Obviously its burger king. Your post makes no sense. Im sure you are not working in this industry. The prior posts have went WAY over your head. Now I know it had nothing to do with 2005 as to why you are gone. You were Rif'd in order to make the team better. Hey you better go.... the fries are ready!!!
Hey asshole, I'm the one who wrote the previous ones, not the one you are responding to. You must "have went" to Ball Sack Junior College or Douche Bag Tech you fucking moron.
Let me break it down for you into something simple that you probably are still too stupid to understand.
In 5 years, 10 months, your shitass company hasn't made it 2 consecutive quarters without a recall or advisory.
You do not have a single device in your bag that doesn't have an advisory or recall attached to it. Before you start blathering without thinking, Altrua is just a repackaged Insignia.
Guidant has not released a single device since 2000 that doesn't have a recall or advisory on it. PDM family, PD II, Insignia, Prizm, Prizm 2, Vitality, Renewal, Renewal 3, Renewal 4, Contak TR, Cognis, Teligen, and don't forget Latitude.
Guidant didn't own up to jack shit until Barry Meier called in May 2005, even though they knew there were problems with Prizm 2 as early as 2002.
Joshua Oukrop died 3 months before Guidant said anything and 3 years after the company knew there was a problem.
Your shit ass company pled guilty to federal criminal charges for lying
Your shit ass company is now being sued by the DOJ for what amounts to Medicare fraud for selling shit ass devices after they knew they were faulty - I realize this will be a difficult concept for you to grasp, get someone to explain it to you slowly and patiently.
Your company stopped shipping all tachy products for a month last year.
The stock price is about 1/5th of what it was when BSC bought your shit ass company and you are getting ready to start a 3rd, 4th, I don't know which round of layoffs BSC is on.
I really feel sorry for the people who work for BSC endoscopy, Uro/GYN, and the other divisions with good products who have to work their asses off to make up for the shitass CRM products. I'm sure the interventional and peripheral guys are happy about being lumped into CRV with you idiots.
Just to top it off, don't forget Ancure, that gem of a product from Guidant AAA, also known as EVT. Guidant pled guilty to 10 felony counts for "failing to report", or lying, about device failures. At least 12 deaths in an 18 month period. Wow. Very nice. No track record of Guidant lying about stuff ahead of the CRM issues at all.
So instead of talking about Burger King and McDonalds, where decent people work hard to earn a living you fucking snob, why don't you use that superior intellect and high opinion you have of yourself to bring some facts. That's what is posted above, facts. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
You did get one thing right, I don't work in the industry anymore, I'm in ortho, where if I get called in the middle of the night, I am getting paid for it. I just want your shit ass stock to get back into double digits so I can dump it.