
Bring your boxing gloves and headgear this year! Ding ding ding!

Ladies and gentlemen, standing in the corner falling off of his barstool weighing in at a wirey 120 pounds is Shirtless wonder!

i'm sensing another cover up........

Why is the sales force getting a memo about corporate conduct? Wasn't it corporate office people who were fighting, running over cacti while drinking and driving a golf cart, and faking food poisoning because they were too hungover? Is it because HR won't cover up for them?

Ok, the cacti running over (protected species) on a golf cart while drunk = 2 home office; fighting while drunk and half naked = 1 home office, but the fake food poisoning due to over drinking = 1 RSD & 1 girlfriend. Shame on you, get the story straight!

the scary thing is that corp people act like THEY actually achieved the good sales numbers.....last time i checked it was the MSM's who do all the heavy lifting and get crapped on....PAYS has never helped me.....what a joke. get a fucking clue

Ok home office, bring on the 4 days worth of prep work so I can be out of the field for a total of 8 days. Lets make sure we all have a FULL understanding of your awesome new sales materials that I would never dare pull out in front of a customer. How about a document with a bunch of one-liners and tag-lines to memorize so I know exactly how to sell the product I have been selling for years. And, if you really want to insult us, how about a bunch of slides that we can read aloud and then role-play for 20 minutes. Let's see what you wasted time and money on this year...

Wouldn't it just be easier to let us stay in our territories and sell and have our 2 regional meetings each year? Wouldn't that be more cost effective and a time saver? I don't want to sit and applause all 200 reps from 3 different divisions who reached 100% and I don't need them giving me applause. I certainly don't need to hear any speeches! Yay! You did your job, hooray! You didn't win a damn Oscar.

These meetings are a joke and a waste of time.

it's official......AZ was the biggest waste of time ever. I am so glad they are willing to drag the entire sales force out to a 3 day "what a great time to be with synvisc" bullshit-fest as job justification for the ever expanding training dept headed up by lil' mike tyson. it's as if upper mgt could get up to the mike and just state the obvious...."you all are only as good as your last performance report and you are lucky we let you work here". Thanks! I have never felt more diminished as a salesperson in my life. great role paying people! we rock!

Yep, it is official. This place is a joke. I thought it was after last year's meeting, but now I am absolutely positive at how pathetic and robotic management has become. Time to clean house and start over. I really can't wait to find a new gig.

such a painful meeting.....not even the crappy massage i got could undo the utter hell of watching the home office/mgt team drool all over themselves at how great they are.....bc we all know core messages and tracking calls per day is what sells synvisc.......right.

I agree --this meeting was SUCH a waste of time! home office people are so out of touch with reality!

and how about the code of conduct reminder ... do they think we are children???

Did anyone witness any "CODE" violations?? At least that would've been worth the trip to AZ!

regardless of how old the news is it's still disturbing that he's around. people do not feel comfortable in the presence of a live wire that corporate tends to ignore. had upper management done the right thing from the beginning employees would not feel this way.

that's such old news! it is what it is.

i guess not being able to expense bar tabs cut down on the fun this year ...?!

Totally agree. Management did not handle that situation well last year and has totally lost credibility. I don't understand how they decide who gets punished for poor behavior and who does not. I can not imagine anyone can take "Tyson" seriously anymore. How can he be in a leadership position? If I were his manager and saw him even take a sip of a beer after that altercation I would completely freak!

Our management team is such a joke.

saw him? how bout when lil tyson got up and handed out an award with a beer in his hand AT the podium! on stage! in front of everyone?!? it's a huge f.u. everyone that there are two sets of rules.......home office and field.