The OP is correct. Its true for hundred of thousands of teachers across the county especially around big city suburbs. Total sham. Teachers making six figures in just a few years after their grad degree. And mega outgoing pensions and bennies. Teachers work only about half the year, meaning the salary is more inflated. Haven't you noticed they're off all summer. They get winter and sping week breaks, Christmas and Easter Holidays, numerous special holidays days during the year....what a life, what a taxpayer ripoff, lots have second jobs with all the time off. Time to pay them less, no pay during the excess time
over 2 or 3 weeks and required to contribute to healthcare and pension or get a 401K equivalent like private sector. Taxpayers have had enough. Average 38K teacher actually earns about 65-75K with all the time off and big bennies.

Keeping believing this under-informed drivel. And teaching, done well, is a tougher job than delivering sandwiches. I admit that when I was a kid, I contributed to their struggle. Better yet, why not just do without teachers?

Keeping believing this under-informed drivel. And teaching, done well, is a tougher job than delivering sandwiches. I admit that when I was a kid, I contributed to their struggle. Better yet, why not just do without teachers?

A fair wage it's not, an out of proportion wage it is. Been there done that. Do it a few years and its auto pilot. Wage that should be proporation to any job with the benefits and time off in proporation to any other job.

Unions will be the answer if the relationship between the haves and the have-nots is allowed to return to the conditions in the first quarter of the last century. There are lots of unionized professionals in this world and their country, their company, and their families are doing well and in balance. Tip that balance too much in any direction and problems arise. Foolish work rules in the public sector are not so much the result of union strong-arming as they are continual negligence of management responsibilities by your elected officials. As the child of two public school teachers, I can assure you that we did not roll in dough nor was their retirement payout such that they could toss around money for the 25 years that needed it. I learned my excellent work ethic mostly by absorbing my parents excellent work ethic. Traditionally most public sector professional employees are undercompensated in cash payments and overcompensated with retirement benefits - largely so short-term governing officials can make it look like they are balancing their budgets when in fact they are just deferring costs into the next administration.

The trash hauler makes more in salary, benefits and retirement than highly degreed research scientist on cutting edge of curing major diseases. This is the result of unions...

The trash hauler makes more in salary, benefits and retirement than highly degreed research scientist on cutting edge of curing major diseases. This is the result of unions...

With some of the results coming out of research, it might be fair to refer to some of the highly degreed research scientists as trash haulers as well.

I think that it is the result of bad management - governmental on the part of the trash hauler and commercial on the part of the scientist. Ironically, the lack of initiative to form a professional union could also be blamed. I know highly degreed non-management scientists and engineers at Boeing, for example that make 50% more than their counterparts in pharma. After 30 years their salary, including O/T will be more than the equivalent pharma Director's base pay. But they are unionized at Boeing. But having some effective leverage aka organized crime might explain lofty compensations for trash haulers as well.