"If everyone was suppose to get insurance why am I always getting requests for Special Pricing for clients "self pay" population?"
You could be selling in a territory with a high indigent population? Uninsured or underinsured patients should've gone down since more patients are being covered.
I have seen no change in the uninsured population
"Why are my insurance expenses higher then ever?"
You could be a small business owner who buys your own insurance? That part of the population (small relative to the total covered lives) are not paying less and some are paying more.
No I'm a Sales Rep
"Why do I have medical bills that I never had before?"
Because Obama hates America? Maybe you're health is declining? Not sure how the ACA is responsible.
My health is fine. Basic visits have gone up and you know it
"Why have reimbursements gone done?"
Gone and done what?
Typo "Gone Down"
"Why is my commission plan been reduced? Thanks Obama!"
If commissions plans are the measure of a good president, then Bill Clinton remains unimpeachable.