Obama has a TWENTY-FIVE point approval difference above TrumPutin


And I absolutely believe TrumPutin fell asleep during Obama’s incredible smackdown of the criminal grifter orange idiot. Because like the idiot born losers in life who voted for Don the Con, he has a very low IQ and doesn’t comprehend words with more than one syllable or really with more than two letters.


And I absolutely believe TrumPutin fell asleep during Obama’s incredible smackdown of the criminal grifter orange idiot. Because like the idiot born losers in life who voted for Don the Con, he has a very low IQ and doesn’t comprehend words with more than one syllable or really with more than two letters.

And I absolutely believe TrumPutin fell asleep during Obama’s incredible smackdown of the criminal grifter orange idiot. Because like the idiot born losers in life who voted for Don the Con, he has a very low IQ and doesn’t comprehend words with more than one syllable or really with more than two letters.

Yeah, Trump is tired digging us out of the black hole Barry and his andits put us into.
B takes narcissism and elitism to a new levels, as well as lying, corruption, and stupidity.
B was all talk and no action, piled bullshit on top of more bullshit. All his paranoia and many failures were buried and/ or ignored because any criticism would draw the race card.
When conflicts start, who do you want defending you, B drawing fake lines in the sand while shaking in his cowardly boots or Trump actually doing something about it?
B is and should stay in the history books.
His legacy is NOTHING, he already has gone down as the worst prez to date.
Hope he keeps stumping for the Dems, he’s killing their chances with every word he speaks.

And I absolutely believe TrumPutin fell asleep during Obama’s incredible smackdown of the criminal grifter orange idiot. Because like the idiot born losers in life who voted for Don the Con, he has a very low IQ and doesn’t comprehend words with more than one syllable or really with more than two letters.
And I absolutely believe TrumPutin fell asleep during Obama’s incredible smackdown of the criminal grifter orange idiot. Because like the idiot born losers in life who voted for Don the Con, he has a very low IQ and doesn’t comprehend words with more than one syllable or really with more than two letters.

But, but, but - he went to Wharton. Can you say anominous? :cool:

And I absolutely believe TrumPutin fell asleep during Obama’s incredible smackdown of the criminal grifter orange idiot. Because like the idiot born losers in life who voted for Don the Con, he has a very low IQ and doesn’t comprehend words with more than one syllable or really with more than two letters.

Obama couldn’t smack down a fly.

And you’re the low IQ loser.

But, but, but - he went to Wharton. Can you say anominous? :cool:

Yeah he went to an Ivy League school just like Obama. But I bet Trump’s grades were way better.

You make a fool of yourself with this lame schtick. Criticizing an Ivy League educated, highly successful billionaire as not being very bright is totally idiotic. Especially coming from the likes of you.

Yeah he went to an Ivy League school just like Obama. But I bet Trump’s grades were way better.

You make a fool of yourself with this lame schtick. Criticizing an Ivy League educated, highly successful billionaire as not being very bright is totally idiotic. Especially coming from the likes of you.
He isn’t Ivy League educated. Dumbass

Yeah he went to an Ivy League school just like Obama. But I bet Trump’s grades were way better.

You make a fool of yourself with this lame schtick. Criticizing an Ivy League educated, highly successful billionaire as not being very bright is totally idiotic. Especially coming from the likes of you.

And, funny thing, no one knows Barry from Harvard, he doesn’t appear in the yearbook.... and you know the narcissistic bastard wouldn’t miss a photo op to show that shirt- eating grin, he was supposed to have written many legal papers which no one can produce, etc. And IF he actually got to library Harvard it certainly was via affirmative action or Calypso Louie/ Soros, paid his way.
He’s a clown, a fraud, a puppet for the libtards and Black Panthers.

And, funny thing, no one knows Barry from Harvard, he doesn’t appear in the yearbook.... and you know the narcissistic bastard wouldn’t miss a photo op to show that shirt- eating grin, he was supposed to have written many legal papers which no one can produce, etc. And IF he actually got to library Harvard it certainly was via affirmative action or Calypso Louie/ Soros, paid his way.
He’s a clown, a fraud, a puppet for the libtards and Black Panthers.
Yeah, you sound like you are playing with a full deck.

And, funny thing, no one knows Barry from Harvard, he doesn’t appear in the yearbook.... and you know the narcissistic bastard wouldn’t miss a photo op to show that shirt- eating grin, he was supposed to have written many legal papers which no one can produce, etc. And IF he actually got to library Harvard it certainly was via affirmative action or Calypso Louie/ Soros, paid his way.
He’s a clown, a fraud, a puppet for the libtards and Black Panthers.
He was elected President of The Harvard Law Review in 1990 and there was an article in the NYTimes about it that same year. So no one heard of him? You must be drunk or listening too much to Infowars.

He was elected President of The Harvard Law Review in 1990 and there was an article in the NYTimes about it that same year. So no one heard of him? You must be drunk or listening too much to Infowars.
TrumPutin voters have low IQs and are typically obese, unattractive, tattooed etc and social outcasts. Have pity on them

TrumPutin voters have low IQs and are typically obese, unattractive, tattooed etc and social outcasts. Have pity on them

But we put him in office! And you pussies can’t stand it. You’re the losers.
You Hillary voters are stupid, ignorant, crybaby, dependent turds who can’t make it on your own and need to be taken care of. Grow up, get out of your mommy’s basement, and stand in your own two feet.

He was elected President of The Harvard Law Review in 1990 and there was an article in the NYTimes about it that same year. So no one heard of him? You must be drunk or listening too much to Infowars.

Correct and here's an article out of Harvard's own newspaper, The Crimson. That poster is part of the Deep South Resistance, no facts just maligned bigotry. And obviously a jealous male.:)

Correct and here's an article out of Harvard's own newspaper, The Crimson. That poster is part of the Deep South Resistance, no facts just maligned bigotry. And obviously a jealous male.:)

There you go.... bigotry, and the race card. Knew that was coming because you lost and have nothing else.
I frankly couldn’t give a rat’s ass who, what, or where B came from. He was a failure, everyone knew it and hid it. His only.... and agree.... achievement was being the first Black prez. The Dems did their jobs for that to happen. Unfortunately for the country, it was all downhill the day he took office.

There you go.... bigotry, and the race card. Knew that was coming because you lost and have nothing else.
I frankly couldn’t give a rat’s ass who, what, or where B came from. He was a failure, everyone knew it and hid it. His only.... and agree.... achievement was being the first Black prez. The Dems did their jobs for that to happen. Unfortunately for the country, it was all downhill the day he took office.

Black? I though he had a black dad and a white mom? How does 50/50 make him black? Why not white? Why not mixed?

Who just played he race card? :D:D:D