn't. Nor should we give aid to any country, as in having troops in Japan, Germany, money to Egypt, the fake palestinians etc.

So do you think we should give ZERO in foreign aid as I do, or are you merely selective against Israel?

Ready? Go.

Fish on!

Oh lordy.....now what will I do? RAB knows that I'm really ILA!

Its not going away.....

Originally Posted by Bubble Burster
At least Joe is getting up off his dead ass and trying to affect change.

What are you doing? Oh yeah...posting anti-semitic rants on CP.

Originally Posted by Bubble Burster
There are more Nazi's on CP then I thought.

What was the context?

Why wouldnt he reply to your pathetic attempt to LIE even more? Everyone on these boards saw what you wrote accusing posters, specifically me, as being a "nazi" and an "anti-semite" and then LIE about it.

Now, answer the questions I ASKED and not questions, like fly fishing and the first lady's dress size, that had nothing to do with this topic of you smearing posters with ugly slurs.

I'll ask again, who were you referring to as "nazi" and "anti-semite" when responding to the posts I made on this thread and others?

You can find one of the comments can be found on THIS thread posted on 3/8 at 10:13pm. The other was on the "Joe the Dumber" thread posted on 3/9 at 10:01 am. Now, come up with a NEW excuse this time.

I promise, this will dog you on EVERY thread as long as I'm around here until you address it like a man and not some sniveling little manipulative punk hiding behind a computer. Your call.

Now, answer the questions I ASKED and not questions, like fly fishing and the first lady's dress size,... I was asked what I was thinking. I told him/her what I was thinking...that had nothing to do with this topic of you smearing posters with ugly slurs. Where?

I'll ask again, who were you referring to as "nazi" and "anti-semite" when responding to the posts I made on this thread and others?
I would be happy to. Just tell me where I ever referred to anybody on these threads as "'nazi'" and "'anti-semite'".

You can find one of the comments can be found on THIS thread posted on 3/8 at 10:13pm. The other was on the "Joe the Dumber" thread posted on 3/9 at 10:01 am. Now, come up with a NEW excuse this time. Uh, where?

I promise, this will dog you on EVERY thread as long as I'm around here until you address it like a man and not some sniveling little manipulative punk hiding behind a computer. Your call.
Are you threatening to stalk me?