There there there now. Why don't you be a good boy and come in from the window ledge. Mummy will fix you a nice cup of tea and we'll put all this silly anger away for today.

I agree. All these damn socialists in this country. Can't wait until Walker wins his battle in Wisconsin and Christie breaks the unions in NJ.

Let Capitalism free!

Ain't gonna happen in either state and Christie will be gone after 1 term, and will not get Obama's White House either. Keep dreaming.

Keep going. What ever happened to debtor's prisons? Oh, and let's all stop working for wages and start working only for stock options since we are such capitalists and feel such a sense of real partnership in this screwed-up company.

I agree. All these damn socialists in this country. Can't wait until Walker wins his battle in Wisconsin and Christie breaks the unions in NJ.

Let Capitalism free!

You sound like the same idiot from another thread. Not so fast on the Walker/Christie issue. Your Republican buddies have already softened the language in the bill. Now as a good little Limbaughite, start your chant:"Capitalism, Capitalism, Capitalism..." You are a pathetic clown. You have a CEO and board of directors who are managing shrinking profits. And to make sure they make their millions, they will continue to cut the sales force(the ones who truly bring the value and revenue to the company)until they can hit their targeted bonus pay out. Its economics 101-which you obviously didnt understand in school. Thats your definition of capitalism? Sounds more like elitism to me. Yeah, those big boys-their working real hard in their postions. Hitting the golf course, having dinner on the yacht, making a few personal calls from a plush office, sipping on champagne and caviar at a dinner function, going down to the tailor for their custom made suit, getting a massage, etc. By the way, tell me what our current CEO did-accomplishment wise-to get his position. And Vioxx litigation doesnt count because that was nothing but a disaster for the company. It started the beginning of the end.

Ain't gonna happen in either state and Christie will be gone after 1 term, and will not get Obama's White House either. Keep dreaming.

Sad to say but you're probably right. This is because of the growing "give me give me" population who think they're entitled to get everything the easy way, for free, and off the backs of people who actually work. We are becoming a nation of only workers and takers.Thanks to big federal and state governments and their endless taxation there will soon be no middle class. Work all your life and have nothing in the end. The groundswell of
the fed up is finally being heard and the Nov elections was the start. It will take a Christie, Rubio or true "Regan type" to turn it right.

We should be fed up with all of them:corporations and BIG government!!!
Union thug Czar is earning 500,000/year...if he loses "collective bargaining" his world is done in...why would union workers pay alot for nothing!!! It is over for the public unions--their time has hence is the democratic one can afford BIG government.
As for coporations...absolutely correct. The only thing that they have going is cutting the little guy off the food chain of life to make a profit. If BIG business had any ____s they would sue all the clients/universities/hospitals that would not "see" their reps for descrimination.
Even the coke vendor can get into institutions and sell their product.
Less government and less regulations...let us have tax breaks to develop our own businesses....forget all the BIG FAT Buttheads.

Sad to say but you're probably right. This is because of the growing "give me give me" population who think they're entitled to get everything the easy way, for free, and off the backs of people who actually work. We are becoming a nation of only workers and takers.Thanks to big federal and state governments and their endless taxation there will soon be no middle class. Work all your life and have nothing in the end. The groundswell of
the fed up is finally being heard and the Nov elections was the start. It will take a Christie, Rubio or true "Regan type" to turn it right.

Obama has grown the "give me, give me" crowd...when will we learn?

You sound like the same idiot from another thread. Not so fast on the Walker/Christie issue. Your Republican buddies have already softened the language in the bill. Now as a good little Limbaughite, start your chant:"Capitalism, Capitalism, Capitalism..." You are a pathetic clown. You have a CEO and board of directors who are managing shrinking profits. And to make sure they make their millions, they will continue to cut the sales force(the ones who truly bring the value and revenue to the company)until they can hit their targeted bonus pay out. Its economics 101-which you obviously didnt understand in school. Thats your definition of capitalism? Sounds more like elitism to me. Yeah, those big boys-their working real hard in their postions. Hitting the golf course, having dinner on the yacht, making a few personal calls from a plush office, sipping on champagne and caviar at a dinner function, going down to the tailor for their custom made suit, getting a massage, etc. By the way, tell me what our current CEO did-accomplishment wise-to get his position. And Vioxx litigation doesnt count because that was nothing but a disaster for the company. It started the beginning of the end.

They working plenty hard. And you will see, Walker will break the gimme Unions in Wisconsin and so will Christie. You bleeding heart socialists. Tax and spend.

Free up big business and you will see the jobs. Look how successful WalMart, Lowes and Home Depot are. Plenty of jobs right now.

Invest it Wall Street and make your money. Get the gov't off the back of business. So, what only a few get the rewards. I got mine!

They working plenty hard. And you will see, Walker will break the gimme Unions in Wisconsin and so will Christie. You bleeding heart socialists. Tax and spend.

Free up big business and you will see the jobs. Look how successful WalMart, Lowes and Home Depot are. Plenty of jobs right now.

Invest it Wall Street and make your money. Get the gov't off the back of business. So, what only a few get the rewards. I got mine!

Leave this guy alone-hes beyond help. We read his greed thoughts-pretty obvious that he is new to the working world. He will get his in his own due time. Move on

We should be fed up with all of them:corporations and BIG government!!!
Union thug Czar is earning 500,000/year...if he loses "collective bargaining" his world is done in...why would union workers pay alot for nothing!!! It is over for the public unions--their time has hence is the democratic one can afford BIG government.
As for coporations...absolutely correct. The only thing that they have going is cutting the little guy off the food chain of life to make a profit. If BIG business had any ____s they would sue all the clients/universities/hospitals that would not "see" their reps for descrimination.
Even the coke vendor can get into institutions and sell their product.
Less government and less regulations...let us have tax breaks to develop our own businesses....forget all the BIG FAT Buttheads.

Talking like a Tunisian. Go man!

Governor Walker was voted in with a mandate. You think the democrats/union people believe in democracy? Pelosi was free to do almost whatever she wanted with Obama for two years and you never seen that kind of behavior by the Republicans nor the Tea Party people. Comparing the event in WI to those in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, etc. was stupid. Those silly people demonstrating in Madison do not look that oppressed and some were, well, very well fed.

They working plenty hard. And you will see, Walker will break the gimme Unions in Wisconsin and so will Christie. You bleeding heart socialists. Tax and spend.

Free up big business and you will see the jobs. Look how successful WalMart, Lowes and Home Depot are. Plenty of jobs right now.

Invest it Wall Street and make your money. Get the gov't off the back of business. So, what only a few get the rewards. I got mine!

Please see this article by Michael Bloomberg concerning the balance between public employees value and their compensation. Demonizing public employees to gather votes is a short-sighted as your company demonizing employees in order to cover up the CEO's inability to create long-term value. Fix what is wrong and achieve better and more sustainable results. Walker and the Koch brothers are actually the best news unions have had in a long time. After America wakes up (it may 10-20 years) to the fact that fewer and fewer people are sustaining their standard of living while the upper 10% of society is wallowing in greed, organizations that provide a voice to the lower 90% will be back.

Please see this article by Michael Bloomberg concerning the balance between public employees value and their compensation. Demonizing public employees to gather votes is a short-sighted as your company demonizing employees in order to cover up the CEO's inability to create long-term value. Fix what is wrong and achieve better and more sustainable results. Walker and the Koch brothers are actually the best news unions have had in a long time. After America wakes up (it may 10-20 years) to the fact that fewer and fewer people are sustaining their standard of living while the upper 10% of society is wallowing in greed, organizations that provide a voice to the lower 90% will be back.

Unions are not the answer. Recent news is teacher with 3 years of experience leaves and gets a lifetime of benfits and more than 3/4 of outgoing salary? Public service workers bank sick time and walks away with a check for 175K plus cushy pensions and benfits all totalling millions.This is called insuring a working wage? Give me a break, its greed and taxpayer robbery. Top coroporate officers are known for greed but now 50% of the public sector is on the greed patrol too. Add to this out of control welfare, food stamps entitlements and the the country will collapse.

Unions will be the answer if the relationship between the haves and the have-nots is allowed to return to the conditions in the first quarter of the last century. There are lots of unionized professionals in this world and their country, their company, and their families are doing well and in balance. Tip that balance too much in any direction and problems arise. Foolish work rules in the public sector are not so much the result of union strong-arming as they are continual negligence of management responsibilities by your elected officials. As the child of two public school teachers, I can assure you that we did not roll in dough nor was their retirement payout such that they could toss around money for the 25 years that needed it. I learned my excellent work ethic mostly by absorbing my parents excellent work ethic. Traditionally most public sector professional employees are undercompensated in cash payments and overcompensated with retirement benefits - largely so short-term governing officials can make it look like they are balancing their budgets when in fact they are just deferring costs into the next administration.

Unions are not the answer. Recent news is teacher with 3 years of experience leaves and gets a lifetime of benfits and more than 3/4 of outgoing salary? Public service workers bank sick time and walks away with a check for 175K plus cushy pensions and benfits all totalling millions.This is called insuring a working wage? Give me a break, its greed and taxpayer robbery. Top coroporate officers are known for greed but now 50% of the public sector is on the greed patrol too. Add to this out of control welfare, food stamps entitlements and the the country will collapse.

Your recent news must have arrived from Fox Channel. My daughter is a teacher (in Wisconsin no less) and with 4 years of experience she makes $38,000/year. She is bright, motivated, hard-working, and a bargain for her employers. She took the job for all the right reasons and she accepts the obviously sub-par cash compensation because when she is 62 she can feel secure that her financial needs are very likely to be covered. They better be because she is never going to put the scratch together to make investments and fund her own retirement. I do not have any issue with adjusting future benefits as fitting relative to the rest of society but giving reactionary politicians the possibility of screwing people out of their agreements is criminally unethical. If we wish to be transparent, state and local governments can fund - in real time with real cash - retirement and health-care plans. And by the way, nobody feels particularly wealthy by spending a lot of money on medical interventions. There is a Yiddish expression (paraphrased) that wishes your enemies a million dollars but makes that amount insufficient to cover your medical bills.

Your recent news must have arrived from Fox Channel. My daughter is a teacher (in Wisconsin no less) and with 4 years of experience she makes $38,000/year. She is bright, motivated, hard-working, and a bargain for her employers. She took the job for all the right reasons and she accepts the obviously sub-par cash compensation because when she is 62 she can feel secure that her financial needs are very likely to be covered. They better be because she is never going to put the scratch together to make investments and fund her own retirement. I do not have any issue with adjusting future benefits as fitting relative to the rest of society but giving reactionary politicians the possibility of screwing people out of their agreements is criminally unethical. If we wish to be transparent, state and local governments can fund - in real time with real cash - retirement and health-care plans. And by the way, nobody feels particularly wealthy by spending a lot of money on medical interventions. There is a Yiddish expression (paraphrased) that wishes your enemies a million dollars but makes that amount insufficient to cover your medical bills.

The OP is correct. Its true for hundred of thousands of teachers across the county especially around big city suburbs. Total sham. Teachers making six figures in just a few years after their grad degree. And mega outgoing pensions and bennies. Teachers work only about half the year, meaning the salary is more inflated. Haven't you noticed they're off all summer. They get winter and sping week breaks, Christmas and Easter Holidays, numerous special holidays days during the year....what a life, what a taxpayer ripoff, lots have second jobs with all the time off. Time to pay them less, no pay during the excess time
over 2 or 3 weeks and required to contribute to healthcare and pension or get a 401K equivalent like private sector. Taxpayers have had enough. Average 38K teacher actually earns about 65-75K with all the time off and big bennies.