OB & SS Are Here for Oncology's Burial Ceremony!

We were told that Eisai wanted to build a large oncology group and be known as an oncology firm. We told specifically that we wouldn't be mixed with the pc. No respectable oncology person would go back to become a pc reps. It is embarassing to have PCers running oncology.

They wanna save about $10m a year by replacing every oncology rep with pc. Placing oncology under pc is the first step. They don't understand that we generate a billion sales in on oncology and they will ruin it.

OB is worse than SS.
SS is worse than OB.
They are all here to destroy our jobs to make room for cheaper pc reps.

I agree with you and have been saying this since we came over, but nothing is going to change, and if you don’t want to be under the large PC umbrella then best you start looking for a new job. I’m all for venting on this board but it’s not going to change the structure which clearly has the blessing of Japan. I gave this company a few years to see how it would pan out but after living through the LM reign of terror, and now this new structure with a guy who admitted to a group of us oncology reps at a train the trainer meeting last year that he knew absolutely nothing about oncology and the market, the future is not all that appealing to me.

I was pretty close with my lymphoma rep and she said the exact same thing happened when they brought them over, that LC stood up and said “we value the experience of your lymphoma team, that the true asset is the people we brought over not just the products, blah blah blah”. Almost all of the original Ligand reps are gone, it that tells you anything…

See LM made some mistakes at the beginnig but she corrected them quickly. She had balls and she fought with the management for us. This guy is a devoured oncology destroyer. He has no loyalty to us and quite Frankly he resents that we make more money than his pc reps. OB wants to make us all leave.

They wanna save about $10m a year by replacing every oncology rep with pc. Placing oncology under pc is the first step. They don't understand that we generate a billion sales in on oncology and they will ruin it.

If Eisai replaces every onc rep with primary rep, it might save $10 million. However, it might lose $100 million in sales revenue as the revenue goes with the reps.

Eisai oncology won't generate $ 1 billion sales. that is dreaming. How much sales does Eisai oncology have now? let's talk about net sales, not the numbers from AWP.

See LM made some mistakes at the beginnig but she corrected them quickly. She had balls and she fought with the management for us. This guy is a devoured oncology destroyer. He has no loyalty to us and quite Frankly he resents that we make more money than his pc reps. OB wants to make us all leave.

Do you really believe that LM fixed things? Like what? The alignments handed down from Mck Assoc. and ZS, who she contracted, is a disaster, the linkage bonus screwed many of us, and even the most ardent LM fan will agree that her personality was rough around the edges, and she certainly talked behind people’s back frequently. Also morale was not good and we lost a lot of good reps and DM’s under LM’s tenure.

Look I’m not an OB fan, quite frankly I think he is way out of his league and SS to me is a do nothing leader, but that doesn’t change the fact that LM was a train wreck and rubbed too many people the wrong way. You don’t get escorted out of the building by security if you were beloved my everyone…

I agree with you about LM for the first 6 months. I think she really changed last year and I never forget when my doctor was about to get screwed by New Jersey legal and I saw her in a meeting and told her what they were doing. In 10 minutes, the issue was resolved.

See, LM had energy and dedication. She was a work horse and in my opinion she was too devoted to her job.

I don't trust OB or SS. I know they are going to get rid of us. I know they are going to do all the funny stuff they did in primary care in oncology.

There are a lot ardent LM fans in oncology. Lm is gone but we are here. These guys are now going after our jobs. MY cat knows more about oncology than this PC hack who calls himself OB.

I agree with you about LM for the first 6 months. I think she really changed last year and I never forget when my doctor was about to get screwed by New Jersey legal and I saw her in a meeting and told her what they were doing. In 10 minutes, the issue was resolved.

See, LM had energy and dedication. She was a work horse and in my opinion she was too devoted to her job.

I don't trust OB or SS. I know they are going to get rid of us. I know they are going to do all the funny stuff they did in primary care in oncology.

Nice going, LM, in making sure that we fulfill our legal obligations and respecting legal advice. Nice going, Legal, in sticking to your guns and not caving to business bullying. Given the tone from the top, and the ineptitude of Legal, no wonder we're all going to jail.