NSM in Dallas, TX

I haven't been on this website for years but all I can say is that this is some entertaining shit. You two idiots should just stop the bantering and exchange phone numbers. Cant you see that you two are in love with each other? I see a perfect match.

Shouldn't you be ashamed of the craptastic Cognis and Teligen you're implanting? How are those set screws doing?

So you really think a set screw that was redesigned to make it easier to screw down is more important than a disastrous lead that is implanted and must be laser extracted???? Nice try. So which failing lead are you selling?? Seriously you are ashamed of your poor choice. The fire is hot isnt it.

So you really think a set screw that was redesigned to make it easier to screw down is more important than a disastrous lead that is implanted and must be laser extracted???? Nice try. So which failing lead are you selling?? Seriously you are ashamed of your poor choice. The fire is hot isnt it.

BSC has the world's greatest products and world's greatest employees. Anyone who disagrees is going straight to hell. You must accept Ray Elliott as your Lord and Savior otherwise you will not be saved and you will fall into the fires of hell, along with Medtronic and STJ, who by the way are already suffering in the lowest levels of hell. BSC is number one in CRM, and will soon monopolize the entire CRM market, since STJ and Medtronic are about to go out of business anyways.

So you had offers outside the industry? Which industry would that be, as a rodeo clown? Seems like most BSC reps are rodeo clowns anyways, so it would be a good fit.

Where are you??? You know I believe you were one of the weak reps that was RIF'd a few years back and now is working at Burger King. You are not even good enough for McDondalds!! So since you dont sell devices what will you at least admit what you are flipping? Whoppers or Big Macs???????? We all are dying to know.

So you really think a set screw that was redesigned to make it easier to screw down is more important than a disastrous lead that is implanted and must be laser extracted???? Nice try. So which failing lead are you selling?? Seriously you are ashamed of your poor choice. The fire is hot isnt it.

The redesign failed, by about an inch. Thats what you need to connect the header to the can. Cans that have 'extra glue' are failing and have been reported to BSX in Europe..
Fire's gonna get a whole lot hotter for you. Unless you're really lucky and RIF'd out. Have a good w/e with the glue, nails, screws whatever it is you'll try next.

The redesign failed, by about an inch. Thats what you need to connect the header to the can. Cans that have 'extra glue' are failing and have been reported to BSX in Europe..
Fire's gonna get a whole lot hotter for you. Unless you're really lucky and RIF'd out. Have a good w/e with the glue, nails, screws whatever it is you'll try next.

Nice try. See headers have had this issue since creation of this technology across ALL companies. THE DIFFERENCE IS WE REPORT EVERYTHING. The stj reports nothing and mdt reports however after there have been 40 or 50 occurances. Do you realize we reported this after 2 occurances??? Also the fix for Europe occured at the same time as the fix in the US. So your theory is flawed. I know of several sub pec implanters that have not seen this. So again we over communicate while the rest of you wait and hide with your problems praying that no one ask questions. I see so many repeated issues especially with stj that customers ask if this is happening elsewhere. Why do they ask? Because stj reports nothing and as I said hopes and prays that judgement day never comes. Pioneers take the arrows. Remember who created this technology. However you are not likely in this business and know nothing of what I speak.

Nice try. See headers have had this issue since creation of this technology across ALL companies. THE DIFFERENCE IS WE REPORT EVERYTHING. The stj reports nothing and mdt reports however after there have been 40 or 50 occurances. Do you realize we reported this after 2 occurances??? Also the fix for Europe occured at the same time as the fix in the US. So your theory is flawed. I know of several sub pec implanters that have not seen this. So again we over communicate while the rest of you wait and hide with your problems praying that no one ask questions. I see so many repeated issues especially with stj that customers ask if this is happening elsewhere. Why do they ask? Because stj reports nothing and as I said hopes and prays that judgement day never comes. Pioneers take the arrows. Remember who created this technology. However you are not likely in this business and know nothing of what I speak.

This is a typical BSC response. The problem is that this person probably wasn't with Guidant when all the recalls started and wasn't there to continue delivery advisories, recalls, whatever for the next 5 years. That "pioneers take the arrows" bullshit is laughable. You don't have any choice, Guidant didn't start the whole transparency song and dance until after Barry Meier had the story. Again, ask the family of the kid who died in Utah how they feel about it. Guessing they won't really care about you taking arrows and acting like BSC is such a stand up organization that is always doing the right thing. The only reason you "over communicate" is because you're trying to over compensate for being such a shitty company and getting caught hiding it. Remember, criminal plea and now DOJ lawsuit, the federal government "Delivering what's next........."

Nice try. See headers have had this issue since creation of this technology across ALL companies. THE DIFFERENCE IS WE REPORT EVERYTHING. The stj reports nothing and mdt reports however after there have been 40 or 50 occurances. Do you realize we reported this after 2 occurances??? Also the fix for Europe occured at the same time as the fix in the US. So your theory is flawed. I know of several sub pec implanters that have not seen this. So again we over communicate while the rest of you wait and hide with your problems praying that no one ask questions. I see so many repeated issues especially with stj that customers ask if this is happening elsewhere. Why do they ask? Because stj reports nothing and as I said hopes and prays that judgement day never comes. Pioneers take the arrows. Remember who created this technology. However you are not likely in this business and know nothing of what I speak.

You've missed the point dipshit. The extra glue has FAILED. Ask your management to call Hemel Hempstead in the UK and ask about the video presented ar a meeting in London..

You've missed the point dipshit. The extra glue has FAILED. Ask your management to call Hemel Hempstead in the UK and ask about the video presented ar a meeting in London..

Again which failed deadly lead are you selling?? Comical. Chasing stories here and there is a desperate move. We can all pull up a Pace article about anything we wish. If this is all you can come up with then try again. Again you wont even admit what you sell. I wouldnt either. Losers.

This is a typical BSC response. The problem is that this person probably wasn't with Guidant when all the recalls started and wasn't there to continue delivery advisories, recalls, whatever for the next 5 years. That "pioneers take the arrows" bullshit is laughable. You don't have any choice, Guidant didn't start the whole transparency song and dance until after Barry Meier had the story. Again, ask the family of the kid who died in Utah how they feel about it. Guessing they won't really care about you taking arrows and acting like BSC is such a stand up organization that is always doing the right thing. The only reason you "over communicate" is because you're trying to over compensate for being such a shitty company and getting caught hiding it. Remember, criminal plea and now DOJ lawsuit, the federal government "Delivering what's next........."

Again you are too cowardly to admit which company you work for. If you are with St J then you can stop posting on this thread. I have zero respect for your company. What's worse, responding to a situation appropriately or seeing what has happened in your industry and deciding to hide all your dirty laundry. Stupid stupid stupid.

Again you are too cowardly to admit which company you work for. If you are with St J then you can stop posting on this thread. I have zero respect for your company. What's worse, responding to a situation appropriately or seeing what has happened in your industry and deciding to hide all your dirty laundry. Stupid stupid stupid.

No one care who you have zero respect for dumbass, you work for the biggest piece of shit company in medical devices. I worked for Guidant for 10 years, so I couldn't give less of a shit what you think, I earned the right to my opinion by delivering recall letters until I could no longer stand the lies I was told. If you had another option, you'd be gone, so I guess that says a lot. There was nothing appropriate about Guidant's response, hence the criminal plea, the DOJ lawsuit, the 20+ pages of product recalls and advisories on the BSC website, etc, etc, etc.

No one care who you have zero respect for dumbass, you work for the biggest piece of shit company in medical devices. I worked for Guidant for 10 years, so I couldn't give less of a shit what you think, I earned the right to my opinion by delivering recall letters until I could no longer stand the lies I was told. If you had another option, you'd be gone, so I guess that says a lot. There was nothing appropriate about Guidant's response, hence the criminal plea, the DOJ lawsuit, the 20+ pages of product recalls and advisories on the BSC website, etc, etc, etc.

So which is it burger king or mcdonalds you scum loser. Everyone has recalls and only the tough survive. Read (if you can) the earlier post out of the pot and into the fire. You wont admit what crap you are selling which tells me you are either flipping burgers or a coward. You want a MDT and stj list of DOJ lawsuits?????? OMG they are a mile long. Everyone was frustrated by what happened 5 1/2 years ago and not everything was handled correctly for sure. We all knew that. What matters is that lessons were learned and we got much better. But not all companies learned those lessons. Which is why I have no respect for stj. They saw what happened. Everyone calls them the new Guidant. Why?? Because their day is coming. Its rediculous that market share trumps pt care. Again no respect. As for why I'm still here. Simple. Ive been surrounded by great leaders. Thats not true for everyone but it is true for me. I could have left multiple times. One last time please let everyone know what burgers you flip.

Nice try. See headers have had this issue since creation of this technology across ALL companies. THE DIFFERENCE IS WE REPORT EVERYTHING. The stj reports nothing and mdt reports however after there have been 40 or 50 occurances. Do you realize we reported this after 2 occurances??? Also the fix for Europe occured at the same time as the fix in the US. So your theory is flawed. I know of several sub pec implanters that have not seen this. So again we over communicate while the rest of you wait and hide with your problems praying that no one ask questions. I see so many repeated issues especially with stj that customers ask if this is happening elsewhere. Why do they ask? Because stj reports nothing and as I said hopes and prays that judgement day never comes. Pioneers take the arrows. Remember who created this technology. However you are not likely in this business and know nothing of what I speak.

Maybe you do report everything after the second "occurance" (SIC), but that was not the case when I was there in 2005. The bottomline: doctors who are still using BSX at this point OBVIOUSLY do not give a Rat's Ass about quality. So report it after 1 "occurance" or a hundred, it will evoke the same jaded aw shucks type response that the previous 15 recall/advsories evoked...laugh it up all the way down to granny's bedside and then TRY to choke back the guffaws when her husband asks if the device she's getting is a good one.

Maybe you do report everything after the second "occurance" (SIC), but that was not the case when I was there in 2005. The bottomline: doctors who are still using BSX at this point OBVIOUSLY do not give a Rat's Ass about quality. So report it after 1 "occurance" or a hundred, it will evoke the same jaded aw shucks type response that the previous 15 recall/advsories evoked...laugh it up all the way down to granny's bedside and then TRY to choke back the guffaws when her husband asks if the device she's getting is a good one.

Obviously its burger king. Your post makes no sense. Im sure you are not working in this industry. The prior posts have went WAY over your head. Now I know it had nothing to do with 2005 as to why you are gone. You were Rif'd in order to make the team better. Hey you better go.... the fries are ready!!!

Obviously its burger king. Your post makes no sense. Im sure you are not working in this industry. The prior posts have went WAY over your head. Now I know it had nothing to do with 2005 as to why you are gone. You were Rif'd in order to make the team better. Hey you better go.... the fries are ready!!!

Yeah, exactly! Only BSC makes the best devices, they are all infallible and bulletproof. BSC is the world's largest medical device company for a reason, all you losers at St Junk and Mud-tronic are doomed.

Obviously its burger king. Your post makes no sense. Im sure you are not working in this industry. The prior posts have went WAY over your head. Now I know it had nothing to do with 2005 as to why you are gone. You were Rif'd in order to make the team better. Hey you better go.... the fries are ready!!!

Hey asshole, I'm the one who wrote the previous ones, not the one you are responding to. You must "have went" to Ball Sack Junior College or Douche Bag Tech you fucking moron.

Let me break it down for you into something simple that you probably are still too stupid to understand.

In 5 years, 10 months, your shitass company hasn't made it 2 consecutive quarters without a recall or advisory.

You do not have a single device in your bag that doesn't have an advisory or recall attached to it. Before you start blathering without thinking, Altrua is just a repackaged Insignia.

Guidant has not released a single device since 2000 that doesn't have a recall or advisory on it. PDM family, PD II, Insignia, Prizm, Prizm 2, Vitality, Renewal, Renewal 3, Renewal 4, Contak TR, Cognis, Teligen, and don't forget Latitude.

Guidant didn't own up to jack shit until Barry Meier called in May 2005, even though they knew there were problems with Prizm 2 as early as 2002.

Joshua Oukrop died 3 months before Guidant said anything and 3 years after the company knew there was a problem.

Your shit ass company pled guilty to federal criminal charges for lying

Your shit ass company is now being sued by the DOJ for what amounts to Medicare fraud for selling shit ass devices after they knew they were faulty - I realize this will be a difficult concept for you to grasp, get someone to explain it to you slowly and patiently.

Your company stopped shipping all tachy products for a month last year.

The stock price is about 1/5th of what it was when BSC bought your shit ass company and you are getting ready to start a 3rd, 4th, I don't know which round of layoffs BSC is on.

I really feel sorry for the people who work for BSC endoscopy, Uro/GYN, and the other divisions with good products who have to work their asses off to make up for the shitass CRM products. I'm sure the interventional and peripheral guys are happy about being lumped into CRV with you idiots.

Just to top it off, don't forget Ancure, that gem of a product from Guidant AAA, also known as EVT. Guidant pled guilty to 10 felony counts for "failing to report", or lying, about device failures. At least 12 deaths in an 18 month period. Wow. Very nice. No track record of Guidant lying about stuff ahead of the CRM issues at all.

So instead of talking about Burger King and McDonalds, where decent people work hard to earn a living you fucking snob, why don't you use that superior intellect and high opinion you have of yourself to bring some facts. That's what is posted above, facts. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

You did get one thing right, I don't work in the industry anymore, I'm in ortho, where if I get called in the middle of the night, I am getting paid for it. I just want your shit ass stock to get back into double digits so I can dump it.

Hey asshole, I'm the one who wrote the previous ones, not the one you are responding to. You must "have went" to Ball Sack Junior College or Douche Bag Tech you fucking moron.

Let me break it down for you into something simple that you probably are still too stupid to understand.

In 5 years, 10 months, your shitass company hasn't made it 2 consecutive quarters without a recall or advisory.

You do not have a single device in your bag that doesn't have an advisory or recall attached to it. Before you start blathering without thinking, Altrua is just a repackaged Insignia.

Guidant has not released a single device since 2000 that doesn't have a recall or advisory on it. PDM family, PD II, Insignia, Prizm, Prizm 2, Vitality, Renewal, Renewal 3, Renewal 4, Contak TR, Cognis, Teligen, and don't forget Latitude.

Guidant didn't own up to jack shit until Barry Meier called in May 2005, even though they knew there were problems with Prizm 2 as early as 2002.

Joshua Oukrop died 3 months before Guidant said anything and 3 years after the company knew there was a problem.

Your shit ass company pled guilty to federal criminal charges for lying

Your shit ass company is now being sued by the DOJ for what amounts to Medicare fraud for selling shit ass devices after they knew they were faulty - I realize this will be a difficult concept for you to grasp, get someone to explain it to you slowly and patiently.

Your company stopped shipping all tachy products for a month last year.

The stock price is about 1/5th of what it was when BSC bought your shit ass company and you are getting ready to start a 3rd, 4th, I don't know which round of layoffs BSC is on.

I really feel sorry for the people who work for BSC endoscopy, Uro/GYN, and the other divisions with good products who have to work their asses off to make up for the shitass CRM products. I'm sure the interventional and peripheral guys are happy about being lumped into CRV with you idiots.

Just to top it off, don't forget Ancure, that gem of a product from Guidant AAA, also known as EVT. Guidant pled guilty to 10 felony counts for "failing to report", or lying, about device failures. At least 12 deaths in an 18 month period. Wow. Very nice. No track record of Guidant lying about stuff ahead of the CRM issues at all.

So instead of talking about Burger King and McDonalds, where decent people work hard to earn a living you fucking snob, why don't you use that superior intellect and high opinion you have of yourself to bring some facts. That's what is posted above, facts. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

You did get one thing right, I don't work in the industry anymore, I'm in ortho, where if I get called in the middle of the night, I am getting paid for it. I just want your shit ass stock to get back into double digits so I can dump it.

One of the more brilliant posts I have ever seen. Bravo. You did make yourself look a little stupid for mentioning that your still own stock in this Enron-esque nightmare of a company... Double digits?

Hey asshole, I'm the one who wrote the previous ones, not the one you are responding to. You must "have went" to Ball Sack Junior College or Douche Bag Tech you fucking moron.

Let me break it down for you into something simple that you probably are still too stupid to understand.

In 5 years, 10 months, your shitass company hasn't made it 2 consecutive quarters without a recall or advisory.

You do not have a single device in your bag that doesn't have an advisory or recall attached to it. Before you start blathering without thinking, Altrua is just a repackaged Insignia.

Guidant has not released a single device since 2000 that doesn't have a recall or advisory on it. PDM family, PD II, Insignia, Prizm, Prizm 2, Vitality, Renewal, Renewal 3, Renewal 4, Contak TR, Cognis, Teligen, and don't forget Latitude.

Guidant didn't own up to jack shit until Barry Meier called in May 2005, even though they knew there were problems with Prizm 2 as early as 2002.

Joshua Oukrop died 3 months before Guidant said anything and 3 years after the company knew there was a problem.

Your shit ass company pled guilty to federal criminal charges for lying

Your shit ass company is now being sued by the DOJ for what amounts to Medicare fraud for selling shit ass devices after they knew they were faulty - I realize this will be a difficult concept for you to grasp, get someone to explain it to you slowly and patiently.

Your company stopped shipping all tachy products for a month last year.

The stock price is about 1/5th of what it was when BSC bought your shit ass company and you are getting ready to start a 3rd, 4th, I don't know which round of layoffs BSC is on.

I really feel sorry for the people who work for BSC endoscopy, Uro/GYN, and the other divisions with good products who have to work their asses off to make up for the shitass CRM products. I'm sure the interventional and peripheral guys are happy about being lumped into CRV with you idiots.

Just to top it off, don't forget Ancure, that gem of a product from Guidant AAA, also known as EVT. Guidant pled guilty to 10 felony counts for "failing to report", or lying, about device failures. At least 12 deaths in an 18 month period. Wow. Very nice. No track record of Guidant lying about stuff ahead of the CRM issues at all.

So instead of talking about Burger King and McDonalds, where decent people work hard to earn a living you fucking snob, why don't you use that superior intellect and high opinion you have of yourself to bring some facts. That's what is posted above, facts. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

You did get one thing right, I don't work in the industry anymore, I'm in ortho, where if I get called in the middle of the night, I am getting paid for it. I just want your shit ass stock to get back into double digits so I can dump it.

Dear ortho boy,
The fact you are on this thread tells me you are still angry over being RIF'd. Also I love the four letter words. Show cases your class. I knew you were weak. You are one of those babies that cry about call. Im so happy that if one of your crap joints get locked at 2 am, you get paid to bring in the WD40. I want to tell you if you think any of us felt anything but sorrow for Josh you are crazy. At that time he was the third device to show this malfunction. At that moment in time industry was too slow to report and hindsight is allows 20-20. Those who made mistakes have paid dearly as they should. I am glad that most of us in this sector now put pt's first. It's about time. I agree with all of that and that is not the point here. As for all the DOJ crap tell me one company, your new loser company included, that is not dealing with these same issues. See you know just enough to make yourself look credible to those not on the inside. I will only tell you that only a handful of people were responsible and that the vast majority worked very very hard to do the right thing. Getting rid of those responsible was only the start. We have made massive changes to R&D and continue to work to make devices as close to 100% reliable as possible. All 3 major players in this sector have recalled thousands of devices in the past 5 years as you may know so pointing out only ours is another sign of your bitterness.

By the way, since you are so into facts please let us know which company you work for and I will personally research your crap products and let everyone know all about them.