Obama Puts Politics Ahead Of Genocide

Bubble Burster

Numerous reports from Israel that Obamachevsky offered to give advanced weapons systems to help Israel PROVIDED THEY WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION!

When are you lefties going to realize what a power-mad piece of antisemitic/anti Christian shit you want to run the country?

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Numerous reports from Israel that Obamachevsky offered to give advanced weapons systems to help Israel PROVIDED THEY WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION!

When are you lefties going to realize what a power-mad piece of antisemitic/anti Christian shit you want to run the country?

Most of them are fine with that. They hate Jews anyway, like Wright and Farrakan.

Numerous reports from Israel that Obamachevsky offered to give advanced weapons systems to help Israel PROVIDED THEY WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION!

When are you lefties going to realize what a power-mad piece of antisemitic/anti Christian shit you want to run the country?

Here it is B/B.

When R U righties going to wake up. We need regime changes in Apartheid Isreal. The sooner the better. If not the Apartheid gov. of Isreal will drag this great country down. Obama had better B careful. When U sleep with a dog like the Israelie PM U may wake up with a knife in your back.

What is wrong with you? Seriously.

I don't think the video tells you as much as the efforts at hiding, and then editing. Lots of money, time and effort to hid the obama's worship of this America hater.

I can ask the same of U. Seriously!

Your post referring to apartheid Israel. You know, one of our staunchest allies. I know owebama doesn't know that but most of America does.

Their government. Not the good people of Israel.

Your post referring to apartheid Israel. You know, one of our staunchest allies. I know owebama doesn't know that but most of America does.

Here is the official definition.

a·part·heid (-pärtht, -ht)
1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.

Oh yeah.,......Reagan was fine with it too as they were an ally to the west as well.

Here is the official definition.

a·part·heid (-pärtht, -ht)
1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.

Oh yeah.,......Reagan was fine with it too as they were an ally to the west as well.

There are more Nazi's on CP then I thought.

Then you should stop doing it.

What? You've put away your playbook THIS TIME of calling anyone a "nazi" who doesn't hold the same point of view as you, or having the gall to post the definition of a word in the dictionary?

If you call yourself a "conservative", or a "constitutionalist", tell us where in that founding document does it says we owe ANY country billions of dollars a year in aid and weapons?

Perhaps you can get assistance in finding that from your lawyer as you guys review that case you threatened me with regarding me attributing Breitbart's written words to Breitbart.

What? You've put away your playbook THIS TIME of calling anyone a "nazi" who doesn't hold the same point of view as you, or having the gall to post the definition of a word in the dictionary?

If you call yourself a "conservative", or a "constitutionalist", tell us where in that founding document does it says we owe ANY country billions of dollars a year in aid and weapons?

Perhaps you can get assistance in finding that from your lawyer as you guys review that case you threatened me with regarding me attributing Breitbart's written words to Breitbart.

You refuse to see the obvious. You're correct in thinking that we don't "owe" Israel anything. We give them aid because it is in our own best interest to do so.

You libbies need to start thinking in terms of long-term global consequences.

Meanwhile I suggest you do a little homework and find out where this Israeli Apartheid. came from. If you are not ashamed when you find out, there is something wrong with you.

You refuse to see the obvious. You're correct in thinking that we don't "owe" Israel anything. We give them aid because it is in our own best interest to do so.

You libbies need to start thinking in terms of long-term global consequences.

Meanwhile I suggest you do a little homework and find out where this Israeli Apartheid. came from. If you are not ashamed when you find out, there is something wrong with you.

Why don't YOU tell me where it comes from. Elucidate the board.

Why don't YOU tell me where it comes from. Elucidate the board.

RAB in B/B's strange way of looking at things I must have been anti South African because I was against their Government of Apartheid. I must be anti China because I am against their Government. In the end poor B/B will see Nazis under his bed only at night but not during the day.

RAB in B/B's strange way of looking at things I must have been anti South African because I was against their Government of Apartheid. I must be anti China because I am against their Government. In the end poor B/B will see Nazis under his bed only at night but not during the day.

Exactly. You hated the Afrikaans because you were against apartheid in that country. That's how it works in the tiny mind of mensa candidates.

His feeble attempts of manipulative name calling as opposed to dealing the substance has gotten old, and he knows it.