
This is the first training and management team that has ever treated me like I don't know how to sell. Half of the crap they give us is so insulting it hurts. I am all for developing my skills to be better and learning, but the crap trainings they come up with is ridiculous.

Sometimes I wonder they will scrap the experienced sales force and opt for a bunch of 22 year old cheerleaders that they can pay $30k/year. That's how they are treating us. Like a bunch of young idiots with no sales experience who they can train to 'deliver core messages' and 'close for the business'.

I thought this was biotech, not large pharma circa 1997.

I agree with this post. I thought the meeting went well. The training team did what it should do. Make us better reps.

Really? Do they make us better reps? Another example of why there is a complete disconnect between the field and corporate. Corporate is completely jaded as to what is truly happening. Keep thinking that you are the ones driving sales with your sh*tty meeting, demotivating speeches, thoughtless marketing, and unnecessary reports. Speaking of reports why was comm. ops even at the meeting? They are a bigger joke than training? They can't even collect the data correctly.

Really? Do they make us better reps? Another example of why there is a complete disconnect between the field and corporate. Corporate is completely jaded as to what is truly happening. Keep thinking that you are the ones driving sales with your sh*tty meeting, demotivating speeches, thoughtless marketing, and unnecessary reports. Speaking of reports why was comm. ops even at the meeting? They are a bigger joke than training? They can't even collect the data correctly.

I think you are way off. You need to practice to get better. The training team delivered what they should. If you dont agree lets hear the solution.


Why don't you leave rather than staying around and poisoning the rest of us? Oh, Auxilium didn't want you? That's OK, I hear McDonald's has a top-notch Management/Training team. Or you can stay and whine like a baby, just keep it to yourself.


Why don't you leave rather than staying around and poisoning the rest of us? Oh, Auxilium didn't want you? That's OK, I hear McDonald's has a top-notch Management/Training team. Or you can stay and whine like a baby, just keep it to yourself.

Typical corporate response everyone is replaceable. We'll see when season reps leave and there goes the business. Rather than looking at one's self and realizing the meeting was a filled with complete nonsense you tell us to hit the road. You can only fool people for so long Slugger.

How about the "realistic" quota?!! If you grow something 30% one year, you ain't going to do it again the following year!! Hello, McFly??!!!! Only 9 out of 115 at number? Better wake up management, your about to have a mass exit of good, solid producers!!

How about the "realistic" quota?!! If you grow something 30% one year, you ain't going to do it again the following year!! Hello, McFly??!!!! Only 9 out of 115 at number? Better wake up management, your about to have a mass exit of good, solid producers!!

Realistic has nothing to do with it. It's CommOps way or no way.