Nows the time to win in 2024

True story, worked at GSK 15 years, never worked a Monday or Friday with the exception of meetings, never worked past 2 pm, with the exception of ride alongs with manager, went to presidents club, and winners circle several years. The rep job is a joke, always has been and always will be.

True story, worked at GSK 15 years, never mastvrbated into a tissue on a Monday or Friday with the exception of meetings, never mastvrbated into a tissue past 2 pm, with the exception of ride alongs with manager, went to winners circle jerk for several years.

True story, worked at GSK 15 years, never worked a Monday or Friday with the exception of meetings, never worked past 2 pm, with the exception of ride alongs with manager, went to presidents club, and winners circle several years. The rep job is a joke, always has been and always will be.

Give me a break. Such a liar.

Give me a break. Such a liar.
Not a liar, everything I stated is true. You should hear the stories, pre sample accountability! Pre cell phone, Glaxo days! I personally knew a rep, that after college, came to Glaxo, had the company pay for their school, supposed to be at night, but they were full time drug rep, full time Law Student. Maybe worked 10 hour weeks, they went to presidents club one year too. They passed the bar and practice law. Glaxo paid for it too. Never caught. Knew another person who worked for Lilly, Wyeth, at the same time they were working a different territory for a different company Ciba Giegy. They did get caught, but they did it successfully for several years. Like I said the rep job is a joke, always has been, always will be.

Not a liar, everything I stated is true. You should hear the stories, pre sample accountability! Pre cell phone, Glaxo days! I personally knew a rep, that after college, came to Glaxo, had the company pay for their school, supposed to be at night, but they were full time drug rep, full time Law Student. Maybe worked 10 hour weeks, they went to presidents club one year too. They passed the bar and practice law. Glaxo paid for it too. Never caught. Knew another person who worked for Lilly, Wyeth, at the same time they were working a different territory for a different company Ciba Giegy. They did get caught, but they did it successfully for several years. Like I said the rep job is a joke, always has been, always will be.

Things that never happened.