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Obama Care DEAD


So all the while you keep saying Republicans are the way and the light but now you call tem 'too stupid'? Yuk, yuk! This is as good as the Daily Trumpet telling Australia they have a better healthcare system than we do. :p:p:p

Yuk! Yuk! Once again you prove yourself too stupid to be on a poli board!

With Dimokkkrats tou have no chance. With Republicans you have some chance. Do the math, idiot boy! :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

Obamacare was a disaster. Prior to Obamacare most people were quite happy with their healthcare plans and relative to today they were substantially cheaper.

So going back to before Obamacare would be a huge improvement but there were legitimate problems prior to Obamacare.

The solution to the problem of price gouging such as Mylan was engaged in is competition. In a free market price gouging attracts competitors and prices fall.

So you would allow Mylan to have a monopoly and charge whatever they wish? Yes or no. If yes, then do you not believe in antitrust law? If no, we agree.

Here's what needs to be done to improve healthcare.

Realize that government involvement needs to be at a minimum and that when government is involved that money needs to flow to providers and insurers through consumers, not big government programs.

For the most part yes, however, like Trump promised during his campaign but seems to be reneging on, I believe we need a safety net for those who are incapacitated, elderly or otherwise infirm - much like the Medicaid program we have in our state (called Medical). We have it all - 1) boutique (cash) doctors, 2) doctors who accept insurance from wherever WE as individuals choose and 3) a program for those who are not financially able.

Healthcare needs to be uncoupled from employment and therefore be completely portable.
* This should be optional. If a company decides to offer healthcare as a BENEFIT to attract quality people, they should have the freedom to do just that. If not, it should not be required and it is not now in private industry.

Everyone should get a tax break on buying healthcare.
* Yes and we currently get one.

Competition across state lines.
*Yes - just as it is now in California.

Health savings accounts.
*Yes - optional if individual desires. Last time I looked, they were available. I chose not to participate but definitely they should be available.

If you've been in the private insurance market in any way and you want to change companies the new company must cover your pre-existing condition if it developed during your participation in the private insurance market.
*Agree but would extend that to pre-existing conditions should be covered just as Trump promised during his campaign.

Consumers can band together in any groups they want to get group insurance rates on plans.

Kids can stay on parent's plans as long as they are full time students up to age 26. Bring back castasteophic plans which is all most 20 something's really need.

Our problems are very fixable, though no situation will be perfect. There will always be tough situations and sad cases but those can be dealt with through sane, minimalistic government policies and private charity.
*Agree in general, however, our definitions of 'sane' are obviously different

The key is a free market approach.
* I say a multi-layered system - 1) totally free market (cash) 2) Insurance plans and 3) a safety net most likely county, state or federal.
I point you to plastic surgery and LASIK procedures. The quality of both has risen significantly while prices have fallen significantly because both have stayed directly linked to what consumers are able and willing to pay. Why aren't nose jobs 50k? Because hardly anyone can or will pay that for them.
*Generally agree however, situations like Epi pen that are monopolistic and life threatening need to be controlled. That situation is much different than a nose job.

The closer we get to a free market and the concept of genuine insurance, the better off we will be. The free market doesn't bring about perfection, it's just far better at getting us close than any other approach.
*I've described my ideas for a multi-layered system

There's my answer and end of discussion until or unless you have a 'name' and you quit hiding behind 'that wasn't me' posts.......

*I've described my ideas for a multi-layered system

There's my answer and end of discussion until or unless you have a 'name' and you quit hiding behind 'that wasn't me' posts.......

This is for those who like this new "health" bill --feel free to read the entire quote from Priebus--but be sure to go to the close where he says it is reasonable for older people to pay 5 x more for health care--so let's go to people 50 to 65 as that is a very high possible time for a healthy person of any kind to learn they have cancer or heart disease or many other illnesses that develop with this age--it is also the time that people in mid management corporations are let go so a younger cheaper person can take their place and with no pension likely in the future and it is a time that wives who were "stay at home mothers" find them selves needing a job due to divorce or death and they have no employment skills and enter a low wage earning job if they are lucky enough to find a job---all of us had and have older age in our future --Steve and I and others that comment on this list serve are lucky enough to have had success that leaves us protected economically
But I will never forget when I went in for my first chemo treatment in 2007 and the nurse came out and said the insurance company had not yet approved one of the four chemicals in my protocol--I said do it anyway I will pay and she said Mrs Weaver it is 20,000 a month--fear went through me but I was lucky that I could say do it anyway and not die--Sloan Kettering did convince them to pay for it but if I had been under the care of a local doctor I doubt the local doctor could have that kind of clout---This is just awful in so many ways

This is for those who like this new "health" bill --feel free to read the entire quote from Priebus--but be sure to go to the close where he says it is reasonable for older people to pay 5 x more for health care--so let's go to people 50 to 65 as that is a very high possible time for a healthy person of any kind to learn they have cancer or heart disease or many other illnesses that develop with this age--it is also the time that people in mid management corporations are let go so a younger cheaper person can take their place and with no pension likely in the future and it is a time that wives who were "stay at home mothers" find them selves needing a job due to divorce or death and they have no employment skills and enter a low wage earning job if they are lucky enough to find a job---all of us had and have older age in our future --Steve and I and others that comment on this list serve are lucky enough to have had success that leaves us protected economically
But I will never forget when I went in for my first chemo treatment in 2007 and the nurse came out and said the insurance company had not yet approved one of the four chemicals in my protocol--I said do it anyway I will pay and she said Mrs Weaver it is 20,000 a month--fear went through me but I was lucky that I could say do it anyway and not die--Sloan Kettering did convince them to pay for it but if I had been under the care of a local doctor I doubt the local doctor could have that kind of clout---This is just awful in so many ways

Like the Donald said, whoever knew insurance could be so difficult? Working and retiring in this industry, I feel I had an advantage in understanding insurance that many don't. I'm basically a free enterprise guy but when the 'small print' becomes so confusing it takes advantage of people, something has to be done. Again, my thoughts are a multi layered system. Our old system was a failure or Obamacare would never have come up. Obamacare was a failure for many people. We need something new.

This is for those who like this new "health" bill --feel free to read the entire quote from Priebus--but be sure to go to the close where he says it is reasonable for older people to pay 5 x more for health care--so let's go to people 50 to 65 as that is a very high possible time for a healthy person of any kind to learn they have cancer or heart disease or many other illnesses that develop with this age--it is also the time that people in mid management corporations are let go so a younger cheaper person can take their place and with no pension likely in the future and it is a time that wives who were "stay at home mothers" find them selves needing a job due to divorce or death and they have no employment skills and enter a low wage earning job if they are lucky enough to find a job---all of us had and have older age in our future --Steve and I and others that comment on this list serve are lucky enough to have had success that leaves us protected economically
But I will never forget when I went in for my first chemo treatment in 2007 and the nurse came out and said the insurance company had not yet approved one of the four chemicals in my protocol--I said do it anyway I will pay and she said Mrs Weaver it is 20,000 a month--fear went through me but I was lucky that I could say do it anyway and not die--Sloan Kettering did convince them to pay for it but if I had been under the care of a local doctor I doubt the local doctor could have that kind of clout---This is just awful in so many ways

Boo! Hoo! If you think things would be any better under Obamacare, you're an idiot. They are worse. The republican bill is an improvement. Case closed.

Like the Donald said, whoever knew insurance could be so difficult? Working and retiring in this industry, I feel I had an advantage in understanding insurance that many don't. I'm basically a free enterprise guy but when the 'small print' becomes so confusing it takes advantage of people, something has to be done. Again, my thoughts are a multi layered system. Our old system was a failure or Obamacare would never have come up. Obamacare was a failure for many people. We need something new.

A multi-layered system? What does that mean? That's just a dodge because you don't know what you're talking about as usual.

The old system was far preferable to Obamacare and you're truly an ignorant fool of you thought Obamacare was about healthcare. It was about control and socialism!

A multi-layered system? What does that mean? That's just a dodge because you don't know what you're talking about as usual.

The old system was far preferable to Obamacare and you're truly an ignorant fool of you thought Obamacare was about healthcare. It was about control and socialism!

I explained what I meant, I answered your question, I will not answer again since you do not discuss, you just call out childish names. :rolleyes: